05.02.2010: Bis zu 22.800 Online Verbindungsabfragen pro Polizist und JahrEine Untersuchung von CNET in den USA hat zu Tage gebracht, dass Online Abfragen inzwischen zum Tagesgeschäft gehören und öfter durchgeführt werden als mancher Bürger denkt.Police survey provides glimpse of Net-surveillance figuresEven a relatively small group of 100 police working on online investigations reports submitting as many as 22,800 legal requests for information a year to Internet and e-mail providers, a category that includes both subpoenas and search warrants.CNET has reviewed a presentation scheduled to be given at a federal task force meeting on Thursday, which says that the survey respondents said they submitted a total of anywhere from 2,868 to 22,800 requests for information a year. (See one excerpt and another.) "Most Internet users do not realize how often the government is demanding personal information from companies, often without judicial oversight, and how often companies turn it over," says Nicole Ozer, technology director for the ACLU of Northern California.No US law requires that the number of subpoenas and search warrants sent to Internet and e-mail providers be made public. Federal law does require the disclosure of certain types of wiretaps--in 2004, for instance, there were 1,442 nonterrorism-related wiretaps, and only 4 percent targeted computers and electronic devices. Mehr dazu bei http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10447269-38.html Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/1im Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/1049-20100205-bis-zu-22800-online-verbindungsabfragen-pro-polizist-und-jahr.html Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/1049-20100205-bis-zu-22800-online-verbindungsabfragen-pro-polizist-und-jahr.html Tags: #Verbindungsabfrage #Polizei #USA #Ueberwachung #cnet #aclu #Verbraucherdatenschutz Created: 2010-02-05 08:31:14 Hits: 3728 Leave a Comment |
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