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08.02.2010 UK: 14 Millionen Kfz-Kennzeichen pro Tag
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08.02.2010   UK: 14 Millionen Kfz-Kennzeichen pro Tag erfasst

Die Polizei in England und Wales hat mehr als 10.000 ANPR Kameras, die ständig automatisch Kfz-Kennzeichen erfassen. Bis zu 50 Millionen Kennzeichen könnten z.Zt. erfasst werden.

Einige Kameras erfassen auch Bilder der Fahrzeugführer. Diese werden bis zu einem Jahr gespeichert.

Police have more than 10,000 ANPR cameras

All but two of England and Wales' police forces are passing data to the National ANPR Data Centre, run by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo).

Acpo told GC that the centre is currently taking data from 10,502 ANPR enabled cameras. Forces use their own equipment, but also take data from converted CCTV cameras run by local authorities. It added that the centre is currently recording 10m to 14m numberplates per day, although it has the capacity for 50m.

Some police forces also use their ANPR cameras to capture larger images of drivers and passengers for up to one year, although these are not stored on Acpo's central database.

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Created: 2010-02-08 10:14:49
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