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25.01.2010 Fliegende Kameras gegen Graffiti und Verkehrssünder
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UK police plan to use CCTV drones overhead

UK police are planning on using unmanned spy drones to patrol the British skies in an effort to track more crime. The same type of drones that were used in Afghanistan will now be used to catch fly-tippers and anti-social drivers.

The drones have failed to find Osama bin Laden, but it’s good to know that they can find fly-tippers and anti-social drivers. You absolutely would never be able to find the latter two without regular police work. If these are the same type of drones that the Taliban snooped upon, it will be interesting, and entertaining, to see what happens with drones used on the British yobs.

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Tags: #Drohne #CCTV #Video #Videoueberwachung #Polizei #UK #GB #Taliban #Verkehrsueberwachung #Verbraucherdatenschutz
Created: 2010-01-25 08:00:12
Hits: 3880

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