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Web 2.0

Aktion Freiheit statt Angst in Social Networks

Aside our many web pages you can find us in various social networks.


You may find us at


  Diaspora with our actual articles
  Youtube some videos
  Vimeo  some videos
  Flickr with over 1000 pictures
  Twitter with more than 4000 tweets

  Mastodon with links to all of our articles
  Meetup with important dates
  tumblr with a lot of our articles
  Bewegung taz with a lot of our articles

Until early 2013, we were also active on facebook. The many data scandals and the handling of the user by changing the privacy policy to our disadvantage has led us to the decision not to post any messages there. Read more at  "Die ungewollte Einwilligung im Fall von Facebook".
Here is list of all the "benefits" of facebook in recent years.

Category[13]: Ressourcen Short-Link to this page:
Link to this page:
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/4320-web-2-0.html
Tags: #Web2.0 #Twitter #Facebook #Diaspora #Vimeo #Youtube #Flickr #Taz #Meetup #Bitmessage #Tumblr #sozialeNetzwerke #AktionFsA #FsaMitteilung
Created: 2014-05-21 14:18:44
Hits: 78851

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CC license   European Civil Liberties Network   Bundesfreiwilligendienst   We don't store your data   World Beyond War   Use Tor router   Use HTTPS   No Java   For Transparency

logos Mitglied im European Civil Liberties Network Creative Commons Bundesfreiwilligendienst We don't store user data World Beyond War Tor - The onion router HTTPS - use encrypted connections We don't use JavaScript For transparency in the civil society