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freedomnotfear2009 - Help Page
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Find activists/participating countries/cities

  1. See “Concept” to identify possible partners
  2. None in your country –> for example or and other ressources

Become active yourself

  1. Which performance/event? Demonstration or protest march? Arts action, performances? Flashmobs? Speakers? Cultural programme, music?
  2. Set up a planing and campaigning page for your country (see below)
  3. Name/delegate one responsible for press and media relations; Mail with contact data to  contact[at]freedomnotfear2009[dot]org
  4. Subscribe to the international mailinglist:

Find supporter

  1. Activate as many organisations as possible to support you – not only privacy&digital rights activists, but also unions, associations, churches, human and civilrights organizations
    • Template letter to supporter
    • Template letter to speakers


  1. Contact data into overview, planning page and send it by mail to contact[at]freedomnotfear2009[dot]org
  2. Procedures and contact persons can be found at:
    • Press office
  3. Open Web 2.0-Accounts(one per country as main hubs, will be all be aggregated at a central account):
    • Twitter
    • Youtube
    • Flickr
    • Facebook
    • …?
  4. Always publish under CC-BY!
  5. send Account-addresses (not passwords) to contact[at]freedomnotfear2009[dot]org
  6. Write national/local press release; send it by mail to contact[at]freedomnotfear2009[dot]org (will be published on this blog!)
  7. Invite national free radio and TV-broadcasting station, to partecipate; try to set up a national “consortium” of those broadcasters, working together

Setting up national organisational page

  1. national planning and campaigning plattform under (replace xx with your 2-digit country code (ISO))
  2. To get a planning page and login data, please send a mail to contact[at]freedomnotfear2009[dot]org

Please refer to as an example.


  1. Regular telephone conferences (via Skype) (see “Coordination“)
  2. Chat-Room (see “Coordination“)
  3. Int. Press-Office (see “Press“)

Category[39]: Demo Freiheit statt Angst 2009 Short-Link to this page:
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Created: 2010-01-01 14:11:42
Hits: 1928

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