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02.07.2013 Pressemitteilung: Asyl für Edward Snowden!

Press Release: Asylum for Edward Snowden!

Whistleblower has applied for asylum in 21 countries

Press release from Action Freedom not Fear e.V.

The whistleblower Edward Snowden has been sought asylum in 21 countries, including in Germany. The working group of police, intelligence and military in Action Freedom Not Fear is calling on the federal government to grant him asylum for his service to Europe and especially for Germany as the most country affected in the EU.

That would send a clear signal that a policy of mutual spying and monitoring like during the Cold War should stay in the dustbin of history. At the same time we have to realize that the schizophrenic slogan of several German Interior Ministers, like Zimmermann, Schily Schäuble up to Friedrich "We limit our freedom to act better against the enemies of our freedom" may not persist.

Action Freedom not Fear condemns the action of the U.S. to explain Snowden's passport invalid, although he has not been spoken guilty of any crime so far. This approach is reminiscent of the expatriation of dissidents in the former GDR. Thus, the U.S. government uses citizenship as a weapon and again violates a human right.

Just like Bradley Manning Edward Snowden has contributed to the detection of crime. If you do not honor him for it in the U.S., so you should treat him at least as a respectable witness and not as "the enemy" and finally the U.S. should take action against the real culprits.

Action Freedom not Fear e.V., July 2nd 2013

For more information e-mail

Comment: RE: 20130702 Press Release: Asylum for Edward Snowden!

Therefore I have written a letter to the empassadors of those countries whichso far have offered asylum for Edward Snowden.

Muy estimadas Señoras, muy estimados Señores!
Siento la obligación de felicitar á los hombres y las mujeres de Venezuela por su gobierno verdaderamente soberano.
Dí asilo al Señor Snowden sin retórica de cameradería subalterna y no obstante de los intentos a intimidación. Es razon der ser orgullosos y orgullosas para la gente de Venezuela - al contrario de la gente de muchos otros estados a quienes les dan vergüenza sus representantes lameculos, masochistas ó acomplices.

Les saluda con respeto altísimo


Dear Ladies and Sirs!
I feel the urge to congratulate the people of Venezuela on their truly sovereign government.
It has offered asylum to Mr Snowden - without subaltern rhetoric of partnership and in spite of all attempts at intimidation. The people of Venezuela can be proud of this - as opposed to those of many other states who are compelled to feel ashamed of their brown-nosing and masochist or accomplice-representatives.

With deepest respect
Reinhard ...,16.07.2013  16:23

  RE: 20130702 Pressemitteilung: Asyl für Edward Snowden!

Hier für ihn eine Petition unterschreiben:

Susi, 10.12.13 14:21

 RE: 20130702 Pressemitteilung: Asyl für Edward Snowden!

1,4 Millionen Brasilianer haben mit ihrer Unterschriften für eine Aufnahme des ehemaligen US-Geheimdienstmitarbeiters Edward Snowden in dem südamerikanischen Land gekämpft. In einem symbolischen Akt sind der Regierung in Brasilien mehr als eine Million übergeben worden. (s. )

Sam, 15.02.2014 2:34


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Tags: #FsaMitteilung #Asyl #EdwardSnowden #Whistleblower #Ueberwachung #Geheimdienste
Created: 2013-07-02 07:42:41
Hits: 3655

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