ARTICLE 29 DATA PROTECTION WORKING PARTY wurde beim Swift Abkommen ignoriert
aus der Presserklärung der Article 29 Working Party held its 73rd plenary session in Brussels on November 30 and December 1, 2009
The Article 29 Working Party expressed its deep regrets for not having been consulted earlier,
and strongly reiterated its wish to be consulted in the drafting process of the mandate for the
future agreement in the coming months.
The Article 29 Working Party decided to closely explore the data protection issues related to the
new SWIFT agreement, covering in particular the issue of implementation of the current
agreement in Member States, the mechanism of the joint review, the substance of the next
SWIFT agreement and the effective safeguards of the rights of data subjects.
siehe dort 30.11.-01.12.2009 Artikel-29-Datenschutzgruppe - Mitteilung für die Presse - 73. Sitzung, 30 November - 1 Dezember 2000
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Tags: #EU #Datenschutz #Artikel29 #Swift #Bankdaten #Kontodaten #Verbraucherdatenschutz
Erstellt: 2010-01-13 08:51:31 Aufrufe: 3557
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