Statement on the general concept of the European Union towards Data ProtectionAs part of the discussion process for the amendment to the Directive on Data Protection in Europe, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. (action alliance Freedom not Fear) has submitted a proposal on some issues. The complete documents in .pdf format
Short versionIn the following we want to draw your attention to some points in your concept. To our mind these points need to be carefully considered and treated with special attention. Importance of the EU Directive on Data ProtectionThe EU directive on data protection has already played an important role in the creation of a common minimum European standard of data protection. This will be true for the future. But just as now there will be states in Europe which see from their national characteristics the need for advanced data protection standards. For further time the directive should allow this, and should in no way define an upper limit for data protection in Europe. Inspired by local needs, only then new ideas can be tested and flow into a further European regulation. The “right to be forgotten” on the InternetStrengthening the interests and rights of consumers, we support all measures that create and promote the "right to be forgotten" on the internet. This includes:
No silent consent to data storage Unfortunately in the draft submitted by the Commission the Opt-Out process is being propagated. Thus a person is usually not asked in advance whether his data should be stored or not. If the customer does not want the data to be stored he or she must be active on his or her own. Strict earmarkingThe processing of personal data always requires a well-defined purpose. This purpose has to be set before the first recording of the data is done and has to be announced to the persons concerned. Only under these circumstances the person can agree "in knowledge of the facts" (see above). Furthermore the stored data has to be reprocessed for this (!) agreed purpose only. Most important is that it should not be allowed to combine the data with data collected from other purposes. Data Mining Due to our position to strict earmarking, we also think that the use of personal data in data mining processes must be prohibited. As the German “Datenschutzbeauftragten von Bund und Ländern” (privacy officers of the Federation and German federal countries) have already stated in March 2000,2) personal data should never be linked with other databases or other data than the one that was agreed on by the customer when the data was stored. In a resolution at that time they underlined the following: "According to the fundamental rights of earmarking, personal data can only be processed within the limits of the purposes authorized by law or mutual agreement. The storage of personal data in a general-purpose data warehouse detaches it from its original purpose and means a storage on hoard without earmarking". No differential treatment of police data (europol, eurojust) In Chapter 2.3 you have correctly pointed out that the data protection regulations of the various European States according to the police and judicial cooperation vary widely. In addition, the existing European regulations have so far failed to achieve an improvement of data protection in this area. With the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty there now is a possibility to enforce a common solution.
In addition, under a European directive on freedom of information it has to be guaranteed that citizens can also get information about the actions of police and security agencies. Narrow-minded exceptions, as occurred in the German Freedom of Information Act must not be repeated at European level. Further Remarks In the following we want to confirm some of your claims/findings from our point of view and hope that they will be found in the new privacy law regulations as well.
Links1 Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V.; https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/aktivitaeten.htm 2 Resolution of the 59. Conference of Data Protection Supervisor Bund/Länder ,March 14./15. 2000; http://www.datenschutz-mv.de/dschutz/beschlue/ent59.html 3 Framework Decision 2008/977/JI of the Council, Nov. 27. 2008 on the protection of personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (ABl. L 350 of Dec 30. 2008, p. 60) Category[26]: Verbraucher- & ArbeitnehmerInnen-Datenschutz Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/1wk Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/1802-20110110-aktion-freiheit-statt-angst-macht-verbesserungsvorschlaege-fuer-datenschutz.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/1802-20110110-aktion-freiheit-statt-angst-macht-verbesserungsvorschlaege-fuer-datenschutz.html Tags: #Aktivitaet #Stellungnahme #Gesamtkonzept #Datenschutz #EuropaeischeUnion #AktionFsA #EU #Vorschlaege #Verbesserung Created: 2011-01-12 17:47:52 Hits: 10755 Leave a Comment |
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