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25.04.2014 TPP und TTIP: Zensur und Ende der Netzneutralität

TTIP will bring censorship for the internet and end net neutrality

1. Censorship of our Internet

The TPP Internet censorship plan is being finalized in secret meetings right now.  We're teaming up with several other  organizations and millions of people to block it.

Here's the situation: President Obama himself is in secretive meetings with key political figures and lobbyists in Asia to lock the Trans-Pacific Partnership's Internet censorship plan into place.

We know from leaked documents that this secretive plan will censor your use of the Internet and strip away your rights. If finalized, this plan would force ISPs to act as "Internet Police", monitoring our Internet use, censoring content, and removing whole websites.

It will give media conglomerates centralized control over what you can watch and share online.

Once key leaders finalize TPP Internet censorship plans it will be used to globalize censorship across the world. This may be our only chance to stop it. We urgently need your help to fight back. Add your voice right now and  we'll project a Stop the Secrecy message on key buildings in Washington D.C. to ensure Obama, the media, and everyone else knows this censorship plan must be stopped.

2. Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission is now moving to end net neutrality. 

Three months ago, Demand Progress and RootsAction joined with allied   groups to deliver a petition with a million signatures to the FCC in   support of net neutrality -- to keep the whole Internet available to  everyone.

Last night, the news broke that the FCC intends to blow us off and betray  the principle of equal access to the Internet.

When he received those 1 million signatures in January, the FCC chairman said (awkwardly): "One of the great things about what the Internet does  and why it needs to stay open, it enables people to organize and express  themselves. A million people? That's boffo!"

Chairman Wheeler apparently thought a pat on the head would satisfy us. It certainly will not. We don't want empty rhetoric -- we want a commitment to the democratic principle of net neutrality.

Yesterday, Wheeler, a former cable lobbyist, revealed proposed new rules   -- drafted by himself -- that would end net neutrality. Big corporations would pay for faster delivery of their content, making it difficult for smaller operations to compete.

Ironically, last night's news of the FCC's impending action emerged on the same day that Brazil created the world's first Internet bill of rights --  protecting exactly the democratic principles that Chairman Wheeler and his FCC cohorts are on the verge of assaulting.

Sign now!

Petition against censorship of the Internet

Petition for net neutralty

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Kommentar: RE: 20140425 TPP und TTIP: Zensur und Ende der Netzneutralität

Dampf machen gegen TTIP – unter diesem Motto hat das Bündnis "TTIP
unfairhandelbar" am 6.05.2014 in Berlin gegen das geplante
transatlantische Freihandelsabkommen TTIP demonstriert. Was Europas
Bürgerinnen und Bürgern durch das TTIP blüht, hat auch der Berliner
Wassertisch umfangreich dokumentiert.

Das TTIP droht durch den Abbau von sogenannten Handelshemmnissen
Standards im Umwelt- und Verbraucher-, Daten- und Arbeitnehmerschutz zu
senken, die Regulierung der Finanzmärkte auszuhebeln und
Privatisierungen zu erleichtern. Zudem drohen milliardenschwere
Konzernklagen gegen Staaten, deren Gesetze die Gewinnerwartungen von
Investoren mindern. Die Verhandlungen werden im Austausch mit
zahlreichen Konzernvertretern unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit
geführt. Nur wenige Dokumente gelangten bisher ans Tageslicht.

"Wenn Konzerne Staaten verklagen können, sobald sie ihre
Gewinnerwartungen durch Regulierungen geschmälert sehen, wird den
Parlamenten die Möglichkeit genommen, Gesetze im Interesse der
Bürger_innen zu erlassen – es droht ein einschneidender

U.,  07.05.2014 15:15

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Tags: #ACTA #TPP #USA #EU #Asien #TTIP #IPRED #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Meinungsfreiheit #Internetsperren #Netzneutralitaet #TelcomsPackage
Created: 2014-04-25 07:06:59
Hits: 2363

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