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11.02.2012 ContrACTA statt ACTA

Stand up against ACTA!

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, was signed by the European Union and 22 of its member states recently. And it could ruin the internet as we know it.

Eight countries, including the United States, signed this last fall. Called "SOPA light", it is a global treaty that authorizes the policing of the internet and its users, and ultimately, the censorship of it.

This would hurt the freedom of expression, civil and digital rights, fair use rights, and the right to privacy. Strict penalties, including prison sentences, would be enforced for violations of ACTA.

Please sign this petition and join in standing up againt censorship!

ContrACTA but ACTA!

Julia Reda has posted a counter-proposal on her Internetpage. That's the way an international treaty should look like ... and it dosn't need a few hundred pages.



There is to be no censorship.
There is to be no data retention.

Section 1: Access To Creative Works

Article 1
All publicly funded cultural or scientific works are freely accessible to everyone. Everyone may use these works without limitation.

Article 2
Every state ensures barrier-free access to its cultural heritage to all people. Archives and museums are funded in accordance to this, digitalization and modernization of archived material is promoted.

Article 3
All non-commercial copying and utilization of works is legal. The potential benefits of open access to works far outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Article 4
Copyright enforcement must not be transferred from the legal to the technological layer. Bypassing technical copy protection is legal.

Section 2: Access To Infrastructure

Article 5
Each state ensures that everyone has free and equal access to digital communications.

Article 6
No state employs technical measures to seal off its local public networks from other parts of the world. Each state ensures that services in those networks are not blocked to people in other countries.

Article 7
Every state protects the free and equal use of the public internet against the interests of private corporations that operate it. This free and equal use is also respected by institutions of the states themselves. There is to be no filtering or manipulation of transferred content.

Article 8
In order to protect internet freedom and innovation, net neutrality, i.e. the equal treatment of all users and data by internet service providers, is ensured through government regulation.

Section 3: Patents

Article 9
The purpose of patent law is to optimally advance innovation. Patent terms are therefore shortened to the point of minimal obstruction to the diffusion of new accomplishments, thereby impeding the emergence of monopolies.

Article 10
Patents on ideas, living beings, mathematics, business models or software can not be issued.

Section 4: Transparency

Article 11
Following the principle of transparent government, contracts between public entities and private corporations are made public, contract negotiations are publicly documented.


Article 12
National legislative bodies and civil interest groups are included in the consultation on international treaties at an early stage. The current status of negotiations is shared with the public right from the start.


Section 5: Final Provisions


Get over it


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Tags: #FsaMitteilung #ACTA #USA #EU #Internetsperren #Zensur #Zugangserschwerungsgesetz
Created: 2012-02-01 19:01:14
Hits: 6043

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