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Terrorgefahr und Sicherheitshysterie

bildungsangebote_default_smallTerrorgefahr und Sicherheitshysterie



Threat of terrorism and security hysteria

Category: Democracy & Law, Security & Surveillance
Duration: 2x 1,5h
Art: Workshop
Reference: Manfred von Ardenne Schule am 27.1.10


The pupils in grades 9-13 get an introduction to the topic of discussion in working groups to the following topics:

  •          Are body scanners and the retention of flight passenger data useful?
  •          Internet censorship - censorship against political protest
  •          Should the government know anything?

At least since the 11th September 2001the topic of "democracy and civil rights" gets  an intensified  and increasing attention. As part of the demand for bigger powers and more legislative measures to combat international terrorism and organized crime, often the protection and defense of our fundamental rights and even the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is necessary.

The protection and defense of our fundamental rights are perceived in parts of the political debate as inflammatory and not contemporary. Another part of our society insistson our  standards as constitutive and thus indisponibel. Examples include disputes over the validity of the absolute prohibition of torture, the permissibility of the use of armed forces against a possibly hijacked civilian aircraft or the use of "online searches", "body scanners", etc.

Overall, the European Security Strategy includes a number of different measures, concepts, technologies and legislation. The topic is not only important for Germany or the technical supervision and censorship on the Internet. A special group in the grid of the security agenda are, for example, refugees at the outside borders of the EU.

The expert examination of the subject requires a solid knowledge of the measures already taken and planned measures and their impact on the individual and society. The workshops provide an overview of the complex topic and show prospects for action.

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