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23.01.2011 Iran sperrt IP Adressen des TOR Netzwerks
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23.01.2011: Internet censorship in Iran

Die Betreiber der Tor Proxy Ketten zum anonymen Surfen haben beobachtet, dass ihre IP Adressen von iranischen Providern gesperrt werden und dass es Versuche gab verschlüsselte SSL Verbindungen ganz zu unterbinden. Freiwillige in Europa und Südostasien haben deshalb bereits Proxy-Server  eingeschränkt für den iranischen IP-Raum aufgesetzt.

Here's a quick update on what we're seeing from Tor clients in Iran. This is an update to It appears that one of the five Iranian ISPs is experimenting in blocking censorship circumvention tools; such as Tor, Freegate, Ultrasurf, and Hot Spot Shield. There have been reports that this update to censorship technologies was coming soon,

Previously, we had data suggesting that ssl-connections were being throttled or experiencing a forced reduced-throughput. A few volunteers in Europe and SE Asia have setup proxy servers restricted to Iranian IP space.

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Tags: #Ueberwachung #Iran #ssl #tor #Internetsperren #Netzneutralitaet #Anonymisierung #Privatsphaere
Created: 2011-01-23 09:37:27
Hits: 5356

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