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Stop Orwell 2020 gegen permanente Überwachung! Unschuldsvermutung bewahren! |
Unternehmenskategorie | Mitarbeiter | Umsatz | Bilanzsumme total |
Medium-sized | < 250 | ≤ 50 Mio € | ≤ 43 Mio € |
Small | < 50 | ≤ 10 Mio € | ≤ 10 Mio € |
Micro | < 10 | ≤ 2 Mio € | ≤ 2 Mio € |
Die Exekutivagentur für Kleine- und Mittlere Unternehmen, unter dem englischen Direktor Patrick Lambert, hat drei Departements. Die drei verschiedene Departements haben ebenfalls jeweils drei Abteilungen mit unterschiedlichen Unterabteilungen. Das Organigramm ist von Juli 2015 und stellt derzeituge die Struktur dar. Die EASME bringt die sogenannten KMU- bzw. SME-Instrumete zur Anwendung.
Zugang zu den Mitteln der EASME im Rahmen von Horizont 2020 haben nicht nur Mitglieder der Europäischen Union sondern darüber hinaus Norwegen, Israel, Island und die Türkei.
update (19.02.2016): Seit April 2015 auch die Ukraine.
Die Europäische Kommission sucht nach hochinnovatien KMUs, die hohe Wachstumsmöglichkeiten versprechen. Die Unternehmen müssen zudem die Ambitionen haben, sich in globalen Märkten zu behaupten und durchzusetzen zu wollen. Dazu hat die EU-Kommission, durch die EASME sogenannte KMU-Instrumente bereitgestellt um solche Firmen zu fördern. Die Förderungsmöglichenkeiten sind in drei Phasen gegliedert.
In der ersten Phase unterstützt die EU jedes Unternehmen mit bis zu 50.000 €. Die Förderung wird für die Erstellung eines Konzept und eine Machbarkeitsstudie gewährt. Von der Idee bis zum Konzept dürfen nicht mehr als 6 Monate vergehen. Der Antrag soll ca. 10 Seiten lang sein.
In der zweiten Phase geht es darum das Konzept bis zur Marktreife zu Entwickeln. Vorgesehen ist das dies auf den Businessplan von Phase 1 beruht, dies ist aber nicht notwendiger weise so. Die EU bietet eine Fördersumme zwischen 500.000 € und 2,5 Mio € an. Vom Konzept bis zur Marktreife beinhaltet explizit auch Forschung- und Entwicklungsvorhaben. Der einzureichende Businessplan soll um die 30 Seiten umfassen.
In der 3. Phase handelt es sich um die Markteinführung. Hier will die EU die Unternehmen nicht mit Finanziellen mitteln Fördern sondern, will durch Mentoring, Training und durch den "Zugang zum Kapitalmarkt" unter den Unternehmen Arme greifen.
zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt haben in den Jahren 2014 und 2015 953 Projekte eine Föderung von der EASME für die Phase 1 bekommen.
zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt haben in den Jahren 2014 und 2015 213 Projekte eine Föderung von der EASME für die Phase 2 bekommen.
KMU-Instrumente Phase1
KMU-Instrumente Phase2
Anzahl der Projekte nach Länder
(Stand Juni 2015)
ID | Country | City | Beneficiary | Website | Proposal Acronym | Long name | Call Deadline Date | Topic |
1 | Austria | Graz | VASCOPS | www.vascops.com | BARAT | Biomechancial Aneurysm Risk Assessment Trial | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
2 | Austria | Graz | CNSystems Medizintechnik AG | www.cnsystems.com | CNAP HD | Continuous Non-invasive diagnosis of Arterial Pressure and Hemodynamics | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
3 | Austria | GRAZ | G TEC | www.gtec.at | COMAWARE | COMmunication and Assessment With Adaptive Realtime Environments | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
4 | Austria | Bruck an der Mur | Innofreight | www.innofreight.at | ITECCO | Innovative Transport Equipment for Coal, Coke and Ore | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
5 | Austria | WIEN | VCE | www.vce-consult.at | MONOFFSHORE | Autonomous Monitoring Unit for Offshore Applications | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
6 | Austria | ST. MARIENKIRCHEN | FRAUSCHER SENSORTECHNIK GMBH | www.frauscher.com | OpticTrainDetection | Optical and Acousto-optic Sensor Technology for Railway-Applications | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
7 | Austria | Wien | Attoquant | www.attoquant.com | PANOSTICS | The AA2-Ratio: A Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Primary Aldosteronism | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
8 | Austria | Wien | Arsanis Biosciences GmbH | www.arsanis.com | Pro-Staph-ID | Clinical biomarker and rapid diagnostic test for Staphylococcus aureus induced ventilator-associated pneumonia | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
9 | Austria | Wien | Sign Time GmbH | www.signtime.tv | SiMAX | SiMAX – translation machine for sign language | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
10 | Austria | Vienna | PIDSO GmbH | www.pidso.com | TRACKANT | Mobile Smart Tracking Antenna System for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
11 | Austria | Vienna | Schiebel | www.schiebel.net | UPAC S-100 | Feasibility study for URBAN PROTECTION AVIATION COPTER S-100 | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
12 | Austria | Graz | NextSense Mess- und Prüfsysteme GmbH | CALIPRI | CALIPRI - an easily customisable all purpose optical gauge for 2D-profiles. | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
13 | Austria | Graz | CSD Labs GmbH | eMurmur | eMurmur, a software based, clinically tested medical device for automated heart murmur detection | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
14 | Austria | Wiener Neudorf | Fresnex GmbH | helioSTEAM | A novel concentrated solar steam system for industrial applications with a high degree of pre-manufacturing at extremely low prices. | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
15 | Austria | Vienna | TAmiRNA GmbH | OsteomiR | OsteomiR-Test – An In-Vitro Test for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis and associated Fracture Risk | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
16 | Austria | Wien | INS Insider Navigation Systems | ParkBee | Private garages’ access system, through a real-time and keyless solution, for cheaper and faster prime inner-city parking. | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
17 | Austria | Vienna | Biomarker Design Forschungs GmbH | Safe Gestation | Feasibility study for clinical validation of NTproCNP as a novel biomarker for pregnancy complications | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
18 | Austria | GRAZ | GREENETICA GmbH | SEFI | Solar Energy for Food Industry | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
19 | Austria | Vienna | Green4Cities GmbH | Soltile | A roof integrated solar tile system to develop cost-effective distributed solar power generation. | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
20 | Austria | WIEN | XYLEM | www.xylem-technologies.com | SEMERGY | Energy efficient and sustainable building planning | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
21 | Belgium | Louvain-la-Neuve | DNAlytics | www.dnalytics.com | ADDITION | Arthritis Differential DIagnostic validaTION | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
22 | Belgium | Soignies | Prefarails | www.prefarails.eu | eco-railjacket | Total Full Ecologic Embedded Railways Jacket System | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
23 | Belgium | GENT | OWS NV | www.ows.be | ELECTHANE | Microbiological conversion of renewable electricity and CO2 to a natural gas quality bio-fuel | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
24 | Belgium | HEVERLEE | ARATANA THERAPEUTICS NV | www.okapi-sciences.com | FACTs | Fast Acting Virus Control Strategies for Production Animal Diseases | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
25 | Belgium | Elsene | Caming Solutions | FMCONTAINERS | Fast Moving Containers Caming Solutions | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
26 | Belgium | NIEL | MTP | www.multiplicom.com | MIRCAB | Validation of diagnostic and/or prognostic miRNAs in triple-negative breast cancer | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
27 | Belgium | Kluisbergen | Bekina Boots | www.bekina.be | PASSIONATE | Providing Active Safety Shoes based On Nano Technologies | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
28 | Belgium | Leuven | Formac Pharmaceuticals NV | www.formacpharma.com | USODA | Upscaling Synthesis of Ordered mesoporous silica material for Drug delivery Applications | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
29 | Belgium | Destelbergen | Mazaro nv | RVT | The Reversible Variable Transmission – Visionary Transmission for unprecedented Fuel, CO2 and Cost Savings | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
30 | Belgium | KASTERLEE | VANDENBORRE ENERGY SYSTEMS NV | SOLENCO | Market study for Solenco Power Box, a zero-carbon small-scale local energy storage product. Potential application as missing link in residential PV uptake (residential and commercial buildings) | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
31 | Belgium | Boortmeerbeek | Knowliah nv/sa | www.knowliah.com | CHoKO | Clearing House for Knowledge Options (CHoKO) - creating a marketplace for knowledge | 17.06.2015 | SME business model innovation |
32 | Belgium | Heverlee (Leuven) | Latramis | www.latramis.com/ | Foodakai-1 | Foodakai-1: Feasibility Assessment of an Intelligent Consumer App for Early Warning on Food Threats | 17.06.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs |
33 | Belgium | Wijnegem | Novosanis | www.novosanis.com | VALPAS | VALidation of human PApilloma virus assays on Self-collected first void urine samples | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
34 | Bulgaria | Varna | CORES | http://coresbg.eu | ZEBCOM | Zero Emission Robot-Boat for Coastal and Inland Water Monitoring | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
35 | Bulgaria | Sofia | Comac Medical Ltd. | www.comac-medical.com | FrEBT | Improving diagnostics of respiratory diseases and boosting the COMAC MEDICAL Ltd. competitiveness and growth by validation of fractional EBT biomarker through new method of measurement and device | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
36 | Croatia | Sveta Nedelja | Rimac | www.rimac-automobili.com | HybridBatteryPack | Hybrid Battery Pack | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
37 | Croatia | Zagreb | Amphinicy Technologies | www.amphinicy.com | Blink | Software, not Hardware: Revolutionising Satellite Data Acquisition | 17.06.2015 | Space research and development |
38 | Cyprus | Viomichaniki Periochi Ergaton | Elysee Irrigation Ltd | www.elysee.com.cy | FILMCO | Greenhouse film covers with tailor-made properties for enhanced performance | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
39 | Cyprus | Larnaca | Aqualligence | www.aqualligence.com | WATERGUARD | Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threatsusing the SmartTap Platform | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
40 | Czech Republic | BRNO | GPI | DIMINU | Decentralised diminished mineralization incineration unit for dewatered sewage sludge lends resource efficient low-carbon electricity generation | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
41 | Czech Republic | BRNO | ENANTIS S.R.O | FGFSTAB | Industrial Production of Stable Fibroblast Growth Factors for Broad Therapeutic, Research, and Personal Care Applications | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability | |
42 | Czech Republic | Brno | Kinalisoft s.r.o. | www.kinalisoft.eu | Gait Biometrics 3 | Main goal of the project is to create a prototype of the software, which will be able to identify peoplejust based on the way how they walk. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
43 | Czech Republic | Velké Bílovice | Matapo | BlindShell | BlindShell - making smart phones accessible for the visually impaired | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
44 | Denmark | Kgs Lyngby | Inmold | www.inmoldbiosystems.com | ACfoil | Anti-counterfeit foil for security packaging | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
45 | Denmark | KGS LYNGBY | BioModics | www.biomodics.com | Bacticon1 | BACTerial detection and CONtrol of urinary tract infection | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
46 | Denmark | København NV | Genomic Expression | www.genomicexpression.com | BLACANDI | BLACANDI can improve life quality and cut cost of diagnosing and managing bladder cancer in half | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
47 | Denmark | Roskilde | Norlase | www.norlase.com | CoDiS | Compact, high-power, frequency-converted diode laser systems | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
48 | Denmark | Copenhagen | BluSense Diagnostics | www.blusense-diagnostics.com | DIADEM | Low-Cost Diagnostics Monitoring Technology | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
49 | Denmark | EBBERUP | DUP | www.dupontlightstone.com | DIGISTONE P1 | Production and Market entry financing of Digital Concrete Screen for Outdoor Digital Signage application | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
50 | Denmark | KOBENHAVN | DANISH WOOD TECHNOLOGY A/S | http://dwt.as | DWT-I4FEDW | DWT- Impregnation for Fireproof Excellent Durability Wood | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
51 | Denmark | Aarhus | iLocator ApS | www.ilocator.com | iLocator | iLocator - Map, track and manage point-based-assets | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
52 | Denmark | Vedbæk | Integra Consult AS | Integra.dk | INAS | Integra A/S – Service provider of drones for civil use | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
53 | Denmark | Slangerup | Ecoxpac | www.ecoxpac.dk | NDTMF | New Drying Techniques for Moulded Fibres | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
54 | Denmark | Løgstør | Haldrup | haldrup.net | PlotLab | PlotLab - Plot combines with integrated lab equipment for lean breading | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
55 | Denmark | Kongens Lyngby | Explicit I/S | www.explicit.dk | Project Sense | Enforcement of the environmental regulations on sulphur emissions from ships using drone technology. | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
56 | Denmark | Faaborg | Tuco Yacht Værft ApS | www.tuco.dk | ProZero | ProZero - Carbon Based fast boats for professional use | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
57 | Denmark | Copenhagen V | Hello World Mobile ApS | www.helloworldmobile.com | SMEphase1 | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
58 | Denmark | AALBORG | NTU | www.ntu.eu | SMP | THE SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY PLANNER (SMP) | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
59 | Denmark | HILLEROD | FIRE EATER AS | www.fire-eater.com | Tunnelsafe2020 | Road and rail tunnel fire protection | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
60 | Denmark | Helsingør | Wavepiston | www.wavepiston.dk | Wavepiston | Low price wave energy conversion through force cancellation. | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
61 | Denmark | Gråsten | Gråsten Teglværk A/S | CleanTechBlock | CleanTechBlock | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
62 | Denmark | Hobro | Frandsen Industri Holding | EcoBlade | EcoBlade: Eco-efficient decommissioning of wind turbine blades through on-site material shredding and separation | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
63 | Denmark | HERNING | GLOBAL LIGHTNING PROTECTION SERVICES AS | Opti-LPS | Optimal Lightning Protection System | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
64 | Denmark | Birkerød | Kamis Wrang ApS | Project Buffer | Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
65 | Denmark | Østbirk | REMONI ApS | RePower | Energy and resource surveillance systems without the challenges of batteries | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
66 | Denmark | Klarup | Aalborg Rørteknik ApS | Remote Sanitation | Remote Sanitation – New sustainable sanitation solution for remote areas | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
67 | Denmark | Odder | Advanced Substrate Technologies A/S | Mubic | Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
68 | Denmark | Gentofte | Stender Diagnostics | www. stenderdiagnostics.com | AntibioDx | AntibioDx: A groundbreaking in vitro diagnostic device with a billion-dollar sales potential | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
69 | Denmark | Silkeborg | Bosolog | www.bosolog.com | Bosolog | Bosolog – Multi-sensors and Assets' Log Monitoring and Management Software | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
70 | Denmark | Lyngby | CytoTrack | www.cytotrack.com | CYTOPRO | Profiling of tumour cells in blood for personalized treatment of metastatic cancer | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
71 | Denmark | Århus C | D-Management | DrugStop | Drug detection for personal protection | 17.06.2015 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” | |
72 | Denmark | Aarhus N | Zymonostics ApS | www.zymonostics.com | TOPO-TB | TOPO-TB | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
73 | Denmark | HAVDRUP | QIMOVA | www.qimova.com | i-LiveRest | Intelligent control system based on smart textiles to reduce pressure ulcer risk by real time measuring of tissue viability and intelligent trigger of prevention strategies adapted to user and context | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
74 | Estonia | Tallinn | Aasa Global AS | www.aasaglobal.com | BigDataScore | Improving loan quality and acceptance rates by predicting credit behavior through social mediadata. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
75 | Estonia | Tallinn | Big Data Scoring | www.bigdatascoring.com | BigDataScore | Improving loan quality and acceptance rates by predicting credit behavior through social mediadata. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
76 | Estonia | Viljandi | Cleveron | www.cleveron.eu | CLEV | Most cost and time efficient EU-wide cross-border automated parcel delivery solution | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
77 | Estonia | Tallinn | Dermtest | www.dermtest.com | Dermtest | An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
78 | Estonia | Tallinn | Dr. Niin’s Skin Clinic | www.nahakliinik.ee | Dermtest | An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
79 | Estonia | Ülenurme vald | Icosagen Cell Factory Ltd | icosagen.com | IcoCell | IcoCell− Chassis for Enhanced Mammalian Cell Line Development and Engineering | 24.09.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
80 | Estonia | Maardu | Alekon Cargo | www.alekon.ee | MARVIN | Independent Smart Machine-Vision Based Cargo Counting Module | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
81 | Estonia | Tartu | POS | www.positium.com | MOBPOSSTAT | Mobile Positioning Data as a Source for Aggregated Human Mobility Statistics | 17.12.2014 | Space |
82 | Estonia | Tallinn | Optofluid Technologies | www.optofluidtech.com | OLDIAS | Online Dialysis Sensor | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
83 | Estonia | TARTU | INTERSPECTRUM | www.interspectrum.ee | SCATMET | Developing a multispectral volume scattering meter for measuring the optical properties of sea andocean water | 24.09.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
84 | Estonia | Tallinn | Skeleton Technologies | www.skeletontech.com | SKLCarbon | Development of CDC production technologies for the next generation of supercapacitors, feasibility study | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
85 | Estonia | Tallinn | THE Systems | www.the.ee | TM Field Analyzer | Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition | 18.06.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
86 | Estonia | Tallinn | Medical Technology Group | www.antelopesurgical.com | XPRESSO | Breakthrough gene expression search engine for cost reduction and significantly increased use of open data in drug discovery. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
87 | Estonia | Tallinn | Advanced Sports Installations Europe AS | ARENA | Arena-Master Mobile Solution for Complete Synthetic Turf Recycling On-site | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
88 | Estonia | Tallinn | Digital Sputnik Lighting | DSLIGHT | Advanced Lighting Management System for film production, smart lighting and creative industry | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
89 | Estonia | Rakvere vald | Polydome OÜ | Polydome | Proposal for innovative and sustainable polyculture greenhouse system Polydome | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
90 | Estonia | TARTU | KINASERA OU | ProCanEx | Prostate cancer diagnostic assay based on protein kinase activity profiling in exosomes | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
91 | Estonia | Tallinn | Meratel OU | UP-TYRE | Feasibility study for scaling UP thermal conversion technology that turns scrap TYREs into high quality resources | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
92 | Estonia | Keila vald | My Capital | DEFLUG | Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
93 | Estonia | Tallinn | Mikromasch Eesti OÜ | www.mikromasch.net | BATMAN | Feasibility study of a high energy BATtery with novel Metallic lithium ANode | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
94 | Estonia | Tallinn | Sardina Systems OÜ | www.sardinasystems.com | FishDirector | Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
95 | Finland | Espoo | Coreorient Oy/Ltd. | www.coreorient.com | CroDS | PiggyBaggy – the Uber of parcel delivery | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
96 | Finland | Lahti | Aurelia Turbines | www.aureliaturbines.com | EFFGT | Aurelia Turbines – proof of concept for very high efficient small gas turbine | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
97 | Finland | Lahti | Linkker Oy | www.linkkerbus.com | ELINKKER | Solutions for TCO optimized electrification of city bus systems | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
98 | Finland | OULUNSALO | Gasek | www.gasek.fi | GAREP | Novel GAsification REactor for combined heat and power Plant | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
99 | Finland | Espoo | Convion | www.convion.fi | HighPower | High Efficiency Distributed Power Plant | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
100 | Finland | Espoo | HitSeed Oy | www.hitseed.com | HitSeedSME-1-09-14 | HitSeed application for the Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument - Phase 1 2014. September 2014. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
101 | Finland | Masku | Netorek Oy | www.netorek.fi | HyCloud | Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attachedstorage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
102 | Finland | Tampere | Varaani | www.varaani.com | HyCloud | Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attachedstorage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
103 | Finland | VANTAA | ELCOGEN OY | www.elcogen.com | IDEAL | InDustrializing Elcogen’s Affordable and durabLe SOFC stack | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
104 | Finland | Kuopio | Newico Oy | www.newicon.fi | IVANCA | IntraVenous ANtibiotic Compounding Automation | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
105 | Finland | Espoo | Pixpolar | www.pixpolar.com | MIGOSA | Modified Internal Gate image sensor for low light optimised Out-door Security surveillance Applications | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
106 | Finland | TAMPERE | SCAFFDEX | www.scaffdex.com | Multidyn | Patented advanced low-cost multiwell cell-culture system for in-vitro physiologically relevant biomarker screening | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
107 | Finland | Espoo | Navigil Ltd | www.navigil.com | NASTEX | Study feasibility and best route to market for telecare solution in Germany and Japan | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
108 | Finland | Mikkeli | Inray Oy Ltd | www.inray.fi | OPTIFUEL | A reliable and transparent solid biofuels online quality control system | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
109 | Finland | Helsinki | Suunnittelutoimisto Peruste OY | www.originalrepack.com | RePack | Reusable, returnable packaging for e-commerce | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
110 | Finland | Helsinki | RELEX | www.relexsolutions.com | Spoilage Down | Increasing the efficiency of European food supply chain through in-memory supply chain planning | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
111 | Finland | KUOPIO | MEGA | St. Bernard | St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
112 | Finland | Tampere | Tamturbo | www.tamturbo.fi | TurboFeasibility | Feasibility assessment of direct drive high speed turbo compressors for production oil free compressed air for medium size applications | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
113 | Finland | ESPOO | FBS | www.finbiosoft.com | VALIDIAG | Validation Manager - A disruptive turnkey solution for diagnostic test validations | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
114 | Finland | Ikkala | Nurmi Cylinders Oy | www.nurmi.fi | Wavepiston | Low price wave energy conversion through force cancellation. | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
115 | Finland | Toivala | Oy Reagena Ltd | www.reagena.com | ZOONOMARKS | Development of simple to use point of care tests for zoonotic pathogens and their validation for use in clinical research setting | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
116 | Finland | Joensuu | PolarSol Oy | Polarsol Phase One | Disrupting the energy market with the innovation in solar heating | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
117 | Finland | ESPOO | Sofi Filtration Ltd. | SOFI-PP | Sofi Filter – Novel Method for Power Plant Water Treatment | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
118 | Finland | Helsinki | DSF | DS Products study | Feasibility study of internationalisation of dust control products using innovative cleantech technology | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
119 | Finland | Helsinki | JMV | www.jmvurakointi.fi | DS Products study | Feasibility study of internationalisation of dust control products using innovative cleantech technology | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
120 | Finland | Oulu | Timegate Instruments Oy | MINERAL EYE | Real-time on-line mineralogical analysis for the process optimization and more sustainable mining | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
121 | Finland | Klaukkala | Lukoton | www.lukoton.com | Key Cloud | Mobile phone as a Key - A new access ecosystem for 112, service companies and citizens “Key Cloud” | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
122 | Finland | Tampere | Brighterwave Oy | www.brighterwave.com | NOVLASE | Novel light sources for biomedical-imaging applications | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
123 | Finland | Helsinki | Diktamen | www.diktamen.fi | REALM | A disruptive method to free physicians from Hospital Information Systems by generating fault free patient diagnostic documents in real-time using natural language | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
124 | France | EVRY | DiamLite | www.diamlite.com | BRIGHT NANO-DIAMONDS | Innovative fluorescent Nanodiamonds as bright permanent markers for diagnostics and anti-counterfeiting | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
125 | France | PARIS | GMI AERO SAS | www.gmi-aero.com | COLOMBUS-1 | COmposite repair solutions for aeronautical BUSiness development – Phase 1 | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
126 | France | Paris | blockbase | www.blockbase.com | CORSAIR | Increasing the quality mindset of COnstruction workers involved in building Refurbishment processes through a Software Application capable of using among others visible or InfraRed pictures of defects | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
127 | France | PARIS | Stream Vision | www.streamvision.com | DISA | medical Diagnosis Support Armchair project | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
128 | France | LYON | ALG | www.attestationlegale.fr | EB2BSN | Let us build the first European Business-to-Business Social Network | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
129 | France | NIMES | NEWTEC SCIENTIFIC | www.newtec.fr | EDD Project | A new EDD detector will give a knowledge for crystallography with the objective to understand nanostructures and for the development of new materials | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
130 | France | PARIS | QARNOT COMPUTING | www.qarnot-computing.com | EeHPC | Energy efficient High Performance Computing | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
131 | France | France | Elistair | www.elistair.com | Elistair | Bringing unlimited autonomy to Civilian Drones : PULSE, an Intelligent Tethered Power Supply. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
132 | France | Saint-Laurent-du-Var | Horus Pharma | horus-pharma.com | eyePoC | Clinical validation of a new diagnostic and monitoring PoC medical device based on quantification of biomarkers in tear fluids to improve the quality of eye health care | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
133 | France | PUTEAUX | Fidzup | www.fidzup.com | Fidzup-Retargeting | Physical Retargeting, innovative mobile marketing services for traditional retailers | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
134 | France | ANTONY | AIM | www.aim-innovation.com | FLOTA | Floating Offshore Photovoltaic systems | 18.06.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
135 | France | Grenoble | Save Innovations | www.save-innovations.com | Free power supply | Stand-alone power supply saving low-speed fluid energy available around us | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
136 | France | PUTEAUX | ENERTIME | www.enertime.com | GEO PAC RET | GEO PAC RET an Innovative Heat Pump for Geothermal district heating in Europe | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
137 | France | Levallois-Perret | EMULSAR | www.emulsar.com | GWAFH | Emulsar: give the world appetite for health. | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
138 | France | Paris | Axenis | www.axenis.fr | HUMICE | AXENIS Humanized Mice – Innovation towards industrial scale-up | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
139 | France | Aix en Provence | SP3H | www.sp3h.com | I-Fusion | Innovative FUel Sensor for engIne OptimisatioN | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
140 | France | Chavanod | In&motion | www.inemotion.fr | INE IAPS | Intelligent active protection system for motorcyclists: saving lives through optimum use of latest advances in sensor technologies, wireless communication, Smartphone platforms, real-time analysis. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
141 | France | Evry | Metemis Development | MalaDiag | Development of a very rapid diagnostic test for malaria, based on break-through detection technology and new biomarkers of infection. | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
142 | France | Evry | Vaximax SAS | MalaDiag | Development of a very rapid diagnostic test for malaria, based on break-through detection technology and new biomarkers of infection. | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
143 | France | Voiron | EDXACT | MeshAnalyzer | Analysis Tool for Mesh Design of Leading Edge Design of Integrated Circuits | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
144 | France | PARIS | New Generation SR | www.newgeneration-sr.com | NUVEA | The premium green multi-cloud management and optimization tool | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
145 | France | Yerres | ECOXIA SAS | www.ecoxia.com | NZE Buildings | Developing replicable and cost effective Nearly Zero-Energy' building solutions for small builders in Europe | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
146 | France | Saint Germain en Laye | OPENWAYS | www.okidokeys.com | OKIDOKEYS | New electro-mechanic access system with dematerialized keys for residential market | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
147 | France | PARIS | Magillem Design Services | www.magillem.com | PILOTS | Prototyping Internet Lot of Things Software | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
148 | France | TOULON | OPTIS | www.optis-world.com | Platon | software PLATform fOr iNteroperable multiphysics digital mock-up | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
149 | France | Romainville | Regulaxis | www.regulaxis.com | REGHA | Medical device combining viscosupplementation with pharmacological active molecule to regenerate cartilage in degenerative or traumatic osteoarthritis. | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
150 | France | ORSAY | IMAGINE EYES | www.imagine-eyes.com | RetinArt | Clinical biomarker for arterial hypertension based on micro-vascular retinal imaging | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
151 | France | Baillargues | Microphyt | www.microphyt.eu | SMILE | Slimming MIcroaLgae Extract : Development of a new highly effective microalgae-based slimmingingredient for nutraceutical applications | 24.09.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
152 | France | PARIS | Algama | www.springwave.fr | Springwave2014 | Transitioning to microalgae as a sustainable, high-quality large-scale food source through launching the first daily drink containing spirulina | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
153 | France | Clamart | Cascade | SULTAN | SUstainabLe Tunnel Agriculture with light cascade techNology | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
154 | France | Paris | OXENT | www.oxent.net | Toor-IG-ICT37-2014 | Enabling mass access to the social phenomenon of e-sports tournaments by integrating In-Game Platform in world’s leading video games | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
155 | France | Mazères | Chateau Haut Peyrous | www.haut-peyrous.com | UVT | UV cleaning for beverage tanks eliminating the need for water and chemicals | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
156 | France | VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS | GRIDP | www.gridpocket.com | Virtual Private Home | Virtual Privte Home - Privacy-by-design Home Energy Efficiency Platform | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
157 | France | GENAY | SUNAERO - HELITEST | www.sunaero.com | WISE | WISE – Wide Instantaneous Support Equipment | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
158 | France | Orsay | DAMAE Medical | DERMAE | Clinical research for the validation of a non-invasive medical imaging device for dermatological diagnoses | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
159 | France | Champs sur Marne | ECHY | ECHYNOXE SILICA | Innovative long range daylighting system | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
160 | France | Paris | VIDEOAGENCY SAS | OCTOLY | Next Generation Advertising: Social Video Software Connecting Brands and Content Creators | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
161 | France | Naintré | STILZ CHIMIE | PANIPLAST | Industrial Development of PANIPLAST Process Poly(aniline) Conductive Polymers | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
162 | France | Mâcon | TETRANE | REVEN | REVEN: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
163 | France | MONTESSON | POWERTECH SYSTEMS | SiGrAM | Pre-Commercial Production Demonstration of Very High Capacity Silicon Anode for High Performance and Low Cost Li-Ion Batteries | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
164 | France | Ramonville-St-Agne | Soltiles SAS | Soltile | A roof integrated solar tile system to develop cost-effective distributed solar power generation. | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
165 | France | DUCOS | FIBANDCO | www.fibandco.fr | GREEN BLADE | THE NEW SUSTAINABLE EXOTIC VENEER FROM THE FRENCH CARIBBEAN | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
166 | France | Illkirch-Graffenstaden | Cyrga SARL | Watergate | Watergate: Development of a low-cost solar desalination technology | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
167 | France | SAINT PIERRE LES NEMOURS | MGP | www.magpie-polymers.com | VIPREP | MAGPIE POLYMERS: Vertical Integration into PGM Refining Processes | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
168 | France | PARIS | ALGONESIA | www.algonesia.com | EECHYMA | Eco-efficient high-yield production of antioxidant compounds from microalgae | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
169 | France | Paris | MATCHIC LABS | www.matchic.com | EyeTrack | DISRUPTIVE EYE TRACKING FOR MOBILE EXPERIENCE OPTIMISATION | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
170 | France | Rueil-Malmaison | EQUIMER | www.equimer.com | GreenDrive | Molecular fuel modifier for marine vessels able to reduce running costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators of marine vessels. | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
171 | Germany | Berlin | 3S Antriebe GmbH | www.3s-antriebe.de | ACT4INFRA | Innovative Actuators for empowering smart pipeline infrastructures towards secure water, gas and heating supply | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
172 | Germany | Stuttgart | Amorph Systems | www.amorphsys.com | AERFOR | Proactive Passenger Flow Management for Airports with an Advanced Forecasting System | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
173 | Germany | Ostrau | Agri Con GmbH | www.agricon.de | AgriCloud | Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
174 | Germany | MARIENRACHDORF | Pusch GmbH & Co. KG | www.pusch.ag | AgroPellet | Development of a pelletising machine to process multiple-source agricultural mixes | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
175 | Germany | Karlsruhe | EINS GmbH | www.eins-gmbh.de | Andrupos | Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
176 | Germany | Mannheim | Epyxs GmbH | www.epyxs.com | Andrupos | Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
177 | Germany | Freiburg | Telocate GmbH | www.telocate.de | Assist | Telocate ASSIST – Development and marketing of an acoustic solution for localization and navigationof people in buildings using the smartphone | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
178 | Germany | Rostock | Gensoric GmbH | www.gensoric.com | BERTHA-G | Bertha G = better enzymes - than gas | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
179 | Germany | Frankfurt (Main) | bettervest | www.bettervest.de | bettervest | Crowdfunding for a low carbon energy system: addressing major challenges for EU-wide public and private investments in energy and carbon saving measures | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
180 | Germany | HANNOVER | MOSAIQUES | www.mosaiques-diagnostics.com | BioGuidePCa | Biomarker Guided Prostate Cancer Management | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
181 | Germany | Stuttgart | wusoa GmbH | www.wusoa.com | bionic agitator | Feasibility study of a bionic agitator – a prototype of this agitator has shown great potential for energy reduction of agitator technology. | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
182 | Germany | Deggendorf | Aross 3D GmbH | www.aross.de | CHP | Upscaling and commercialization of a highly efficient wood pellets fired steam engine CHP for heat and power generation | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
183 | Germany | Gersfeld | HKL Energieanlagen AG | www.hkl-ag.de | COOL POWER | Efficient microgeneration combined with food cooling systems in trade, crafts and service companies | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
184 | Germany | Singen | daogames | www.daogames.com | DAO-BACKEND | Validating technical assumptions for a multi-tenant mobile multiplayer game backend platform. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
185 | Germany | Bentwisch | EN3 GmbH | www.en3-gmbh.de | DeReco | Feasibility Study on Decentralised Heat Recovery | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
186 | Germany | HALLE | SONOTEC | E-saving Ultrasonics | Energy-saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying advanced ultrasonic technology to industrial maintenance services for compressed air systems | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
187 | Germany | Weimar | SCARABAEUS AG | www.scarabaeus.ag | EU-elabus4.0 | reduce - recycle - reuseeMobility - retrofitting-kits for busses | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
188 | Germany | Köln | FoodLoop GmbH | www.foodloop.org | FRISCO | Food Retail Industry Supply Chain Optimization (FRISCO): Food Discount Intelligence toReduce Food Waste through the implementation of the FoodLoop Platform | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
189 | Germany | Berlin | GroupEstate | www.groupestate.com | GroupEstate | GroupEstate Feasibility Study | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
190 | Germany | Berlin | GameYourself | www.gameyourself.de | GY | GameYourself - Create a virtual 3D model of a person’s face based on a short video taken with any smartphone cam. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
191 | Germany | Dresden | THERMOLECTRIC Industrial Solutions GmbH | www.thermolectric.com | Heat2Energy | Demonstrating a highly-efficient and cost-effective energy conversion technology for waste heat recovery | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
192 | Germany | Nürnberg | promeos GmbH | www.promeos.com | HyBurn | New high temperature in-situ premix gas combustion systems for more efficient and cleaner combustion of hydrogen and lean gases | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
193 | Germany | Darmstadt | Bernhard Jöckel | www.bernhardjoeckel.com | HyPoGA | Feasibility study of a superefficient hybrid power train as a replacement unit for existing engines - Hybrid Power for General Aviation (HyPoGA) | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
194 | Germany | Wiesbaden | Stefan Limbach | HyPoGA | Feasibility study of a superefficient hybrid power train as a replacement unit for existing engines - Hybrid Power for General Aviation (HyPoGA) | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
195 | Germany | Pirmasens | LUDY | www.ludy.de | InlinePlat | InlinePlat - Innovation in metal coating through automatic high speed electroplating units, process intensification and closed water cycles fully integrated with mechanical manufacturing lines | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
196 | Germany | Dresden | Anvo-Systems Dresden GmbH | www.anvo-systems-dresden.com | LAST CHANCE | New super-energy efficient non-volatile memory manufacturing – bringing Europe back on the semiconductor track | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
197 | Germany | SULZBACH | MAXITEX | MAXITHERM | Innovative textile based heating system for technical applications with a special focus on Electric Vehicles | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
198 | Germany | BERNRIED | CellTool GmbH | www.celltool.de | Multidyn | Patented advanced low-cost multiwell cell-culture system for in-vitro physiologically relevant biomarker screening | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
199 | Germany | Freiburg | Ionera | www.ionera.de | NanoPoreFab | On-chip fabrication of solid state nanopores for high throughput single molecule analysis | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
200 | Germany | Dresden | hapticom | www.hapticom.com | Ph1ProHap2 | hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
201 | Germany | Neuried | FRIZ Biochem Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH | www.frizbiochem.de | PoC-Cycle | Innovative Molecular Diagnostics point-of-care device for MRSA | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
202 | Germany | Berlin | solardynamik | www.solardynamik.de | POLYSOLAR | A light weight, recyclable, tracking support system, for solar photovoltaic modules based on inflatable polymer membranes | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
203 | Germany | BENSHEIM | ID | www.immundiagnostik.com | QuantOnCal | Feasibility study for clinical validation of an innovative point of care assay for the detection of low-grade-infections in joint replacement | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
204 | Germany | Munich | H.J.X.W. | www.florafuel.de | Res2Pel | Innovative treatment process for biogenic waste and residual materials to manufacture compactedfuels as pellets or briquettes | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
205 | Germany | Dortmund | Comnovo GmbH | www.comnovo.de | SAFETY4WORKERS | Breakthrough for outdoor autonomous heavy machines: Safety-directed collision avoidance system for workers based on UWB radios with performance level | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
206 | Germany | Petersberg | Armatix GmbH | www.armatix.de | Smart firearm safety | Project iP9 Smart firearm safetyIntroduction of the first smart firearm safety to the institutional market (police) | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
207 | Germany | Dresden | Airrays | www.airrays.com | SmartRay | Smart Large Scale Radio Technology for the Tactile Internet | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
208 | Germany | Nurnberg | Greenspider | www.greenspider.eu | SMASH | SMASH, SMArt SHaring device for mobility | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
209 | Germany | Munich | SOMA Analytics | www.soma-analytics.com | SOMA Analytics | Chronic Stress Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prevention of Burnout | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
210 | Germany | Munich | Spectrum ARC | www.spectrum-aerospace.com | Space-COTS | High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space | 24.09.2014 | Space |
211 | Germany | Berlin | Space Structures | www.spacestructures.de | SPS_TFP_Strut | Application of tailored fibre placement technology in integral composite structures for ultra-lightweight space applications | 18.06.2014 | Space |
212 | Germany | Wermsdorf | KKS | www.kaelte-klima-sachsen.de | TRISORP | Energy saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying decentralized advanced trigeneration (CCHP) technology to supermarkets and other commercial properties | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
213 | Germany | MUNCHEN | InnoRoute | www.innoroute.de | TrustNode | A Disruptive Router Platform for the Internet of Things – TrustNode | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
214 | Germany | REUTLINGEN | MEDIAGNOST | www.mediagnost.de | Vaprosep | Validation of Progranulin as Biomarker in Diagnostics and Prognosis of Sepsis | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
215 | Germany | Potsdam | Ananda Pharma GmbH | AnandaCor | Concept and feasibility assessment for AnandaCor, a fast melting tablet, as a diagnostic device in ischemic heart conditions. | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
216 | Germany | KOLN | SIVIDON DIAGNOSTICS GMBH | ChemoPredict | Predictive in vitro diagnostics test for individualized tailoring of chemotherapy in primary breast cancer | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
217 | Germany | Freiburg i.Br. | ResuSciTec GmbH | CIRDvalid | CIRDvalid – Clinical validation of a set of 11 biomarkers and a system of diagnostic and therapeutical devices for the resuscitation of patients suffering from long-lasting cardiac arrest | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
218 | Germany | Hamburg | Meddrop GmbH | DERMADROP | DERMADROP - A COMPREHENSIVE TRANSDERMAL THERAPY CONCEPT FOR NON- HEALING WOUNDS AND OTHER SKIN DISORDERS | 18.03.2015 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability | |
219 | Germany | Karlsruhe | AVA-CO2-Forschung GmbH | HTCycle | Sewage sludge reuse Phosphate recovery with an innovative HTC technology (HTCycle) | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
220 | Germany | Berlin | autoaid GmbH | OPTEPLA | Open OBDII Telematics Platform - OPTEPLA | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
221 | Germany | München | astrofactum GmbH Institut für Astronomie und Weltraumtechnik | Public Telescope | Business Plan for a commercial space telescope | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
222 | Germany | Hamburg | Ingenieure Marquardt, Binnebesel, Partnerschaft | REALISE GroLaS | Runway independent automatic launch and landing system for civil UAV based on GroLaS | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
223 | Germany | FREIBURG IM BREISGAU | Averbis GmbH | SmartMarker | SmartMarker - Clinical Validation of Biomarkers by Smart Data Analyses | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
224 | Germany | Leipzig | Sonovum AG | UltraEASY | Computer Aided Multispectral Ulstrasound Diagnostic Device | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
225 | Germany | Sankt Wolfgang | UnserParkplatz GmbH | UPP | STPRMS - Sustainable Truck Parking Reservation Management System | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
226 | Germany | Herbolzheim | Autohof-Tanken-Rasten-Parken e.G. | UPP | STPRMS - Sustainable Truck Parking Reservation Management System | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
227 | Germany | Menden | COIN Consulting UG | www.coin-consulting.de | EcoVel | Commercialization of the most sustainable laundry detergent | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
228 | Germany | GRUIBINGEN | IEG | www.ieg-technology.com | GroundCLeaner | Fast and cost-effective combined remediation technology for the elimination of chlorinated and otherhydrocarbons from soil | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
229 | Germany | Twistringen | MST-Draenbedarf GmbH | www.mst-group.net | Woolvation | Development of sheep wool blocks to be used for greenhouse cultivation | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
230 | Germany | Hildesheim | HLW TEC | www.hlw-tec.de | Elastomer Recycling | World`s first innovative method for recycling of elastomers and plastics from industrial waste | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
231 | Germany | TRIER | Trivisio | www.trivisio.com | ARVisS | Augmented Reality Vision for Surgery | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
232 | Germany | Rosenheim | Epi-interactive | www.epi-interactive.com | Foodakai-1 | Foodakai-1: Feasibility Assessment of an Intelligent Consumer App for Early Warning on Food Threats | 17.06.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs |
233 | Germany | OSNABRUCK | IONOVATION GMBH | www.ionovation.com | IonoChem | IonoChem: A new and highly efficient cross membrane drug delivery strategy | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
234 | Germany | Schwentinental | e-nema | www.e-nema.de | NEMAQUA | Nematodes as the world first pathogen free, ready-to-use and sustainable live feed for larval aquaculture industry | 17.06.2015 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
235 | Germany | ASCHAFFENBURG | MI MEDICAL INNOVATION GMBH | www.mi-innovation.com/ | Sniff-Nose | A novel double-point intravascular diagnostic probe with continuous monitoring of the biomarker panel, dual oxygen tension PcvO2 and PcsO2, for clinical assessment of heart failure | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
236 | Germany | Tübingen | Intelligent Imaging Solutions GmbH | www.piccure.com | Virtual Optics | Virtual Optics - A software revolution in the optical industry | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
237 | Germany | Dusseldorf | piur imaging GmbH | www.piurimaging.com | piur tUS | A cost effective 3D tomographic ultrasound technology for vascular diagnostics | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
238 | Greece | Athens | Intale | www.intale.com | BIRD | BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE RETAIL DATA | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
239 | Greece | Athens | PLsurveyors | CoMPi | Coastal and shallow-water monitoring through innovative low-cost technologies for blue growth in the Mediterranean | 17.12.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth | |
240 | Greece | Athens | ETME | www.etme.gr | FLOATMAST | An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
241 | Greece | Perama | STREAMLINED | WWW.STREAMLINED.GR | FLOATMAST | An Innovative Wind Resource Assessment Tension Leg Platform for combined Cup Anemometer and Lidar Reliable and Bankable Wind Measurements for Offshore Wind Parks | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
242 | Greece | THESSALONIKI | ATLANTIS ENGINEERING | www.abe.gr | mainDSS | Intelligent maintenance Decision Support System for the industry | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
243 | Greece | Athens | PKH | www.planetek.gr | OP3C | On board Processing for Compression Clouds Classification in hyperspectral data | 24.09.2014 | Space |
244 | Greece | PLATANI RIO PATRA | HELBIO | www.helbio.com | PROMETHEUS-5 | Energy efficient and environmentally friendly multi-fuel power system with CHP capability, for stand-alone applications. | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
245 | Greece | ATHINA | EUDITI LTD | www.euditi.gr | WETPaC | Water – Electricity – Telecommunication Package | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
246 | Greece | Athens | AEPHORIA NETWORK P.C. | www.aephoria.net | GReen Desalination | GReen Desalination: A closed-loop technology for full recovery of water and raw materials from the wastewater effluent | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
247 | Hungary | Budapest | BIOPOLUS Technológiák Zrt | www.biopolus.org | BAG-FS | Biopolus Aero Green - Feasibility Study | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
248 | Hungary | Budapest | Atractor Kft. | Cardiacom IMPLANT | Intelligent human diagnostic and therapy platform | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
249 | Hungary | Kunfehértó | Kation Europa Lp. | www. kationscientific.com | CFMEBR | Carbon fiber microelectrodes for human brain research and clinical applications | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
250 | Hungary | Budapest | Silex PLC | www.silex.hu | ELECTRIC_AXLE | Electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
251 | Hungary | Budapest | ASK-M Kft. | www.askm.kfkipark.hu | Fluorobot | Robotic fluorescent microscope for smear slide screening in Tuberculosis Diagnosis | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
252 | Hungary | Budapest | DOLHAY Kft. | www.dolhay.hu | iTampon | Intimate, home-diagnostic tools for women | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
253 | Hungary | Budapest | MedioTrade Ltd. | www.mediotrade.com | MCTDC | Multi-channel time-to-digital converter sensor with ultra high resolution | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
254 | Hungary | Szentgyörgyvölgy | BIOMORV Ltd. | www.biomorv.hu | SINTRAN | Safe and INtegrated thermal TRANsformation of humid organic waste resulting in green energy and valuable remainders | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
255 | Hungary | Budapest | BiFarma Szoftverfejleszto es Tanacsado Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag | AutArt | Clinical validation of the AutArt rheumatoid arthritis diagnostic device | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
256 | Hungary | BUDAPEST | CENTRAL EUROPEAN RESEARCH CENTER KFT | BrailleJet | Digitally controlled Braille jet printing | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
257 | Hungary | Budapest | Intersoft-Hungary Limited Company | Loca Credibilia | Data and document integrity for services provided through critical information infrastructures | 18.03.2015 | Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | |
258 | Hungary | MISKOLC | ADMATIS KUTATO, GYARTO ES KERESKEDELMI KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG | MSR | Multifunctional Satellite Radiator | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
259 | Hungary | Murakeresztúr | Dunagabona Terménykereskedelmi Kft. | MycoQuest | Rapid on-site detection of Mycotoxin in wheat | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
260 | Hungary | Debrecen | BioSystems International Kft. | www.biosys-intl.com | CANDLE | Cancer Diagnosis by Multiplex Protein Epitope Profiling | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
261 | Hungary | SZEGED | PHARMAHUNG | www.pharmahungary.com | Infarnosys | Novel biomarker diagnostic system for the assessment of the prognosis of acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and infarction and the effectiveness of the treatment | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
262 | Hungary | Szeged | Dicomlab | www.smartds.hu | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
263 | Hungary | Debrecen | Walkable Future Limited Company | http://walkable-future.com/ | WalkableFUTURE | Lightweight Active Orthosis for kids who are unable to walk due to brain damage | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
264 | Iceland | Reykjavik | Lipid Pharmaceuticals ehf. | www.lipid.is | Lipid | The untapped potential of omega-3; from fish oil to healthy bowels | 17.12.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
265 | Iceland | Reykjavik | Polar Fishing Gear | www.polardoors.com | RemoteControl Device | Remote Controllable Devices | 24.09.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
266 | Iceland | Reykjavik | Oxymap | www.oxymap.com | RETOXY | Clinical validation of retinal oximetry as a biomarker | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
267 | Iceland | Reykjavík | Nox Medical | Respiratory Analyzer | Validation of calibrated RIP (respiratory inductive plethysmography) based biomarker for diagnosis of SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) and the identification of an accessible screening solution | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
268 | Ireland | Shannon Co Clare | AltraTech Ltd | www.altratech.com | BeadCAP-DNA | BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
269 | Ireland | Limerick | Vitalograph (Ireland) Ltd | www.vitalograph.ie | CASI | AN INTEGRATED AUTOMATED ECG DIAGNOSTICS PLATFORM TO IMPROVE CARDIAC SAFETY IN CLINICAL DRUG TRIALS | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
270 | Ireland | DUNDALK, CO.LOUTH | CLIMOTE LTD | www.climote.ie | climote | climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
271 | Ireland | Tullamore | R&R Mechanical Ltd T/A RR Projects | www.rrprojects.net | COMACC | Commercialisation of a Novel Modular Air Cooled Condenser for Steam Cycle Power Generation | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
272 | Ireland | Dublin 2. | Schwungrad Energie Ltd | www.schwungrad-energie.com | DESSART | Dynamic Energy System Services to Achieve Renewable Targets | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
273 | Ireland | DUNDALK | G & M STEEL FABRICATORS LIMITED | www.gmsteel.com | GM-SCAN | AUTOMATIC VERTICAL SCANNER FOR DETERMING LEAN DISTRIBUTION IN ANIMAL CARCASSES (AVSCAN) | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
274 | Ireland | Tullyallen | MentorPitch | www.mentorpitch.com | MentorPitch | The commercial exploitation of mentorship programme outcome intelligence in the global corporate and university market. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
275 | Ireland | Dublin | Esave Corporation Limited | www.esavecorp.com | MeRIT | MeRIT - Maximising Renewable Energy Integration | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
276 | Ireland | DUBLIN 2 | EBLANA | www.elbanaphotonics.com | OILMOD | Optical Injection Locked Modulator | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
277 | Ireland | DUBLIN | PILOT | www.pilotphotonics.com | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source: An Economic Feasibility Study | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
278 | Ireland | DUBLIN | SKYTEK LTD | www.skytek.com | POLARIS | Preventative OperationaL procedures for space weAtheR threats to CrItical InfraStructure | 18.06.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
279 | Ireland | Cork | Inform Bio | www.informbio.com | PREKIND | PreEclampsia diagnosis by Early Kidney Injury Detection | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
280 | Ireland | Dublin | BlueBridge Technologies | www.bluebridgetechnologies.com | RepHorm | A device that will dramatically improve the protection of babies during birth. It will monitor the child continuously with better acuity, resulting in better clinical outcomes at a lower cost. | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
281 | Ireland | INVERIN | EC | www.eirecomposites.com | SEAMETEC | Smart Efficient Affordable Marine Energy Technology Exploitation using Composites | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
282 | Ireland | BALLYBUNION | Brandon | www.brandonproducts.com | SEA-MORE-YIELD | Sea-More-Yield: A Blue Biotechnology Solution for the Reduction of Pod Shatter in Bio-Oil Producing Crops | 18.06.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
283 | Ireland | Waterford | Sedicii Innovations Limited | www.sedicii.com | SEDEUF | Sedicii Innovative Authentication | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
284 | Ireland | LIMERICK | SSIM | www.sonarsim.com | SINANN | Sonar INtegrated Advanced NavigatioN | 24.09.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
285 | Ireland | Dublin | Ikon Semiconductor Ltd. | www.ikonsemi.com | SmartComm-LED | Reconfigurable silicon architecture for connected intelligent lighting. | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
286 | Ireland | LIMERICK | MAC | www.mac.ie | SmartGridEnable | SmartGrid Distributed Monitoring, Synchronization and Active Management | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
287 | Ireland | Dublin | Aperilink Limited | A-STREAM | TOPOLOGICALLY DYNAMIC SCALED OUT DATA CENTRE NETWORKS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND MANAGEMENT | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
288 | Ireland | Galway | DiaNia Technologies Ltd | ExtruLub | Commercialisation of Advanced Extrusion Technologies Delivering Disruptive Innovation for the Next Generation of Catheter Based Medical Devices. | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
289 | Ireland | LISTOWEL KERRY | IRIS ADVANCED ENGINEERING LIMITED | VISUM | An IR-spectroscopy-based platform for the rapid integration and customisation of affordable, real-time monitoring solutions for the food and pharmaceutical industry | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
290 | Ireland | DUBLIN | CONVEX | www.convex.ie | STERILISE | Safe sustainable reliable in-office processing of medical waste | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
291 | Ireland | Cork | Composite Recycling Ltd | TyRec process | TyRec process: Whole Tyre Recycling within 30 Minutes with Molten Zinc – towards a circular economy | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
292 | Ireland | Mullingar, Co. Westmeath | NVP Energy | www.nvpenergy.com | Lt-AD | Low-temperature anaerobic digestion treatment of low-strength wastewaters | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
293 | Israel | Haifa | Accellta Ltd. | www.accellta.com | Accellta | Accellta Market Study | 18.06.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
294 | Israel | Ein Vered | Aqua Solutions | www.aquasolutions.co.il | AquaPure | Detergent-free process for dishwashers with cleaning and disinfecting properties | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
295 | Israel | Canot Industrial Center, Gedera | Vulcan Automotive Industries | www.volta.co.il | CaNE-HiP-LA | Carbon Nano Materials Enabling High-Performance Lead Acid Batteries | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
296 | Israel | Tel Aviv | WACnGO | www.wacngo.com | E-LOCKS | Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
297 | Israel | En Harod Ihud | Qnergy | www.qnergy.com | eTAG | Thermoacoustic- based residential mCHP system | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
298 | Israel | Kfar Blum | Galcon | www.galconc.com | GALNIMBUS | Disruptive cloud-based irrigation controller to optimize water use efficiency in agriculture | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
299 | Israel | caesarea | Itamar Medical | Itamar-medical.com | iMUC | Improving the Management of Unexplained Chest-pain | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
300 | Israel | Ashkelon | Oxitone Medical Ltd | www.oxitone.com | MONILET | Monitoring Bracelet for Health Use | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
301 | Israel | HOLON | MOBIUS | www.mobius-ps.com | SAFESEAT | A new generation car seat for babies | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
302 | Israel | Ashkelon | SunBoost Ltd | SUN4GREEN | MAXIMISING SUNLIGHT RESOURCES FOR COST, ENERGY AND YIELD EFFICIENT GREENHOUSES | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
303 | Israel | Bnei Brak | SSG Synergy Solutions Ltd | Synchronverter | Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
304 | Israel | Kiryat Malachi | Ooval | www.ooval.com | TECOOVAL | High Technology, Energy and Water saving integrated hydraulic control valve for all purpose with 40% reduction in head losses | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
305 | Israel | ASHKELON | ROTEC - REVERSE OSMOSIS TECHNOLOGIES LTD | www.rotec-water.com | SmartDesalt | Smart Pressure Vessel for water desalination with reverse osmosis membranes | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
306 | Israel | Rosh Haayin | ElectRoad | CEWET | Cost Effective Wireless Electrical Transportation | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
307 | Israel | Rehovot | Nucleix Ltd. | www.nucleix.com/ | EPICHECK | Detection of Various Cancer Types for Screening and Diagnosis through Blood Samples with Epigenetic Biomarkers Panels | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
308 | Israel | Misgav | Futura Graft Ltd | http://trendlines.com/portfolio/futuragraft/ | ROBOTGRAFT | An integrated high throughput robot and a new multi-rootstock grafting technology to improve plant/crop yield | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
309 | Israel | Tel-Aviv | Brenmiller Energy | www.bren-energy.com | TENCENT | The next generation of Hybrid Concentrating Solar Power Plants | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
310 | Israel | Hod Hasharon | R.Z.E.E. Ltd | www.rz-ee.com | VIGI-LEAK | A Smart Technology Trained for Preventing Leakages from Sewer Systems | 17.06.2015 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
311 | Italy | Milano | Testori Aero Supply S.r.l. | www.testoriaerosupply.com | 16gAirTest | Development of replacement method for all kind of 16g dynamically tested aircraft cushions. | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
312 | Italy | Chivasso | Herniamesh | www.herniamesh.it | 3L-HeCoMe | Advanced manufacturing process to obtain a partially Bio-Resorbable Adhesive/Non-Adhesive Triple Layer Mesh for intra-peritoneal Hernia Containment | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
313 | Italy | Milan | AppsBuilder | www.apps-builder.com | AB ENGINE | Advanced Back end as a service Engine | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
314 | Italy | MEZZOLOMBARDO | NOVAGENIT SRL | ADHESION | Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability | |
315 | Italy | Spilamberto (MO) | Archon Technologies | www.archondrones.com | ADS Project | Autonomous Dronistics for Security (ADS): optimized services with fleets of flying robots | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
316 | Italy | Genoa | Advanced Microturbines Srl | www.microturbines.it | AirWatt | Feasibility study of a microturbine for delocalized electrical energy, off-grid generation | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
317 | Italy | Gallarate | PALU | www.paluinnovation.com | ANGELS | Advanced Next GEneration Landing System | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
318 | Italy | MONZA | FONDERIA MASPERO SRL | www.maspero.it | APTOS | APTOS: industrial scale–up of an Advanced tube forming -Process through Thermal Optimization, enabling energy and manufacturing costs Savings | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
319 | Italy | Cascina | CARTACCI | www.cartaccisemilavorati.it | BAMBENG | New BAMboo ENGineered bio-material for sustainable building components | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
320 | Italy | FORMELLO | BIOSENSOR S.R.L. | www.biosensor.it | BEEP-WATER | “Biosensor for Effective Environmental Protection through the on-site, automated monitoring of a large set of chemical contaminants in Water.” | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
321 | Italy | Crema | IGW | www.igwsrl.eu | BPV | EXTRACTING VALUE FROM BYPRODUCTS OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
322 | Italy | Rome | BrainSigns | www.brainsigns.com | BrainWorkloadReader | : Generation of a business plan for the production of a compact and reliable device able to measure in real-time the cerebral workload state of high responsibility operators in the transport domain | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
323 | Italy | Ferentino | Arken SpA | www.arken.it | Briareo | Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
324 | Italy | Rome | Gymnotus | www.gymnotus.com | Briareo | Implementation of a vertical axis micro-wind turbine capable of working at high efficiency even at a low wind speed. | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
325 | Italy | Bologna | Stem Sel | www.stemsel.it | CELLETEST | Liquid Biopsy blood test in lung cancer diagnosis and monitoring: a next generation noninvasive tumor tracker device | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
326 | Italy | Legnano | Color System | www.color-system.it | CLAYMBAR | Injected Moulded barriers for cost effective food packaging | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
327 | Italy | Milan | MPG | www.mpgplast.it | CLAYMBAR | Injected Moulded barriers for cost effective food packaging | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
328 | Italy | Bari | Upgrading Services S.p.A. | www.upgradingservices.it | ColdPeak | PCM-based cold storage as peak shaving for air conditioning units | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
329 | Italy | ROMA | TEP ENERGY SOLUTION S.R.L. | www.tepsolution.it | ColdPeak | PCM-based cold storage as peak shaving for air conditioning units | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
330 | Italy | Valsamoggia | Tecnoform S.P.A. | www.tecnoform.com | DAM Component | Dual Active Mode Component | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
331 | Italy | CAMERANO (AN) | Camiceria Giovanni Taccaliti | www.giovannitaccaliti.it | DRESSFORMER | Virtual 3D fitting room for online shopping | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
332 | Italy | Milano | wardroba | www.wardroba.com | DRESSFORMER | Virtual 3D fitting room for online shopping | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
333 | Italy | Cosenza | e way Enterprise Business Solutions Srl | www.eway-solutions.it | EcoMultiCloud | Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
334 | Italy | Rende (CS) | Eco4Cloud Srl | www.eco4cloud.com | EcoMultiCloud | Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
335 | Italy | Colleretto Giacosa | NATIMAB | EDePDAC | Feasibility study for the validation and industrialization of two diagnostic kits in both ELISA and CLIA formats for the early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the novel biomarkers EZR and ENOA | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
336 | Italy | ROMA | ACS | www.acsys.it | EMBRYON | EMBRYON - Develop and commercialize a highly innovative diagnostic-imaging product, improving success rates in the Assisted Reproduction IVF sector | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
337 | Italy | LIVORNO | KAYSER ITALIA SRL | www.kayser.it | ENAMISS | ENAMISS - Energetic Neutral Atoms Monitor on the International Space Station | 17.12.2014 | Space |
339 | Italy | L'AQUILA | IMAGING TECHNOLOGY ABRUZZO S.R.L. | ERMOS | Enhanced Resolution MRI Ocular Scanner (ERMOS) | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
340 | Italy | TERNI | WDE MASPELL SRL | www.wde-maspell.it | ESW | European Structural Wood - for sustainable building components | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
341 | Italy | CONVERSANO BA | TERA SRL | www.terasrl.it | ETA4B | Energy Trusted Advisor for Buildings | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
342 | Italy | Costa di Mezzate | GUALINI SPA | www.gualini.eu | FIBGLOW | High insulating fiberglass window and curtain wall profiles | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
343 | Italy | Tirano (So) | Selva S.p.A. | www.selvamarine.com | FORCE | Future Outboards Run Conventionally and Electrically | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
344 | Italy | Palermo | Greenrail s.r.l. | www.greenrail.it | Greenrail | Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
345 | Italy | Roncadelle (Brescia) | Xeos.it | www.xeos.it | HELMO | Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Remote Monitoring System based on known Heart Activity Biomarkers | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
346 | Italy | Busto Arsizio | Air Bonaita | www.airbonaita.it | HYPAS | Next Generation Energy Efficient, Inexpensive Hydropneumatic Hybrid Actuation System | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
347 | Italy | Fisciano (SA) | eProInn | www.eproinn.com | HySolarKit | Converting conventional cars into hybrid and solar vehicles | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
348 | Italy | Onore | ML Engraving | www.mlengraving.com | INFINITE | INNOVATIVE LASER MACHINE FOR INDUSTRIAL ENGRAVING AND 3D TEXTURING | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
349 | Italy | Pedrengo | DS4 | www.ds4.it | INFINITE | INNOVATIVE LASER MACHINE FOR INDUSTRIAL ENGRAVING AND 3D TEXTURING | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
350 | Italy | Turin | ERPlan | www.erplan.it | ISO-COLD | Integrated SOlution to enhance COLD chain and logistic tracking | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
351 | Italy | Firenze | pnat | www.pnat.net | JFB | Jellyfish Barge - A floating greenhouse | 17.12.2014 | Space |
352 | Italy | SUELLO (LC) | FARINA PRESSE SRL | www.farinapresse.com | KERS-P | Development of a universal kit to be installed on existing and new High Tonnage Hot ForgingPresses, for a potential strong reduction of energy consumption of the European installed fleet. | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
353 | Italy | Vimodrone | Bios s.r.l. s.u. | www.biosgroup.eu | LOUISA-3D | Clinical validation of Laser Optoacoustic Ultrasonic 3D Imaging System Assembly for breast cancer detection and characterization through endogenous biomarkers. | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
354 | Italy | Saint Christophe | MDLab s.r.l. | www.mdlab-software.com | MDLab Ginestra | A novel characterization- and reliability-oriented simulation software for dielectric-based nano-electronic devices | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
355 | Italy | Calci | MEDRA | www.medra.co | MicroInstrmntsBP | Novel Materials and Manifacturing Process Enabling Wristed Micro-Instruments: Business Feasibility Of Surgical Applications | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
356 | Italy | Milano | Value Bio Tech S.R.L. | www.valuebiotech.com | MILANO ROBOT | Minimal Invasive Light Automatic Natural Orifice Robotic Platform | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
357 | Italy | Massarosa | Ivtech | www.ivtech.it | Multidyn | Patented advanced low-cost multiwell cell-culture system for in-vitro physiologically relevant biomarker screening | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
358 | Italy | roma | ALOSYS | www.alosys.it | NEW ARYEL | Advanced Solution for Smart Telemetry Machine-To-Machine applications | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
359 | Italy | Monza | comftech | www.comftech.com | NewMoon | NewMoon - Smart Garments in Newborns and Babies Monitoring | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
360 | Italy | TORINO | PHIDRIVE | www.phidrive.eu | Pre2Pos | PREcession-based drive mechanisms for high-PREcision energy-efficient POSitioning devices (Pre2Pos) | 24.09.2014 | Space |
361 | Italy | Zola Pedrosa | ANDERLINI | www.anderlini.it | PreNANOCOAT | Metal powder coating system with nano-technology pre-treatment. | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
362 | Italy | Bologna | Poggipolini | www.poggipolini.it | PROFIT | Cost-effective high speed Production for Fasteners in Titanium for the automotive industry | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
363 | Italy | MILANO | PULVERIT SPA | www.pulverit.it | PULVERCOAT | Low Curing Temperature Powder Coatings for Outdoor Applications | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
364 | Italy | Pont-Saint-Martin | Quintetto Srl | www.quintetto.it | Q-Room | Q-Room – Quintetto’s Holographic Telepresence Room | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
365 | Italy | Piubega | LA SANFERMESE | QUALIGRAIN | Increasing grain quality through advanced oxidation treatment during storage | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
366 | Italy | Novellara | Mhetodo Chemicals | www.methodochemicals.com | RAPSODY | Fermentation processes for functional foods from RAPeseed, Sunflower and Other EU matrices Devoted to Young animals.Zero-miles model boosting safety and competitiveness of livestock sector | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
367 | Italy | Desenzano del Garda | Renience S.r.l. | www.renience.com | RAYGEN | A unique innovative utility scale solar energy technology that utilises a field of low cost heliostat collectors to concentrate sunlight onto an ultra-efficient multi-junction photovoltaic cell array | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
368 | Italy | Milano | Cautha Srl | www.cautha.com | RAYGEN | A unique innovative utility scale solar energy technology that utilises a field of low cost heliostat collectors to concentrate sunlight onto an ultra-efficient multi-junction photovoltaic cell array | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
369 | Italy | Albinea (RE) | Flexbimec | www.flexbimec.com | REFEREE | pREcise Fluids mEteRing EquipmEnt | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
370 | Italy | GENOVA (GE) | AITEK | RoadCast | Dynamic Road Sign Casting | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
371 | Italy | Palermo | SBskin. Smart Building Skin | www.sbskin.it | SBskin | SBskin. Smart Building skin | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
372 | Italy | STORNERELLA | FIORDELISI | www.fiordelisisrl.com | SCHOCKO3 | Novel Ozone and Thermal Shock Conservation Process for Vegetables | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
373 | Italy | Milano | SEAGATE SRL | www.seagatesail.com | SeagateSail | 20% fuel saving for commercial vessels through a hybrid wind plus motor cruise mode. | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
374 | Italy | PADOVA | ARC | www.arc-projects.it | SENEX | Table Top Device based on Nanostructured Sensors for the continuous ENvironmental monitoring of EXplosive substances in sensitive areas | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
375 | Italy | PISA | INGENIARS | www.ingeniars.com | SIMPLE | Spacefibre IMPLementation design test Equipment | 17.12.2014 | Space |
376 | Italy | COCQUIO TREVISAGO VA | KITE | www.kitesolutions.it/ | SKEMAS | Share Knowledge for Effective Management of Aviation Safety | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
377 | Italy | Valsamoggia (Bologna) | Varvel SpA | www.varvel.com | SMARTGEARBOX | Development of a new gearbox without lubricants for low OM costs, higher efficiency, and oiless applications | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
378 | Italy | Torino | SmartPatch | www.smart-patch.com | SmartPatch | Use of a cost effective smart skin sensor system for remote Structural Health Monitoring and post event structural damage assessment in Soft Urban Targets and Critical Infrastructures Protection | 18.06.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
379 | Italy | Aprilia | Aero Sekur | www.aerosekur.com | SMS | SMS - Safety Micro Sensor | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
380 | Italy | APRILIA | SENSICHIPS | www.sensichips.com | SMS | SMS - Safety Micro Sensor | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
381 | Italy | MILANO | GRED | www.g-red.eu | SOLID | Satellite-based Observation of Land Infrastructure Deformations | 17.12.2014 | Space |
382 | Italy | BASSANO DEL GRAPPA VI | QASCOM | www.qascom.com | SoN3S | Software defined Satellite Navigation Security Simulator Study | 24.09.2014 | Space |
383 | Italy | PERUGIA | RFUT | www.rfmicrotech.com | SPACEFIT | SPAce-CompatiblE- Filters_in_dIelectric waveguide Technology | 24.09.2014 | Space |
384 | Italy | Gussago (Brescia) | Alpha Progetti | www.alphaprogetti.com | SPARK | Smart PArallel Robotic Kinematics | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
385 | Italy | Lecco | Sinnotech | www.sinnotech.it | SPARK | Smart PArallel Robotic Kinematics | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
386 | Italy | Varazze (SV) | DEMA | www.demasassi.it | SPARK | Cost-effective automated process for producing innovative high-performance electric motors | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
387 | Italy | Milano | Proxentia S.r.l. | www.proxentia.com | Stefy | Sensor Technology for Food analYsis | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
388 | Italy | Roma | Edillio Srl | www.edillio.eu | SWaM | Smart Water Manager SCADA system for entire grid of water wells management. | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
389 | Italy | Rome | Hydroingea | www.hydroingea.it | SWaM | Smart Water Manager SCADA system for entire grid of water wells management. | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
390 | Italy | MILANO | EKYMED | SWeetLight | Suturing with Light | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
391 | Italy | Pontedera | FASTENICA SRL | www.fastenica.it | SWeetLight | Suturing with Light | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
392 | Italy | Anzola dell'Emilia | Crea Solution srl | www.creasolution.it | TailorFit | TailorFit; The Integrated “made to measure” workflow automation for menswear | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
393 | Italy | Ospitaletto | La Coro Impianti S.r.l. | www.lacoro.it | TES | Total Energy System: innovative in-farm cogeneration plant for manure valorisation viable even for small farms | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
394 | Italy | PISA | TEA SISTEMI SPA | www.teasistemi.com | TherVIS | A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
395 | Italy | roma | ONAIRCS SRL | onaircs@legalmail.it | Theseus | Theseus | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
396 | Italy | SCURZOLENGO | ELETTROSYSTEM SAS | www.elettrosystem.com | TWIMP | Innovative Laser Solution for Cutting Welding TWIP steel with Improved Performance | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
397 | Italy | INVERUNO | Delco | ULTRABOAT | Ultrasonic System for Antifouling Protection of Ships | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
398 | Italy | Casale sul Sile (TV) | IMS | www.scardellato.net | VEZ | VEZ | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
399 | Italy | Cagliari | Energia Mediterranea S.r.l. | www.enermed.it | Wavepiston | Low price wave energy conversion through force cancellation. | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
400 | Italy | VARANO DE MELEGARI | BERCELLA SRL | www.bercella.it | WEL-FIT | Feasibility Study of the induction WELding, FIbre placement and shaping of Thermoplastic composites | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
401 | Italy | Monte Porzio Catone | SUM s.r.l.s. | Anyoon Rotary Engine | Innovative internal combustion engine that incorporates a unidirectional rotary design and obeys to perfection the Otto cycle giving it an efficiency of 78%. | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
402 | Italy | Rome | CECOM SRL | Anyoon Rotary Engine | AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
403 | Italy | CARRARA | AVMAP SRLU | AURA | Advanced Uninterrupted RAdio | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
404 | Italy | pogliano milanese | Laboratoires Phyto Technique srl | CosMyFY | A new Business Model for the Natural Cosmetic market | 18.03.2015 | Business model innovation | |
405 | Italy | BOLOGNA | Pro Gamma S.p.A. | DAHDAC | DAHDAC project: Disruptive Approach to Highly Distributed Application Creation | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
406 | Italy | LEGNANO | CASTELLANZA ENGINEERING SRL | DRIVING RIG | Driving simulator for disabled people with scientific assessment of driving skills and indication to of adaptation to be made to the vehicle | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
407 | Italy | Villaricca | Comesvil S.p.A. | FAST-TRACKS | Fast rAdio technologieS for uninterrupTed TRAin to traCKside communications | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
408 | Italy | ROMA | GMSPAZIO S.R.L. | GSTT | GMSPAZIO Satellite Tracking Toolkit | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
409 | Italy | Naples | DETOXIZYMES srls | INNOPROCITI | INNOVATIVE ENZYMES TO PROTECT CITIZENS AND CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES | 18.03.2015 | Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | |
410 | Italy | Langhirano | CAMI srl | IRSkin | IRSkin provides dermatologists a new dermatoscope, equipped with a software for visual comparisons in the diagnostic phase, performing a content based Image Retrieval from an a-priori built database. | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
411 | Italy | Livorno | ETA S.R.L. | MEWi-B | More Efficient Wind Blades | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
412 | Italy | Rende (CS) | GiPStech s.r.l. | NAV4I | Nav4I – Precise, reliable and inexpensive navigation and localization technology for indoor environments | 18.03.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications | |
413 | Italy | Civitanova Marche | Civitanavi Systems | NICENAV | NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
414 | Italy | Rome | NEAT S.r.l. | NICENAV | NICENAV Navigation-grade ITAR-free Certifiable Equipment for the Navigation of manned and unmanned Air Vehicle, based on FOG technology | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
415 | Italy | GUIDONIA MONTECELIO RM | ALMA SISTEMI SAS DI DI IORIO ALESSIO & C | PALADIN | Plasma Antenna for secure LAnDIng and Navigation | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
416 | Italy | Padova (PD) | Technology for Propulsion and Innovation s.r.l | PALADIN | Plasma Antenna for secure LAnDIng and Navigation | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
417 | Italy | Roma | LTG Elettronica | PALADIN | Plasma Antenna for secure LAnDIng and Navigation | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
418 | Italy | Sala Bolognese | TEK FRIGO SRL | ReHeat | Heat Recovery System for Professional Laundry Equipment | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
419 | Italy | MILANO | ISICO SRL | ScoliosisManager | Monitoring platform for scoliosis treatment to empower kids, parents, physicians and orthotists | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
420 | Italy | Lomazzo | Silk Biomaterials S.r.l. | SilkByPass | Develop simple tissue regeneration technologies for the benefits of humanity by leveraging the biomimetic properties and the mechanical advantages of a new silk manufacturing nanotechnology. | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
421 | Italy | Busto Arsizio | NastriTex S.r.l | SILVERWINE | Antiseptic kaolin-silver complex for substituting the use of sulfites in winemaking | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
422 | Italy | Milan | Citybility Srl | Social Resp Shopping | Creating the first Social Responsibility Shopping platform to link small businesses and local non-profits organizations through an innovative business model leveraging on responsible consumption | 18.03.2015 | Business model innovation | |
423 | Italy | Montecastrilli | NplusT Semiconductor Application Center srl | TEST-IC | Integrated Cicuit Testing Software | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
424 | Italy | Milano | Voice Systems S.r.l. | VOICEGALILEO | Navigator and global interface applications for visually impaired people using Galileo satellite technologies | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
425 | Italy | MILANO | MARBO ITALIA SPA | WAVE-METAL | Feasibility Study of a marketable, sustainable, innovative WAter-based high Vacuum METALlization | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
426 | Italy | CASCINA | WiTech S.p.a. | www.witech.it | APA | Filter-less air pollution abatement system able to clean a wide range of pollutants at ground level for ahealthier workplace and more sustainable environment. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
427 | Italy | Masi San Giacomo | VetroresinaSpa | www.vetroresina.com | APA | Filter-less air pollution abatement system able to clean a wide range of pollutants at ground level for ahealthier workplace and more sustainable environment. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
428 | Italy | Roma | IsTECH | www.istechpot.com | APA | Filter-less air pollution abatement system able to clean a wide range of pollutants at ground level for ahealthier workplace and more sustainable environment. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
429 | Italy | Roma | greenApes | www.greenapes.com | ECO - ENGAGE | GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
430 | Italy | Ferrara | Caleidos | www.caleidos.ws | MgSpa | A highly efficient and eco-friendly electric shower offering health benefits through magnesium sulphate | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
431 | Italy | PORTE | GRINP | www.grinp.com | PAIR | Plasma active pollution control system | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
432 | Italy | Roma | SACECCAV S.p.A. | www.saceccav.it | ProTreaT | FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF THE GREEN “ProTreaT” TECHNOLOGY FOR PROTEIN-BASED, NATURAL REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS FROM WATER AND WASTEWATER | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
433 | Italy | SAN GIORGIO DI PIANO | BIO ON SRL | www.bio-on.it | SCALEPHA | Industrial and commercial SCALE-up of Bio-on technology for the production of PHA polymers from sugar industries waste, co- and by-products | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
434 | Italy | SASSUOLO | MANFREDINI&SCHIANCHI | manfredinieschianchi.com | SLIGHT GRANULATION | SLIGHT GRANULATION process reducing Water consumption in ceramic tiles industry | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
435 | Italy | Roma | Imperial Europe S.r.l. | www.imperialeurope.it | WONDANTS | Wonder Ants — A new eco-friendly-innovation solution to persistent invasive ants. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
436 | Italy | CASEI GEROLA (PV) | ECOFOR SrL | www.ecofor.it | BIO-OXIDATED S2 | BIO-OXIDATED S2: THE SOLUTION TO USE ORGANIC SLUDGE, NON-HAZARDOUSINDUSTRIAL WASTE AND URBAN GREEN WASTE TO MAKE BRICKS. | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
437 | Italy | FERRERA ERBOGNONE (PV) | ARGITEK SrL | BIO-OXIDATED S2 | BIO-OXIDATED S2: THE SOLUTION TO USE ORGANIC SLUDGE, NON-HAZARDOUSINDUSTRIAL WASTE AND URBAN GREEN WASTE TO MAKE BRICKS. | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
438 | Italy | FERRERA ERBOGNONE (PV) | TIRSI SrL | BIO-OXIDATED S2 | BIO-OXIDATED S2: THE SOLUTION TO USE ORGANIC SLUDGE, NON-HAZARDOUSINDUSTRIAL WASTE AND URBAN GREEN WASTE TO MAKE BRICKS. | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
439 | Italy | Cesena | Biosphere s.r.l. | www.biospheresrl.com | Bioprene | Bio-based high-purity isoprene through high-yield technology | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
440 | Italy | MILANO | D-ORBIT SRL | www.deorbitaldevices.com | D-Orbit | Smart propulsive device for controlled satellite reentry and reorbit.Type of funding scheme: SME Instrument | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
441 | Italy | SOLBIATE OLONA | CIBITEX | www.cibitex.com | ECOFLEX | Feasibility study of a Eco-friendly, Compact and Flexible System for Post Digital Printing Treatment of Textiles | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
442 | Italy | Anzola Emilia | LabServices | www.labservice.it | ODORPREP | Real Time, Automatic and Remote-activated Sampling System for industrial odor emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
443 | Italy | FIORANO MODENESE (MO) | DEFSPA | www.defspa.it | BIOCERAMINK | New ecological BIO CERAMIC INK based on bio-solvents for ink jet printing (BIOCERAMINK) | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
444 | Italy | Roma | The Hub Roma Srl | www.hubroma.net | CAGIX | An online software platform for effectively matching investors with start-ups, focused on boosting the cleantech sector | 17.06.2015 | SME business model innovation |
445 | Italy | ANAGNI | PLASTIC | www.pointplastic.it | COMPSULE | COMPostable capSULE for instant coffee delivery based on an innovative chemical functionalization of biobased plastics | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
446 | Italy | Roma | PLASTIROMA S.R.L. | www.plastiroma.it | COMPSULE | COMPostable capSULE for instant coffee delivery based on an innovative chemical functionalization of biobased plastics | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
447 | Italy | Pescara | Saquella 1856 S.r.l. | www.saquella.it | COMPSULE | COMPostable capSULE for instant coffee delivery based on an innovative chemical functionalization of biobased plastics | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
448 | Italy | Cerro Maggiore | l'acn | www.acn.it | DEXscAn | Low-cost semiconducting polymers for manufacturing 2D-digital X-Ray detectors | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
449 | Italy | Ariccia | MLAB | www.motulab.com | ECOSHIELD | Ecologic Smart system for Housing and Innovative Electronic Large Defence | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
450 | Italy | Torino | Laserlam | www.laserlam.it | EMILK | Food treatment process based on high voltage nanopulsed electric discharges in liquid phase | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
451 | Italy | Imola | COGNETEX | www.cognetex.com/ | FIBRESPIN | New Generation of High Speed FIBRE SPINning machines | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
452 | Italy | FAENZA | ELETTRONICA GF | www.elettronicagf.com | FIBRESPIN | New Generation of High Speed FIBRE SPINning machines | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
453 | Italy | Roma | X23 | www.x-23.org | GDC | A Genetic Data CUBE - An innovative business model applied to predictive and prescriptive analytics, exploring Big Data and empowering cloud-services and urgent computation | 17.06.2015 | SME business model innovation |
454 | Italy | BOGLIASCO | ABO DATA SRL | www.abodata.com | GIDROM | Drone-based integrated monitoring system for early detection of crop pathology and pest control in high tech greenhouse agriculture. | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
455 | Italy | GENOVA | GLOBI HI-TECH | www.globi.com | GIDROM | Drone-based integrated monitoring system for early detection of crop pathology and pest control in high tech greenhouse agriculture. | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
456 | Italy | ROMA | ITALTEK SRL | giovanni.dupuis@italteksrl..com | GreenDrive | Molecular fuel modifier for marine vessels able to reduce running costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators of marine vessels. | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
457 | Italy | ARONA NO | Thurckon | www.thurckon.com | KORIDION | Feasibility Study for a Breakthrough Core System to Enable Fault Tolerant Manufacture of High Performances Composites Wind Blades | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
458 | Italy | Milano | TESI ELETTRONICA E SISTEMI INFORMATIVI | www.tesi.mi.it | KareShare | KareShare Platform for Effective Collaborative Clinical Care Management | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
459 | Italy | Milano | Leaf Space | www.leafspace.eu | LEAF LINE | The first ground stations network enabling real-time, cost-effective, and easy access to micro/nanosatellite data | 17.06.2015 | Space research and development |
460 | Italy | Roma | ACONET | www.aconet.it | LUCY | Early detector of comorbid depression | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
461 | Italy | Mornago | FIBERTECH GROUP srl | www.fibertechgroup.it | MODBRIDGE | Modular 100% Carbon Fibre Footbridge | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
462 | Italy | Padova | Molino Favero | www.molinofavero.it | MOLYCEMIC | Development and production of gluten-free flour blends with a reduced glycemic index | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
463 | Italy | Sant'Angelo in Vado (PU) | NTP Nano Tech Projects s.r.l. | www.ntpsrl.biz | NED- Nano Eye Device | THE NANO EYE DEVICE | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
464 | Italy | Legnano | VR | www.vitorimoldi.it | NEWERA | Innovative micro-abrasive Water Jet for high precision machining and finishing | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
465 | Italy | San Lazzaro di Savena | MET s.r.l. | www.o3met.com | O3MET | Vegetable ozone therapy for the defense of greenhouse crops | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
466 | Italy | bolzano | Huberg | www.huberg.com | OMIS | Optical Mid Infrared Spectrometer | 17.06.2015 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
467 | Italy | TORINO TO | MTS | www.moltosenso.com | PROMETHEUS-IOT | a versatile Platform foR delivering incremental, scalable and cOst-effective ad-hoc services froM hETErogeneoUS and collaborating objects in the Internet Of Things | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
468 | Italy | Verona | Officina Biotecnologica | Pgreek | Plant-made GREEn Kit | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
469 | Italy | Tortona | Tiessepi srl | REACMIN | RECYCLING ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS INTO NEW ECO-FRIENDLY SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS FOR FURTHER INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
470 | Italy | Rubano | IODA Srl | www.ioda-it.com | RLTProFood | RLTProFood - Remote Lighting Technology for processing and production of food | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
471 | Italy | CASOLI | COMETA SPA | www.cometagroup.it | SEA FOAM | innovative Steering-triangles rEAlized with Aluminum FOAM technology for motorcycle industry | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
472 | Italy | CORSICO (MI) | FLUID-O-TECH | www.fluidotech.it | SMAV | SMAV: Best for the Environment Soda Fountain Smart Valves | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
473 | Italy | CORSICO (MI) | F-LAB SrL | www.F-LAB.ORG | SMAV | SMAV: Best for the Environment Soda Fountain Smart Valves | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
474 | Italy | CORSICO (MI) | DOLPHIN FLUIDICS | www.dolphinfluidics.it | SMAV | SMAV: Best for the Environment Soda Fountain Smart Valves | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
475 | Italy | LEGNANO | Nearchimica | www.nearchimica.it | SPIRYT | Platform for envIRonmentallY Sustainable Textile processing, to be replicated worldwide in the fashion industry Feasibility Study | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
476 | Italy | Cadriano Granarolo Emilia | PLASTICAL srl | www.plastical.it | SYSTEMPOLE | High Performance Modular Composite Pole for Orchard Hail Protection | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
477 | Italy | MILANO | ETS | www.etssistemi.it | ShipHullSHM | Bespoke Acoustic Emission System for real-time ship hull monitoring for all weather conditions | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
478 | Italy | Taggia | SUNCHEM Holding SRL | www.sunchem.it | Solaris | Solaris Energy Tobacco | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
479 | Latvia | Riga | Rubber Products | www.rubber-products.net | Project NGR M | Market Entry Feasibility Project for Next Generation Rubber | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
480 | Latvia | Riga | BSI | www.bsi.lv | SEMICOOL-H | Hybrid cooling system for semiconductor detectors of X- and Gamma- Rays | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
481 | Latvia | Riga | HEE Photonic labs | www.heephotonic.eu | EO-SLR | Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System | 17.06.2015 | Space research and development |
482 | Lithuania | Vilnius | UAB Ferentis | www.ferentis.eu | BIOTIMA | Market Opportunity Confirmation for Biomimetic Tissue Matrix Products | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
483 | Lithuania | Vilnius | UAB Saules vejo aruodai | www.sva.lt | Collect and Reflect | Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by implementing Collect and Reflect(TM) blinds for solar energy collection and reflection (Collect and Reflect) | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
484 | Lithuania | Vilnius | UAB Ars Lab | www.getperes.com | Global PERES | Bringing a breakthrough e-nose solution on global markets for portable and reliable food safety and quality control | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
485 | Lithuania | Vilnius | Ruptela UAB | www.ruptela.lt | INTRANSYS | Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
486 | Lithuania | Vilnius | Gumos technologijos | RETYRE | Recycling waste tyres into devulcanized rubber | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
487 | Lithuania | Karmėlava | ELINTA | www.elinta.eu | iPHEV | Advanced Plug-in Hybrid Electric Drive System for Commercial Fleet Trucks | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
488 | Luxembourg | Leudelange | Digicash Payments | www.digica.sh | DGC | SEPA in your pocket – development of a mobile payment solution based on a disruptive SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Credit Transfer approach for banks and the payment industry. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
489 | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | ThemarketsTrust-Advisory | CoCoBondsValuation | New System for Credit Rating of Hybrid Securities | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
490 | Malta | Birzebbugia | Wellness Spa Italy | www.wellnessspaitaly.it | MOSART | Advanced Automated Process for Low Cost Efficient Custom Mosaic Manufacturing | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
491 | Netherlands | Delft | Holland Container Innovations Nederland B.V. | www.hcinnovations.nl | 4FOLD | 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
492 | Netherlands | Berghem | Viaderna | www.viaderna.nl | Andrupos | Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
493 | Netherlands | Enschede | Entech Scientific B.V. | ART | Feasibility assessment on Alarm Resolution Technology, using X-Ray Echo Methodology | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” | |
494 | Netherlands | UTRECHT | MILABS BV | www.milabs.com | BRAINSPECT | Ultra high resolution Single Photon Computed Emission Tomography for the molecular imaging of brain disease | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
495 | Netherlands | Eindhoven | Anteryon | www.anteryon.com | Colibri | The compact LIBS module for advanced materials analysis | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
496 | Netherlands | Best | Heliox | www.heliox.nl | CONCEPT | CONductive fast Charge system for Electric buses in Public Transport | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
497 | Netherlands | Delft | S&T B.V. | www.stcorp.nl | CSAR | Ensuring pipeline integrity using Earth Observation Data | 24.09.2014 | Space |
498 | Netherlands | Noordwijk | Orbital Eye | www.orbitaleye.nl | CSAR | Ensuring pipeline integrity using Earth Observation Data | 24.09.2014 | Space |
499 | Netherlands | Rotterdam | Treeway | www.Treeway.nl | DEALS | Biomarker assay development to expedite ALS experimental therapeutic advancement | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
500 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Mount Medical | www.mountmedical.nl | Delirium Monitor | Objective delirium detection with an innovative EEG-based spot monitor | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
501 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | ViriCiti B.V. | www.viriciti.com | EU-elabus4.0 | reduce - recycle - reuseeMobility - retrofitting-kits for busses | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
502 | Netherlands | Veghel | Nemo Healthcare | www.nemohealthcare.com | FETAL MONITORING | Safe and accurate fetal monitoring | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
503 | Netherlands | Eindhoven | Hemics | www.hemics.com | FIND | Feasibility Assessment of a Foot INflammation Detection Device | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
504 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Free-D Geometries B.V. | www.free-d.nl | FREE-D | CNC dynamic mold for producing freely curved glass panels | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
505 | Netherlands | UTRECHT | BEPART BV | GT WHR system | Green Turbine WHR System | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
506 | Netherlands | Groningen | TVILIGHT | www.tvilight.com | iDriver | iDriver | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
507 | Netherlands | EINDHOVEN | IBS PE | www.ibspe.com | InLineNano | In-Line Areal Surface Measurement for Micro and Nano Production | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
508 | Netherlands | ENSCHEDE | INE | www.inertia-technology.com/ | I-WSN | Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for Asset Integrity Monitoring | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
509 | Netherlands | Enschede | Tide Microfluidics | www.tidemicrofluidics.com | MAMANUCA | Microfluidic Advanced Manufacturing of Ultrasound Contrast Agents | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
510 | Netherlands | LEIDEN | MEDIS MEDICAL IMAGING SYSTEMS | www.medis.nl | NO_MORE_FEAR | A NOvel FFR Measurement fOR accurate dEtermination of stenosis Functional severity in ischemic hEARt disease | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
511 | Netherlands | Enschede | Blue4Green B.V. | www.Blue4Green.com | Pathogens detection | Antibiotics reduction with early mastitis pathogens detection for @ point of animal care usages | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
512 | Netherlands | Woerden | Abundnz B.V. | www.abundnz.com | QUIST | Quick Sepsis Test | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
513 | Netherlands | Brummen | Aitek BV | www.aitekbv.nl | RoadCast | Dynamic Road Sign Casting | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
514 | Netherlands | OSS | NTRC | www.ntrc.nl | SENSITIVITYMARKERS | Clinical validation of prognostic biomarkers of chemotherapy response in liquid biopsies | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
515 | Netherlands | MAASTRICHT | PATHO | www.pathofinder.com | SixthSense | Early diagnosis of cervical cancer through the validation of Human Papilloma Virus viral load and expression of oncogenic viral proteins E6/E7 as risk indicators | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
516 | Netherlands | Apeldoorn | e-Traction Europe B.V. | www.e-traction.com | THEMOTION | TheMotion: Revolution in Motion | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
517 | Netherlands | HAARLEM | ELI | www.elitac.nl | VR-Suit | VR-Suit : MultiModal experiences in a Virtual World | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
518 | Netherlands | Rotterdam | Vryhof Anchors B.V. | www.vryhof.com | Wavepiston | Low price wave energy conversion through force cancellation. | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
519 | Netherlands | RENESSE | SAINT TROFEE VOF | FLEXCOLD | Demand flexibility for cold appliances for supermarkets and retail stores | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
520 | Netherlands | Rotterdam | Hudson River Biotechnology | Marigold | Enhancing the lutein content of Marigold | 18.03.2015 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability | |
521 | Netherlands | Oegstgeest | Bi-Energy BV | Mucky | MUCKY: The circular solution for the valorisation of mixed municipal waste streams. | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
522 | Netherlands | Noordwijk | weRide BV | ParkBee | Private garages’ access system, through a real-time and keyless solution, for cheaper and faster prime inner-city parking. | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
523 | Netherlands | Maastricht | Xilloc Medical B.V. | PIONEeRING | PatIent specific bONE RepositionING | 18.03.2015 | Business model innovation | |
524 | Netherlands | Rotterdam | Except | Polydome | Proposal for innovative and sustainable polyculture greenhouse system Polydome | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
525 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Reciclata B.V. | TheCityGame pilot | TheCityGame; Feasibility study and mini-pilots | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
526 | Netherlands | Den Helder | Sustainable Business Engineers B.V. | We TAP IN | Weaving Technology based Automated Production Processes in the Composite Industry (We TAP IN) | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
527 | Netherlands | Leeuwarden | HydrOWashR | HW2000 | Hydrowashr 2000 | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
528 | Netherlands | HULST | COLSEN | www.colsen.nl | Poul-AR | Poultry manure valorization | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
529 | Netherlands | Someren | iPM Partners | www.ipmpartners.nl | COLLOGISTICS | Express Delivery end-to-end Management System through collaborative intelligence. | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
530 | Netherlands | URSEM | PROVALOR | www.provalor.nl | PLANTIBIOTICS | Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
531 | Norway | Oslo | Biovotec AS | BIOCURE | Novel Biomaterial for Improved and Cost-efficient Wound Healing | 24.09.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability | |
532 | Norway | Borre | SensoVANN AS | www.sensovann.com | BIWAS | Biological Water Alarm System (BiWAS) for protection of urban drinking water infrastructure against CBRN threats | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
533 | Norway | LARVIK | Vestfold Vann IKS | vvv.vestfoldvann.no | BIWAS | Biological Water Alarm System (BiWAS) for protection of urban drinking water infrastructure against CBRN threats | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
534 | Norway | Oslo | Cardiaccs | www.cardiaccs.com | CARDISENSE | Innovative sensor for continuous monitoring of heart function during and after surgery | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
535 | Norway | Borre | Sensocure | www.sensocure.no | CLINISC | Clinical validation of pCO2 sensor system for ischemia detection | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
536 | Norway | Herøy | planktonic | www.planktonic.no | CryoPlankton | A replacement of the sub-optimal live feeds used at hatcheries today with a new cryopreserved live diet for the improved and efficient production of juveniles in marine aquaculture | 18.06.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
537 | Norway | Oslo | STINGRAY MARINE SOLUTIONS AS | EctoVision | Improved machine vision for guidance of optical system for cost-effective and environmentally safe in-situ removal of ectoparasites from farmed fish | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
538 | Norway | Lysaker | Hospital Organiser | www.hospitalorganiser.no | eMediCare2 | Promoting sustainable patient treatment by an intelligent online medicine dispenser for home care use. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
539 | Norway | Fornebu | IDEAS | www.ideas.no | HOLOSCAN | Holographic Scanner for Safe Real-Time High Throughput Screening of People and Their Bags | 18.06.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
540 | Norway | Oslo | Labrida AS | www.labrida.no | Implant maintenance | Novel dental implant maintenance instrument; Production scaling up and European market expansion | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
541 | Norway | Kristiansand | VOCA | www.voca.no | OPTILIFT | OPTILIFT offshore lifting and logistics | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
542 | Norway | Oslo | PUBGENE | www.pubgene.com | PCMPS | Precision Cancer Medicine Pipeline and Services | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
543 | Norway | Drammen | Piql AS | www.piql.com | PreserviX | Reshaping Digital Preservation | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
544 | Norway | Bergen | Mobiletech AS | www.mobiletech.no | RAd | RAd (Responsible Advertising) - An innovative donate-per-view digital video advertising model | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
545 | Norway | Asker | Idteq AS | www.idteq.com | TruckSecurity | Truck Security_ Fuel and cargo theft detection alarm system | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
546 | Norway | STAVANGER | WINDMASTER | www.complexwind.com | WITRO | Wind and Turbulence Radar for Offshore wind energy | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
547 | Poland | Kościerzyna | Jakusz | jakusz.com | EcoSpacePropulsion | Piloting and upscaling the unique on site and mobile production plants for highly concentrated Hydrogen peroxide (HTP) production for space industry applications | 17.12.2014 | Space |
548 | Poland | Skoki | SAV Studio | www.savstudio.pl | EU-elabus4.0 | reduce - recycle - reuseeMobility - retrofitting-kits for busses | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
549 | Poland | Rzeszów | ML System Sp. z o.o. | www.mlsystem.pl | MLSYSTEM | MLSYSTEM - heatable, integrated photovoltaics with insulated glass units | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
550 | Poland | Szczecin | Pixel Legend | www.pixellegend.com | Pastguide | Pastguide - guide app to run and witness full 3d reenactments of the past events in the heritage place on your mobile device | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
551 | Poland | Gdynia | Bioseco | www.bioseco.com | SafeSky | SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
552 | Poland | Gdynia | Bonda.pl | www.bonda.pl | SafeSky | SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
553 | Poland | Gdynia | SIRC | www.si-research.eu | SafeSky | SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
554 | Poland | Warszawa | ConnectPoint | www.connectpoint.pl | SmartX | SmartX is an innovative ICT platform for electricity demand-supply management | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
555 | Poland | Warszawa | BCAST SP. Z O.O. | DABCAST | Integrated, economical cloud-based service for digital radio broadcasting | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
556 | Poland | Krakow | exc sp. z.o.o. | Excalibur 2.0 | Revolutionary trustworthy platform for seamless authentication of Internet users | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
557 | Poland | Warszawa | MANAGEMENT DATA SYSTEMS Sp. z o. o. | Mobile E-Admini | Increase of awareness, activity and confidence of local residents in area of municipal administration and the reduction of barriers to access information in the age of mobility and e-government | 18.03.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications | |
558 | Poland | Szczecin | Sup4Nav LLC | NAVDEC | Navigational Decision Support System for Improved COLREGs Safety Management | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
559 | Poland | Siemianowice Śląskie | Plasma System SA | smaRtAIL | Smart protective coatings on classic materials for a new generation of ecologically sustainable ‛green’ railway vehicles | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
560 | Poland | Łódź | NapiFeryn BioTech | www.napiferyn.pl | FIDOs | Development and market launch of novel technology for production of nutritionally complete plant proteins called FIDOs - “Functional (Protein) Isolates Derived from Oilseeds”. | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
561 | Poland | Warszawa | Atsora | www.atsora.com | MOMENTUM | MOMENTUM - virtual, mobile CFO for small and medium enterprises | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
562 | Poland | Warszawa | QUANTUM LAB POLAND SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIA | www.quantumlab.co | XPRESS | XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
563 | Portugal | Funchal | UBQ - UNIDADE BIOQUÍMICA | www.ubqmadeira.com | BLUE IODINE | Boost BLUE economy trough market uptake an innovative seaweed bioextract for IODINE fortification | 24.09.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
564 | Portugal | OEIRAS | STAB VIDA | www.stabvida.com | easierNGS | CERTIFIED PACKS FOR EASIER NEXT-GENERATION SEQUENCING CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS | 18.06.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
565 | Portugal | AVEIRAS DE CIMA | GEPACK | www.gepack.pt | GEPLAER | PLASTIC AEROSOL CONTAINER | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
566 | Portugal | Portalegre | Bluecover Technologies | www.bluecover.pt | GOLFTRACKER | Automatic tracking of golf games for improvement and training purposes, using GNSS receivers, wearable sensors and Earth Observation information | 24.09.2014 | Space |
567 | Portugal | Beja | Livedrive | www.livedrive.pt | i2D | i2D – intelligence to drive | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
568 | Portugal | Queluz Baixo | MIIT, Lda. | www.miit.pt | mainDSS | Intelligent maintenance Decision Support System for the industry | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
569 | Portugal | Porto | Omniflow, S.A. | www.omniflow.pt | Omniflow | Next-generation hybrid wind and solar power technology | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
570 | Portugal | CARTAXO | YNVISIBLE | www.ynvisible.com | PRINTOO | PRINTOO - flexible, thin, printed electronics prototyping kit | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
571 | Portugal | Alverca | AcessoMatic | www.acessomatic.pt | SPM | Strawberry Processing Machine | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
572 | Portugal | Aveiro | Orizonvision | www.orizon-vision.com | SPM | Strawberry Processing Machine | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
573 | Portugal | SAMORA CORREIA | Unbabel, Lda | www.unbabel.com | Unbabel | Unbabel: Scalable, affordable and seamless content globalization using distributed crowd-post editing | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
574 | Portugal | Braga | ENERMETER | www.enermeter.pt | VitiPrecision 2020 | VitiPrecision 2020 | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
575 | Portugal | Porto | Xhockware | www.xhockware.com | YouBeep | YouBeep – InStore mobile shopping and analytics | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
576 | Portugal | Coimbra | OPTISIGMA - ENERGIA & AMBIENTE, LDA. | INSWITCH | InSwitch – Ultra-Compact Electronic Solid-State Device for Induction Motor Starting and Performance Improvement | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
577 | Portugal | Maia | EQS - Engineering, Quality and Safety | NANO | Intelligent Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring and Sensing System for Asset Integrity Management | 18.03.2015 | Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | |
578 | Portugal | Coimbra | Perceive 3D, SA | P3DNavitech | Novel navigation system for arthroscopy that uses solely the endoscopic video to perform measurements inside the joints and provide the necessary guidance to the surgeon. | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
579 | Portugal | Palmela | Eixo Digital | www.eixodigital.com | MCEP | Launching the Maritime Copernicus Enablement Platform | 17.06.2015 | Space research and development |
580 | Serbia | Belgrade | mySkin d.o.o. | www.myskin.rs | ScanZ | Point of care medical device enabling patient self-assessment for acne diagnosis support. | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
581 | Serbia | Novi Sad | Biogranum d.o.o. | www.biogranum.com | BIGWHEAT | An innovative approach to boost wheat yields | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
582 | Slovakia | BRATISLAVA | HIGHCHEM SRO | www.highchem.com | BDoSM | Big Data of Small Molecules | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
583 | Slovakia | Bratislava | SKLÀDKY a ODPADY s.r.o. | DIMINU | Decentralised diminished mineralization incineration unit for dewatered sewage sludge lends resource efficient low-carbon electricity generation | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
584 | Slovenia | Ljubljana | ASC, Uros Kejzar s.p. | ASC | Amorphous Speculative Compression | 24.09.2014 | Space | |
585 | Slovenia | Celje | Ema doo | www.ema.si | GALiVMS | Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries | 24.09.2014 | Space |
586 | Slovenia | Ljubljana | Genialis d.o.o. | www.genialis.com | GDAPIV | Genomics Data Analysis Pipelines with Interactive Visualizations | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
587 | Slovenia | Kamnik | GEM motors | www.gemmotors.si | GEM E-drive | In-wheel electric drive for E-commercial vehicles | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
588 | Slovenia | KOZINA | ROBOTINA | www.robotina.si | HIQ-Home | Advanced System for Eco, Energy and Cost Efficient, Comfortable and Secure Smart Homes | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
589 | Slovenia | LJUBLJANA | ETREL | www.etrel.si | INCH | INteractive CHarging | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
590 | Slovenia | Cerknica | Elgoline d.o.o. | www.elgoline.si | NIRIS | Non-Intrusive Resident Identification Sensor | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
591 | Slovenia | Ljubljana | MARAND, d.o.o. | www.marand.com | ThinkEHR Platform | Think!EHR Platform as vendor-neutral, open health data platform, designed for real-time, transactional health data storage enabling to go from idea to application in one hour. | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
592 | Slovenia | LJUBLJANA | INEA INFORMATIZACIJA ENERGETIKA AVTOMATIZACIJA DOO | ITI | Intelligent Trading Interface | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
593 | Slovenia | LJUBNO OB SAVINJI | PODKRIZNIK D.O.O. | S-Gearbox | The Development of a »New« Planocentric Gearbox with a Closed Cage and S-gear Tooth Flank | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
594 | Slovenia | LJUBLJANA CRNUCE | CGS PLUS INOVATIVNE INFORMACIJSKE IN OKOLJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE DOO | SmaRMS COM | Smart Road Modular Sensor (SmaRMS) Prototype Testing and Commercialization Viability | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
595 | Slovenia | LJUBLJANA | ACIES BIO | www.aciesbio.com | WHEY2VALUE | Whey2Value: valorising waste whey into high-value products | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
596 | Slovenia | Gorišnica | VB Center d.o.o. | DIA-VIT | DIA-VIT, a non-invasive glucose self-monitoring device for diabetes patients | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
597 | Slovenia | Škofja Loka | ZNS d.o.o. | Smart Ski | Smart Ski | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
598 | Slovenia | Vače | STRIP'S d.o.o. | www.strips.eu | VIPACO | Increase Energy Efficiency rates in buildings and white goods through advanced Vacuum Insulation Panels Quality Control | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
599 | Slovenia | Bohinjska Bela | PROFORM d.o.o. | www.proform.si | Wallco | Wallco quality modular solid wood furniture | 17.06.2015 | SME business model innovation |
600 | Spain | Valencia | Photonic Sensors and Algorithms | 3D-LEAP | 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
601 | Spain | Huesca | STRUCTURAL RESEARCH, S.L. | www.strucres.com | AIRCRANE | New building methodology for improved full-concrete wind towers for wind turbines. | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
602 | Spain | SEVILLA | SHS | www.shsconsultores.es | AIRIMGO | ADVANCE IRIS RECOGNITION IN MOVE | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
603 | Spain | Altea | Aquasonic | www.aquasonic.es | AQUASONIC-diesel | UPSCALE OF ELECTRICAL PULSES TECHNOLOGY CAPABLE OF FRAGMENTING HYDROCARBON CHAINS IN FUEL FOR MARITIME APPLICATIONS | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
604 | Spain | MADRID | ADEX | www.adexcop.com | AST-FCS_vF | ADAPTIVE SELF-TUNING FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM COMPLETE AND QUALIFIED | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
605 | Spain | LOGRONO | TECNOLOGIAS AVANZADAS INSPIRALIA SL | www.inspiralia.com | ASTHMAPOC | Disposable nitric oxide POC (point-of-care) test for home care easy management of asthma in chronic patients | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
606 | Spain | Vigo | Hidronav | hidronav@hidronav.com | ASWD | Advanced Space Weather Detector | 17.12.2014 | Space |
607 | Spain | Ourense | Bridge Mediatech S.L. | www.bridgemediatech.com | BDuSSCR | BIG DATA using SECOND SCREEN AND CONTENT RECOGNITION (BDuSSCR) | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
608 | Spain | Burgos | Hiperbaric, S.A. | www.hiperbaric.com | BEVSTREAM | High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
609 | Spain | Larrageta | NewMusicNow | www.blackbinderscores.com | BLACKBINDER | Black Binder, all-in System of Digital Scores | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
610 | Spain | Noáin | GeoActio | www.geoactio.com | BLEticket | Mobile ticketing system for urban transport | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
611 | Spain | San Fernando de Henares | Cubenube S. L. | www.cubenube.com | BYNSE | BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SERVICE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF CROPS BASED ON CLOUDAND BIG DATA | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
612 | Spain | Barcelona | Gnoto Marketing & Sales, SL | www.gnoto.com | CAIN | Analysis of multimedia contents published on social networks, using a community of people willing to perform micro-tasks on their mobile devices. Application to marketing and branding | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
613 | Spain | VALENCIA | S2 GRUPO | www.s2grupo.es | CAPTOR | cAPTor captures Advanced System Threats with | 18.06.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
614 | Spain | ALAIOR | IRIDEON S.L. | www.irideon.eu | CardioBIVA | Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
615 | Spain | VALENCIA | GEM IMAGIN | www.oncovision.es | CAREMiBRAIN | A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
616 | Spain | Terrassa | ITESTIT S.L | www.smartive.eu | CLOUD DIAGNOSIS | Providing Predictive Maintenance for Wind Turbines Over Cloud | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
617 | Spain | MADRID | CAMELINA COMPANY ESPANA S.L. | www.camelinacompany.es | CORE | Camelina Oil for Sustainable Salmon Aquafeed | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
618 | Spain | Oviedo | Dobra | COSYNAT | Clean, Versatile and Cost-effective Waste-to-Energy Solution | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
619 | Spain | Oviedo | Indemesa | www.indemesa.com | COSYNAT | Clean, Versatile and Cost-effective Waste-to-Energy Solution | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
620 | Spain | Balsareny | COHITECH | www.cohitech.net | DAFAP | Development of Advanced Functional Absorbent Products | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
621 | Spain | Madrid | Ocupharm | www.ocupharm.com | DryEye | Validation of a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Dry Eye Syndrome based in nucleotides detection | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
622 | Spain | Donostia | Instant Sport, S.L. | www.wavegarden.com | DWAVE | Designing waves for the people | 17.12.2014 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
623 | Spain | Sant Feliu del Llobregat | IBERITAL | www.iberital.com | ECOBREW | New eco-efficient and healthy professional espresso coffee machine | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
624 | Spain | Madrid | TRATAMIENTO SUPERFICIAL ROBOTIZADO, SL | https:tsrwind.com | EeC WITUR | Efficient energy cleaning robotic platform for wind turbines (EeC WITUR) | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
625 | Spain | Barcelona | Natural Machines | www.naturalmachines.com | Efficient Cooking | Substainable and efficient food processing and cooking sytem | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
626 | Spain | Paterna | CYSNERGY | www.cysnergy.com | EFICONSUMPTION | Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
627 | Spain | Valencia | Kukupia | www.kukupia.com | eKuore | eKoure: the world´s first wireless stethoscope of the mhealth market. | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
628 | Spain | Revilla de Camargo | APRIA Systems S.L. | www.apriasystems.es | ELOXIRAS | Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
629 | Spain | IGUALADA | S&C | www.sensingcontrol.com | enControl-Intuo | ENergy-efficient CONTROL with INternet-of-Things connected home solUtiOn | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
630 | Spain | GIJON | ADN MOBILE | www.adnmobilesolutions.com | EUROCATED | Innovative services and platform for sustainable transport based on ecodriving techniques | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
631 | Spain | DERIO | Bioftalmik S.L. | www.bioftalmik.com | eyePoC | Clinical validation of a new diagnostic and monitoring PoC medical device based on quantification of biomarkers in tear fluids to improve the quality of eye health care | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
632 | Spain | SEVILLA | INGEN | www.ingeniatrics.com | FlowcusinUp | Scale Up of Microencapsulation Systems by using Flow Focusing Technology | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
633 | Spain | RUBI | CHIMIGRAF IBERICA SL | www.chimigraf.com | FreshInk | Colour-code labelling for continuous monitoring of quality and safety of packed chicken meat | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
634 | Spain | Leganés | SENSIA | www.sensia-solutions.com | GaSeS | First low cost handheld infrared camera for fugitive emissions, early detection and location, increasing energy efficiency in industrial plants, infrastructures and utilities | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
635 | Spain | Madrid | Seaplace | www.seaplace.es | General Purpose DP | A Compact Dynamic Positioning System of General Purpose for Marine Units, Crafts and Ships | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
636 | Spain | Santander | Terrasolum | www.terrasolum.es | GEOAPPS | APPS for geotechnical field work | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
637 | Spain | SANTANDER | ACORDE | GLAD | GNSS/INS Low-Cost Attitude Determination System | 18.06.2014 | Space | |
638 | Spain | SAN SEBASTIAN GUIPUZCOA | Graphenea | www.graphenea.com | GO4APP | Graphene oxide for advanced polymer applications | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
639 | Spain | Pozuelo de Alarcon | Gnanomat S.L. | www.gnanomat.com | GRAPHEEN | Green and Straightforward process for the synthesis of Graphene based-nanomaterials for energy applications | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
640 | Spain | Guadalupe(Murcia) | D&M International | www.dragemate.com | GULWESS-PROP | Green Ultra Light Weight Energy Storage System for Propulsion | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
641 | Spain | VIGO | NIT | www.nanoimmunotech.es | HEATSENS_S | Lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device based on plasmonicdriven thermal sensing for rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium in agro-food field. | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
642 | Spain | CERDANYOLA DEL VALLES BARCELONA | Z2I | www.inbloon.com | HELIUM | High European Laboratory for Institutes, Universities and Markets | 24.09.2014 | Space |
643 | Spain | MAIRENA DEL ALJARAFE - SEVILLA | WINDINERTIA | www.windinertia.es | HESS | Hybrid Energy Storage System | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
644 | Spain | TERRASSA BARCELONA | FLUBETECH | www.flubetech.com | HIPINDMOULD | Optimized Industrial HIPIMS system for coating Plastic Injection Moulds | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
645 | Spain | Barcelona | Acellera Labs SL | www.acellera.com | HTMD | Feasibility assessment of a cloud application platform for rational drug design using high throughput molecular dynamics | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
646 | Spain | CHIVA | PREFABRICADOS LUFORT SLU | www.lufort.es | IDIFOR | Conceptual study for the reconversion of LUFORT: Diversification towards high added value UHPFRC products for face internationalization | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
647 | Spain | Cerdanyola del Vallès | ICAR | www.icarvision.com | ID_MOBILE | Solution to authenticate and read ID documents using mobile devices at point of origin in real-time, eliminating manual handling and providing better, more secure services. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
648 | Spain | MADRID | INSULCLOUD | www.insulclock.com | INSULCLOCK | Empowered control of drugs's dosage in chronic diseases. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
649 | Spain | salamanca | Bio-inRen | www.bio-inren.es | KIT | Kidney Injury Technology | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
650 | Spain | Murcia | miLeyenda | http://mileyenda.com | LEGEND | LEGEND, Sport goes viral | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
651 | Spain | Zaragoza | Epic Power Converters S.L | www.epicpower.es | LESS | Lift Energy Saving System for Residential Buildings (LESS) | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
652 | Spain | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Lightbee SL | www.lightbeecorp.com | LIGHTKEY | Visible Light Communication (VLC) application for mobile devices as control access, validation, master key or secure payment solution. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
653 | Spain | Barcelona | SONICAT | www.sonicat-systems.com | LIQUAM | Non-thermal treatment to delay the onset of honey crystallization | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
654 | Spain | Alcobendas | VENTER PHARMA S.L. | www.venterpharma.com | MARKinPATH | Clinical validation of a bioMARKer for use in INtestinal PATHologies | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
655 | Spain | Madrid | MedicalDev | medicaldev.es | MD-PACS | A new paradigm in medical imaging systems for hospitals, clinics and professionals in spite of their size | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
656 | Spain | Cornellà de Llobregat | 1d3a | www.1d3a.com | MED1C | MED1C : Video Management in Medical practice | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
657 | Spain | Madrid | Taniwa Health | http://taniwa.es | MEMEMTUM | Neurological evaluation with simple tools to track evolution and perform early detection ofneurodegenerative issues | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
658 | Spain | Barcelona | Menuterraneus Plan & Save SL | MENUTERRANEUS | Algorithm for healthy eating habits | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
659 | Spain | Zamudio | GTZ | www.gtzmicrolab.com | MicroLAB | MicroLAB lab-on-a-cartridge, a disruptive concept. Towards an innovative solution for food safety | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
660 | Spain | Sevilla | Solar MEMS Technologies S.L. | www.solar-mems.com | MPSAT | Multi-Payload satellite as an innovative service for technology experimentation in space | 18.06.2014 | Space |
661 | Spain | Barcelona | INGENIA MOTION CONTROL | www.ingeniamc.com | NANO-POS | Miniature Controller for NANO-meter level Motor POSitioning | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
662 | Spain | BURGOS | BIOFACTORIA NATURAE ET SALUS | www.e-naturae.com | Naturhealth Food | NATURHEALTH FOOD: NEW GENERATION OF NATURAL BIOPRESERVATIVE SUBSTITUTE OF CURRENT E-NUMBERS IN FOOD PRODUCTS | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
663 | Spain | BARCELONA | STARLAB | www.starlab.es | NEUMARQ | Neurodegenerative disease biomarkers based on high quality wireless EEG. | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
664 | Spain | Santa Marta de Tormes (Salamanca) | Intelnics | www.intelnics.com | Neural Designer | A high performance solution for predictive analytics | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
665 | Spain | Cordovilla | ALBYN MEDICAL | www.albynmedical.com | OABCAP | Demonstration of a new diagnostic device for the Overactive Bladder syndrome | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
666 | Spain | Madrid | DataCentric PDM SA | www.datacentric.es | OSS | OpenSMEsearch (OSS) | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
667 | Spain | Vilanova i la Geltrú | S4C | PARK-IT | Unobtrusive, continuous and quantitative assessment of Parkinson’s disease: hard evidence foroptimal disease management with information technologies | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
668 | Spain | Cordoba | CANVAX BIOTECH | www.canvaxbiotech.com | PCSP | Odour-GPCRs based technology for detection and stratification of cancer: Prostate Cancer Smell Print as first vertical market | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
669 | Spain | Valencia | Playfilm | www.playfilm.es | PFMaker | PFMaker, the Advanced Interactive Video Tool | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
670 | Spain | ZARAGOZA | ALPHASIP | www.alphasip.es | PneumoSIP | PneumoSIP – a cost-effective solution for the rapid diagnostic of pneumonia | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
671 | Spain | Tordera | CIDQO 2012, S.L. | www.cidqo.com | PROTOCOL | New processing technology for colistmethate sodium, leading to improved and cost-effective formulations for pharmaceutical and veterinary markets | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
672 | Spain | TARRAGONA | IMICROQ | www.imicroq.com | QFast2 | Fast Multitarget Pathogen Detection Platform Traceable within a Quality Assurance System | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
673 | Spain | Madrid | QHACESHOY | www.quehaceshoy.com | QuickTicket | QuickTicket | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
674 | Spain | Barcelona | DEXMASENSORS, SL | www.dexmatech.com | RemBAP | Remote Building Analytics platform for Utilities to deliver large-scale efficiency to SMEs and commercial portfolios | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
675 | Spain | Barcelona | Voctro Labs | www.voctrolabs.com | REVIVOS | REVIVOS - REVIVING SINGERS THROUGH VOICE SYNTHESIS | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
676 | Spain | VALENCIA | ROBOTNIK | www.robotnik.es | ROBIN | ROBotic security INnovative system | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
677 | Spain | ELCHE | KELME | www.kelme.es | RUNSAFER | Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
678 | Spain | Barcelona | Talaia Networks | www.talaianetworks.com | SDN-Polygraph | Cloud-based Visibility Service for Software Defined Networks | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
679 | Spain | Málaga | EnerOcean | www.enerocean.com | SEAMETEC | Smart Efficient Affordable Marine Energy Technology Exploitation using Composites | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
680 | Spain | BARCELONA | GENAKER | www.genaker.net | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
681 | Spain | GIJON | TERRAIN TECHNOLOGIES SL | www.terraintechnologies.com | SIADE | Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
682 | Spain | Madrid | Sigma Technologies S.L. | www.sigmatechnologies.es | SignSigma | Launching the next generation of mobile and multi-platform signature system based on biometric parameters | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
683 | Spain | CORNELLA DE LLOBREGAT | LENZ | www.lenz-instruments.com | SliceWatch | Monitoring Meat Texture To Optimize Slicing Yield And Reduce Wasted Meat In High-Speed Slicing Lines | 18.06.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
684 | Spain | Málaga | Smartick | www.smartick.es | Smartick Games | Smartick games. Augmented math learning. | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
685 | Spain | Barcelona | Merak S.L. Telecomunicacions i Sistemes | www.merakeurope.com | Smartlifts | Making Lifts Smart for More Connected and Intelligent Services. | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
686 | Spain | ZAMUDIO | BIOLAN | https://www.biolanmb.com | SO2SAFE | Enzymatic SO2 biosensor for rapid food safety monitoring | 18.06.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
687 | Spain | POZUELO DE ALARCON - MADRID | LPI | www.lpi-llc.com | SOLARGE45 | Towards a SOLAR enerGy Efficiency of 45 % | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
688 | Spain | BARCELONA | ILERIMPLANT, S.L. | www.ilerimplant.com | SolDent | An innovative dental implant with osteoinductive properties by means of bioactive sol-gel coating | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
690 | Spain | LA VILLA DE DON FADRIQUE | GFM | www.gfm.es | Suninbox | Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
691 | Spain | LOGROÑO | Solarbox | www.solarbox.es | Suninbox | Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
692 | Spain | Malaga | AEORUM | www.aeorum.com | SURVEIRON | SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | 18.06.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
693 | Spain | Andoain | SAPA OPERACIONES, S.L. | SWH | Demonstration of a Binary-Logic Hybrid Transmission for Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
694 | Spain | Maliaño | DEGIMA | www.degima.es | TEMPERATE CO2 | TEMPERATE WELDING | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
695 | Spain | ZARAGOZA | GALA GAR S.L. | www.galagar.com | TEMPERATE CO2 | TEMPERATE WELDING | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
696 | Spain | ZARAGOZA | ZEU | www.zeulab.com | Testforall | FOOD SAFETY CONTROLS FOR ALL | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
697 | Spain | ZARAUTZ | FRESMAK SA | www.fresmak.com | TGRIP | Nanostructured gripping material for clamping complex workpieces | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
698 | Spain | A CORUÑA | TORUS | www.torusware.com | TORUS PROJECT | HIGH PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES AND BIG DATA | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
699 | Spain | Barcelona | HAL SL | www.hal.cat | TRAINSFARE | Transport System with Artificial Intelligence for Safety and Fare Evasion | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
700 | Spain | Urduliz | LOINTEK | www.lointek.com | TRANSREGEN | Portable thermal fluid regeneration system for Solar Thermal Plants | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
701 | Spain | MADRID | NOMMON | www.nommon.es | TripOD | Advanced Analytics for Trip Origin-Destination Matrices | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
702 | Spain | Madrid | EASY CODE | www.easy-code.net | UBIQUO | PLATFORM TO DEVELOP AND DISTRIBUTE GESTURE RECOGNITION BASED APPLICATIONS | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
703 | Spain | CASTELLON | BIOTICA | www.biotica.es | ULISENS | Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing | 24.09.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
704 | Spain | Barcelona | Medtep Online SL | https://www.medtep.com | uMonitorRare | Empowering Rare Disease Patients: Integrated Personalized Cloud Patient Monitoring Platform | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
705 | Spain | Pozuelo de Alarcón | FINA BIOTECH | www.finabiotech.es | URO-BEST | UROthelial carcinoma Biomarker based diagnostic tEST | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
706 | Spain | ZARAGOZA | BIT&BRAIN TECHNOLOGIES | www.bitbrain.es | usenns | Neurotechnology to understand the emotions of customers in market research | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
707 | Spain | Requena | Calvo | www.calvoizquierdo.es | VENDA NATU-haft | COHESIVE BANDAGES BASED ON NATURAL FIBRES, WITH ANTIMICROBIAL AND HYDROPHOBIC PROPERTIES BY MLSE TECHNOLOGY | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
708 | Spain | Derio | Artinvet | www.artinvetmed.com | VETBIOMAT | Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
709 | Spain | OLIVARES DE DUERO | ABRO BIOTEC | www.abrobiotec.com | VINESENTI | NEW GENERATION OF HIGH VALUE-ADDED ANTIOXIDANT FOOD INGREDIENTS FOR THE GOURMET CUISINE | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
710 | Spain | Puebla de Vallbona | Fusio d'Arts Technology S.L. | www.fusiodarts.com | Visualfy | Visual Notify - Improving Deaf People's Life | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
711 | Spain | Murcia | Tecnologias DIM | www.tecnologiasdim.es | VisuaLook | Novel clothing e-commerce application for reliable size assignment and realistic fitting visualization | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
712 | Spain | Donostia-San Sebastian | Nesplora SL | www.nesplora.com | VRMIND | Virtual reality based evaluation of mental disorders | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
713 | Spain | Barcelona | Nous parquings urbans SL | www.wesmartpark.com | WeSmartPark | Giving Drivers Access to Conventional and Electric Car Parking Lots Through the WeSmartParkEnhanced Management System | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
714 | Spain | GRANADA | SEVEN SOLUTIONS SL | www.sevensols.com | WORLDTIMING | ULTRA ACCURATE WORLD TIMING SERVICES | 17.12.2014 | Space |
715 | Spain | GIJON | Xerolutions | www.xerolutions.com | XER-HSA | Engineered materials scale-up at industrial level for highest energy density ultracapacitors | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
716 | Spain | Mutilva Baja | Biko2 2006 SL | www.biko2.com | ZombiApp | RESURRECT YOUR ZOMBIAPP. OR ARE YOU JUST GOING TO LET IT DIE? | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
717 | Spain | Boecillo | Raman Health Technologies S.L. | ADiRaS | Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis by Spectroscopy. Accurate and Non-Invasive Medical Device for the Diagnosis of Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease. | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
718 | Spain | Logroño | Global Wamala, SLU | ANDROTEST | Point of care test for non invasive differential diagnosis of obstrutive and non-obstructive azoospermia in male fertility | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
719 | Spain | Barcelona | INFAIMON S.L. | BINPICKING 3D | Generalized bin picking system for automatic handling of unsorted parts in industrial applications | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
720 | Spain | Reus | Quercus Technologies S.L. | BIRDWATCH | BIRDWATCH, The first integral and modular mobility and security solution for smart parking management | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
721 | Spain | LUGO | LABORATORIO CIFGA SA | CIGUALERT | Reference standards for a specific, reliable and early detection of the marine toxins that causes ciguatera disease | 18.03.2015 | Blue growth | |
722 | Spain | LORCA | TECSELOR, S.L. | CLEANPACK | UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for ultraclean PACKaging of foods, and in-situ production of aseptic trays. | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
723 | Spain | Valencia | SCILING SL | CORAL | Cost-ORiented Agile Localisation | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
724 | Spain | VALENCIA | DAS PHOTONICS SL | C-POC | Hyper/Hypo Coagulability Assessment Photonic Integrated Chip based Point of Care | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
725 | Spain | LORQUI | JARDINERIA Y VIVEROS LA NORIA SL | EASY | ECO-INNOVATE-AQUACULTURE-SYSTEM | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
726 | Spain | MADRID | IXION INDUSTRY AND AEROSPACE SL | e-Awake | New Generation ADAS for Enhanced Driving Experience | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
727 | Spain | Logroño | Instalaciones de sistemas energéticos eficientes SL | Enerbox | Sustainable and Standalone Oxyhydrogen powered heat generator box | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
728 | Spain | Barcelona | Worldsensing s.l.n.e. | FASTPRK-2 | Enhanced on-street parking management system | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
729 | Spain | Barcelona | bcninnova technological evolution sl | Gazelab | A precision, computer-vision measurement system for the early diagnosis of schizophrenia | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
730 | Spain | ESQUIROZ | PENTABIOL, S.L. | HEALTHSTOCK | Fodder for for HEALTHier animals and improved liveSTOCK production | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
731 | Spain | Elche | Monteloeder SL | INNOPREFAT | Natural Food formulation for the prevention and treatment the Obesity and Metabolic syndrome obtained with herbal extracts | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
732 | Spain | MADRID | LEGORIZA, S.L. | Kurata Systems | High Quality Fuel Production System from Plastics, Industrial Oil and Refinery Residues. | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
733 | Spain | MALLEN ZARAGOZA | SOLUTEX GC SL | LIFEOMEGA | Innovative highly concentrated Omega 3 food supplement | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
734 | Spain | Vitoria - Gasteiz | Deusto Sistemas, S.A. | MPGS | A citizen context aware platform to provide mobile public services | 18.03.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications | |
735 | Spain | MAJADAHONDA | GEKO NAVSAT S.L. | NAV4VIP | 3D Sound Navigator Assistant for Visually Impaired People | 18.03.2015 | Space | |
736 | Spain | Donostia | ILINE MICROSYSTEMS S.L. | POC products | A novel microfluid-based modular system to address POC challenges within the field of coagulation and hemostasis | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
737 | Spain | Elche | Synthelast, S.A. | PUFOOTCO2 | Sustainable Polyurethane Elastomers for Footwear based on CO2 with improved properties | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
738 | Spain | Barcelona | Luntarium S.L. | Salesdat | Unlock the full power of your Point of Sales | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
739 | Spain | ALBACETE | Cia Exportadora de Azafran Español s.a. | SaveEUSaffron | Sales and production acceleration of EU saffron through an innovative cultivation and crop system that allows European producers to increase eco-efficiency, production and processing | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
740 | Spain | LLeida | Electrónica Saltó S.L. | SERVIOPTIMAL | The Global Marketplace for Optimized Field Work Delivery | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
741 | Spain | Zaragoza | LABORATORIOS ENOSAN, S.L | SILVERWINE | Antiseptic kaolin-silver complex for substituting the use of sulfites in winemaking | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
742 | Spain | VALENCIA | PYRO FIRE EXTINCTION SL | SMART FIRE BARRIER | Innovative Forest Fires Prevention Infrastructure for Residential Areas, Forestry and Critical Infrastructures | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
743 | Spain | Logroño | Quantitas Energy, S.L | SMITH | SMart and Interoperable THermal network system development | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
744 | Spain | POZUELO DE ALARCON | FACTORVERDE SA | SMITH | SMart and Interoperable THermal network system development | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
745 | Spain | El Puerto de Santa María | Instituto Holográfico Andaluz, S.L. | SoHo3X | Introducing a novel concept of solar photovoltaic module in the market | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
746 | Spain | Teià | Value Agents SLU | STILAVIA | Disruptive On-line Stylist Engine | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
747 | Spain | TORRE PACHECO | RUFEPA TECNOAGRO, S.L. | SUN4GREEN | MAXIMISING SUNLIGHT RESOURCES FOR COST, ENERGY AND YIELD EFFICIENT GREENHOUSES | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
748 | Spain | Alicante | Urbana de Exteriores S.L. | SURI | Novel concept of a modular Shelter Unit for Rapid Installation | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
749 | Spain | DOS HERMANAS SEVILLA | AMC CHEMICALS SL | TRICHO T-18 | Environmental friendly fungicide based on new endophytic Biological Control Agent Trichoderma asperellum strain T18 | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
750 | Spain | Lorca | VIVA DEVELOPMENTS, S.L. | UFPC Technology | Hybrid Ultra Flexible Printed Circuits combining flexible and low-cost printed electronics with high performance traditional silicon components. | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
751 | Spain | Armilla (Granada) | Biotmicrogen | www.biot.es | algaPLUS | Upscale and optimisation of an olive wastewater treatment photobioreactor (PBR) coupled to algae biomass valorisation as biofertilizer and treated water reuse | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
752 | Spain | EL PALMAR | LIIVING SURF S.L. | www.richpeoplethings.org | e2CORK | Efficient and Eco-friendly Construction Of Revolutionary surfboard blanKs | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
753 | Spain | Alacuas | INTERVAL, S.A. | www.interval.es | ReDurComp | Novel business on DURable and COMPostable products based on REcycled plastic | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
754 | Spain | Madrid | ECOALF | www.ecoalf.com | UPCYCLINGTHEOCEANS | High quality clothes made from marine plastic litter | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
755 | Spain | Fuente Álamo | BEL | www.belvessels.com | SmartDesalt | Smart Pressure Vessel for water desalination with reverse osmosis membranes | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
756 | Spain | Mataró | ENRY S PLEX SL | www.watly.co | WATLY | An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
757 | Spain | ALCOBENDANS MADRID | ALGAENERGY SA | www.algaenergy.es | ALGAEPRINT | Algae Products' Internationalization | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
758 | Spain | Torrente | Ludan Renewable Energy S.L. | www.ludan-lrw.com | BIOFERLUDAN | BIOFERLUDAN: COST-EFFECTIVE HUMIC FERTILIZERS TROUGH DIGESTATE TREATMENT AT INDUSTRIAL BIOGAS PLANT | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
759 | Spain | VALENCIA | INGELIA SL | www.ingelia.com | HTSew | Use of HTC technology as an innovative reuse method for sewage sludge | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
760 | Spain | María de Huerva, Zaragoza | GRUPO TECNICO RIVI | www.rivi.es | LUBRICAIRLESS | Lubrication system by oil mist | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
761 | Spain | MOIA | CATUAV | www.catuav.com | ALDrone | A HUMANITARIAN DRONE FOR THE RAPID DETECTION OF LANDMINES AND OTHER EXPLOSIVE REMNANTS OF WAR | 17.06.2015 | Space research and development |
762 | Spain | MURCIA | SYMBORG S.L. | http://symborg.com/ | ASALVO | Bio-pesticide from a strain of Bacillus licheniformis for the control of major pests in different cultures | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
763 | Spain | Noain | Iden Biotechnology | www.idenbiotechnology.com | BIOAGRIBOOSTER | Agrobiological products for crop production improvement: a novel approach towards a sustainable agriculture | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
764 | Spain | Laredo | Conservas Fredo | www.conservasfredo.es | BLUE HEALTH | BLUE HEALTH | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
765 | Spain | Barcelona | NEKTRIA | www.nektria.com | COLLOGISTICS | Express Delivery end-to-end Management System through collaborative intelligence. | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
766 | Spain | Boecillo | VLPbio | www.vlpbio.com | CerviVax | New Generation Therapeutic vaccine for the Treatment of HPV infections and Cervical Dysplasia | 17.06.2015 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
767 | Spain | Barcelona | Counterest | www.counterest.net | D3IMPACT | Data-driven decisions for intelligent management of public transportation | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
768 | Spain | BARCELONA | MTB | www.mindthebyte.com | DataNimbus | Feasibility study of a new tool for managing, processing, sharing and transferring huge amounts of scientific data (DataNimbus) | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
769 | Spain | MADRID | IGEN | www.igenbiotech.com | EPIGEN | EPIGEN: A New Predictive Response Test for Non Small Cells Lung Cancer Treatment | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
770 | Spain | Pamplona | Entecnia | www.entecnia.com | ESEV-4-GR | Electric Smart Eco Vacuum Pump For Green Cars | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
771 | Spain | ALICANTE | FACEPHI BIOMETRÍA, S.A. | www.facephi.com/en/ | FACCESS | Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security | 17.06.2015 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
772 | Spain | Bellaterra | AEinnova | www.aeinnova.com | HEAT-R | Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
773 | Spain | Fuente Álamo | TECNIMUSA S.L. | www.tecnimusa.es | HUMEXE | HUman EXoskEleton for autonomous movement control | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
774 | Spain | A CORUNA | ABN PIPE | www.abnpipesystems.com | ISPNET | Intelligent System for Pressure Networks | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
775 | Spain | Madrid | Bluelife | www.e-blb.com | LIFE-BATTERY | Long lifespan battery for hybrid vehicles | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
776 | Spain | Boo de Piélagos | INGECID | www.ingecid.es | LiraTower | Novel concept of cost-effective and simplified in-situ concrete tower of 140m for harnessing higher and more consistent wind velocities and enhancing the power output of wind turbines | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
777 | Spain | MADRID | LIFE LENGTH | ONCOCHECK | A simple blood test to monitor disease progression in patients undergoing cancer therapy | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
778 | Spain | Pamplona | das-Nano | www.das-nano.es | ONYX | ONYX_GRAPHENE AND THIN FILM INSPECTOR | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
779 | Spain | Castelldefels | ROKUBUN | www.rokubun.cat | PUMPED | Poor Man's Differential GNSS for Drones | 17.06.2015 | Space research and development |
780 | Spain | Pamplona | NABRAWIND | SE-NBW | Demonstration of a self-erection system for wind turbine towers | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
781 | Spain | Las Rozas | RELOGABLE S.L. | SMS-OHTL | SMART MONITORING SYSTEM BASED ON A REAL-TIME TRACKING OF OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE STATE | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
782 | Spain | Cacicedo (Camargo) | INVAR | www.invaringenieria.com | SV2 | Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
783 | Spain | La Albuera | Larrasa | http://laboratorioslarrasa.com/ | SWINE-GEN | Genetic markers assisted selection for improvement of swine breeding productivity. | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
784 | Spain | Tajonar | Sistemas OEE de Productividad Industrial, S.L.L. | www.sistemasoee.com/ | Smooth Reader | Universal PlugPlay OEE Data Capture Equipment to improve the efficiency of industrial processes | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
785 | Spain | MORON DE LA FRONTERA | GLOBAL OLIVE | www.global-olive.es | TELEOLIVA | Real time and online monitoring of the debittering stage in the table olive processing | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
786 | Spain | Gorraiz | Leunamme Engineering | WELL | Wind, Efficient, Light, Lifter | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
787 | Spain | Madrid | JOT | WWW.JOT-IM.COM | YODA | YOurDigitalAgent: First fully automated tool for the optimisation of digital advertising for drastically increasing SMEs competitiveness and online promotion | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
788 | Spain | Pozuelo de Alarcón | Zinkcloud | www.zinkcloud.com | ZinkOn Growth | Advanced and smart system for optimizing the non-conformities and concession processes within the aerospace industry. | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
789 | Spain | MADRID | TELICE | www.telice.es | tCat WorkStation | New adaptable equipment for geometric auscultation of railways and overhead lines | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
790 | Sweden | Solna | Nordic Ground Support Equipment AB | www.nordicgse.com | Aerowash II | InnovAtive automatic battERy pOwered WASHing robot for the aviation industry – Aerowash II | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
791 | Sweden | SVALOV | SEE | www.salixenergi.se | BilletPro | Development of a harvesting machine for short rotation plantations for the production of billets with advantageous properties in terms of handling, drying and storing | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
792 | Sweden | LUND | BIOINVENT INTERNATIONAL AB | www.bioinvent.com | BI-MARK | Clinical validation of the CD32b biomarker on the European market | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
793 | Sweden | LINKÖPING | Mandalon Technologies AB | www.mandalon.se | BIWAS | Biological Water Alarm System (BiWAS) for protection of urban drinking water infrastructure against CBRN threats | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
794 | Sweden | Göteborg | XVIVO Perfusion | xvivoperfusion.com | BMEVLP | Biomarkers for clinical assessment of lungs intended for transplantation | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
795 | Sweden | Uppsala | Biovica International AB | biovica.com | CVDTEU | Clinical validation of the DiviTum assay in key European markets | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
796 | Sweden | Lund | Enza Biotech | www.enzabiotech.com | ENBIOSURF | Enzymatic production of a novel class of nonionic, mild and biobased surfactants | 24.09.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
797 | Sweden | Årjäng | Nordic Solar | http://nordicsolar.se | FERROHUB | FERROHUB | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
798 | Sweden | Munkfors | Inission | www.inission.com | FERROHUB | FERROHUB | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
799 | Sweden | Spanga | Ferroamp Elektronik AB | www.ferroamp.com | FERROHUB | FERROHUB | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
800 | Sweden | HAGERSTEN | Climatewell | www.climatewell.com | HEATBOOST | Sorption Heat-pump Component Boosting Energy-efficiency in Gas-fired Boilers | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
801 | Sweden | Stockholm | Watty AB | joinwatty.com | INNOEM | Innovative energy management technology for smart energy decisions | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
802 | Sweden | Umeå | MD Biomedical AB | www.mdbiomedical.se | MD | Rapid monitoring of biomarkers in postoperative care | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
803 | Sweden | Bollebygd | Finepart Sweden AB | www.finecut.se | MICROAB | Micro machining with abrasive waterjets | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
804 | Sweden | GOTEBORG | PARANS | www.parans.com | SUNIGENT | Intelligent sunlight system for energy efficient indoor lighting | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
805 | Sweden | Göteborg | TCN | www.timecriticalnetworks.com | TCN TimeAnalyzer | TimeAnalyzer in real-time networks | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
806 | Sweden | GOTEBORG | CLEANERGY AB | cleanergy.com | USELA | Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
807 | Sweden | Stockholm | Starcounter AB | AppIOS | AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
808 | Sweden | Uppsala | Senzime AB | CliniSenz | CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
809 | Sweden | Ljungskile | IBC Robotics AB | EcoContainerCleaner | Proving the IBC Robotics container cleaning system as an economic, climate- and environmentally-friendly and safe contribution to the EU transport system in order to disrupt the global market | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
810 | Sweden | Malmö | Vibrosense Dynamics AB | INNODIAB | Innovative diagnostic device for the early detection of diabetic neuropathy in diabetes patients | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
811 | Sweden | TYRESO | DAFO BRAND AKTIEBOLAG | Li-IonFire | An Automated HEV and EV Vehicle Fire Early Warning and Suppression System | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
812 | Sweden | Göteborg | LuxBright AB | Nano-xfield-1000 | ZnO-nanotech cold cathode x-ray Tube | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
813 | Sweden | Stockholm | Prismatic Sensors AB | NEUROSPECT | Neurological application validation for photon counting spectral CT | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
814 | Sweden | Gothenburg | Denator AB | RIPEB | Rapid heat inactivation of pathogens to enable biomarker research | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
815 | Sweden | Stockholm | inclose Solutions AB | SPIN | Secure and protected interoperability | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
816 | Sweden | LINKOPING | CINSIDE | www.cinside.eu | CiWater | Feasibility study for water leakage detector CiWater | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
817 | Sweden | Vällingby | Paxymer AB | www.paxymer.se | FireFree | New generation of halogen-free high performing flame retardants for plastics, free from persistant, toxic and bio-accumulating substances. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
818 | Sweden | Vällingby | PPP | www.pppolymer.se | FireFree | New generation of halogen-free high performing flame retardants for plastics, free from persistant, toxic and bio-accumulating substances. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
819 | Sweden | Stockholm | Solvatten | www.solvatten.se | Solvatten_agri-bus | Feasibilty study to determine market entrance for the Solvatten green technology into the agri-business value chains in Eastern Africa | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
820 | Sweden | Stockholm | Ignitia | www.ignitia.se | CREST | Climate Resilient Agriculture through revolutionary Weather Forecast and Data | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
821 | Sweden | Mariefred | Ekomarine Paint | www.ekomarine.se | EKOMAP | Eco friendly marine antifouling paint | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
822 | Sweden | Stockholm | Avantherm AB | www.avantherm.com | INNO-HTM | Innovative eco-friendly heat transfer media | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
823 | Sweden | STOCKHOLM | BioArctic Neuroscience AB | www.bioarctic.se | Biomarkers for PD | Validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for Parkinson disease | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
824 | Sweden | Ängelholm | Cimco Marine AB | www.oxe-diesel.com/ | GEO | Green Efficient Outboards | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
825 | Sweden | Sollentuna | AJAB | www.arnejensen.se | JPM | Jensen Predictive Maintenance (JPM System) of district heating pipes | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
826 | Sweden | Linkoping | BraceIT AB | Revault | Revault - world´s first wearable private cloud. Securely sync and access your files from anywhere without an internet connection. | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
827 | Sweden | Uppsala | AroCell AB | www.arocell.com | UNIBIO | TK210 ELISA – universal serum protein biomarker for cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment response monitoring and early detection of relapse (UNIBIO) | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
828 | Turkey | Ankara | KuartisMED | www.kuartismed.com | PREMADES | Preterm Feeding Maturity Measurement and Evaluation | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
829 | Turkey | Istanbul | Done Iletisim Bilgi Sistemleri | www.donetr.com | PRIME | PRIME (Push Relevantly to Increase Mobile Engagement) | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
830 | Turkey | ANKARA | PARS | www.parsmakina.com | TidalHealth | Health Condition Monitoring of Small Scale Tidal Generators Using Miniature Torque Sensors | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
831 | Turkey | Istanbul | VISPERA BILGI TEKNOLOJILERI SANAYI IC VE DIS TICAREST ANONIM SIRKETI | V4RETAIL | VISION for RETIL | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
832 | Turkey | Ankara | ZipPrime Ltd. | www.zipprime.com | REUSABLE NGS LIBRARY | Reusable Back-up Library Construction and Storage Technology for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in Clinical Diagnostics | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
833 | Turkey | Istanbul | Alfanorm Tasarim | www.alfanorm.com | RoadWriter | Computer-aided road marking machine - RoadWriter | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
834 | United Kingdom | Leeds | Tissuemed Ltd | www.tissuemed.com | 3L-HeCoMe | Advanced manufacturing process to obtain a partially Bio-Resorbable Adhesive/Non-Adhesive Triple Layer Mesh for intra-peritoneal Hernia Containment | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
835 | United Kingdom | Didcot | Accentus Medical | www.accentus-medical.com | ADA | Accelerating the Dissemination of Agluna(R), a clinically proven innovative silver ion based anti-microbial surface technology, from orthopaedics sector into the dental implant sector | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
836 | United Kingdom | Warwick | Jarilo Limited | Aeropaft | Delay of flow separation and stall on Aerofoils using a Passive Flow control Technology which will improve aerodynamic performance and stability of wind turbines increasing their range of operation | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
837 | United Kingdom | London | Tutorfair | www.tutorfair.com | AIMS | Accessible, Impactful, Measurable and Socially responsible tutoring | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
838 | United Kingdom | AYR | ACS | www.avanticell.com | ANAPRINT | Additive Printing for Cell-based Analysis | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
839 | United Kingdom | Abingdon | COBALT LIGHT SYSTEMS LIMITED | www.cobaltlight.com | ATRS Instrument | Real time analysis of tablet and capsule dosage during pharmaceutical manufacturing | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
840 | United Kingdom | Plymouth | Audax Global Solutions Ltd | www.audaxuk.com | Bio-AX | A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles | 17.12.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
841 | United Kingdom | LETCHWORTH | ACEDAG SCIENTIFIC LIMITED | www.acedag.com | BioStomy | Development of manufacturing process for a novel multi-layer film comprising of a water-soluble polymer and a bio-compostable polymer to enable flushable ostomy pouches | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
842 | United Kingdom | London | Beckett Rankine Limited | www.beckettrankine.com | COFASTRANS | A FAST AND ECO-EFFICIENT TRANSHIPMENT SYSTEM FOR ULTRA LARGE CONTAINERVESSELS | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
843 | United Kingdom | Carnforth | Cardiocity Limited | www.cardiocity.com | CP2 | CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
844 | United Kingdom | Barrington | Cydar Limited | www.cydar.co.uk | Cydar PaaS | Disrupting the real-time medical imaging market, and accelerating innovation, with cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
845 | United Kingdom | Edinburgh | Nova Innovation Ltd | www.novainnovation.com | Direct Drive TT | Feasibility study for an innovative direct drive tidal turbine | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
846 | United Kingdom | London | Dressformer Ltd | www.dressformer.com | DRESSFORMER | Virtual 3D fitting room for online shopping | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
847 | United Kingdom | Belfast | ProAxsis Ltd | www.proaxsis.com | ENABLE | Establishment of a Neutrophil elastase Activity home test for the Better management and treatment of Lung Exacerbations | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
848 | United Kingdom | Bath | Fennaco Ltd | www.fennaco.com | FanBrake | High heat dissipating Brake for heavy duty vehicles through an enabling annular disc Fan effect (FanBrake) | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
849 | United Kingdom | Huntingdon | Forward Composites Limited | www.forwardcomposites.com | FFI | Forward Flow Infusion - Low Cost Composite Manufacturing Process for High Volume Production | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
850 | United Kingdom | Newbury | Power Stabilisation Limited | www.ecoadapt.co.uk | FINESSE | Feasibility of an INnovative, Efficient, Solid State Energy saving system | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
851 | United Kingdom | Lowestoft | Nexen Lift Trucks Ltd | www.nexenlifttrucks.com | FlexiHyLift | A flexible hybrid forklift that utilizes advanced power technology and electronics to offer high performance and efficiency in both indoor and outdoor applications for the logistics industry. | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
852 | United Kingdom | London | Flexion Mobile | www.flexionmobile.com | Gamesmondo | Gamesmondo Affiliation and Monetisation Ecosystem | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
853 | United Kingdom | Maidstone | Bedfont Scientific Limited | www.bedfont.com | HYscreen | A fast, cost-effective breath analysis technology for Helicobacter pYlori screening at both large and small scale. | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
854 | United Kingdom | Cambridge | Alterix Ltd | www.alterix.co.uk | iBoard | Large scale interactive multi-touch displays | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
855 | United Kingdom | London | Digital Life Sciences Ltd | www.digitallifesciences.co.uk | IDH | Digital Health Hub Europe | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
856 | United Kingdom | Loughborough | FACE Recording & Measurement Systems | www.face.eu.com | iMoHEALTH | iMoHEALTH: A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration of population health. | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
857 | United Kingdom | Surrey | ATC GROUP LTD | glord@atcltd.co.uk | ImplantFreeSpine | World’s first complete motion-preservation 'Implant-less' surgical correction for Scoliosis | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
858 | United Kingdom | Ledbury | SeeQuestor Limited | www.seequestor.com | Invest | INtelligent Video analytics to analyse complex scenes and Enhance Security of critical infrastructure and urban soft Targets | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
859 | United Kingdom | Bath | Industrial Phycology | www.i-phyc.com | IPHYC-H2020 | EU market research for an innovative algae based tertiary wastewater treatment system | 17.12.2014 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
860 | United Kingdom | Lancaster | RINICARE | www.rinicare.com | IRIS-1 | IRIS Feasibility Study – Phase 1 | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
861 | United Kingdom | London | Kiwi Power Limited | www.kiwipowered.com | KDRP | KiWi Power Limited’s Revolutionary, Low Cost, Demand Response Platform (KDRP) | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
862 | United Kingdom | Leominster | Krysium Technologies Ltd | LacDetect | A truly-rapid, one-minute test system for the dairy industry to assess raw milk quality, detect sub-clinical mastitis and monitor udder health, reducing antibiotic usage and environmental impact | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
863 | United Kingdom | Leicester | Guidance Navigation Holdings Ltd | LCODA | Electronic scanning MIMO Radar for railway level crossing obstruction detection alerting | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
864 | United Kingdom | London | Engine Developments Ltd | www.engdev.com | Libralato | Libralato rotary engine; a game-change for cost competitive gasoline engines and plug-in hybrid cars. | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
865 | United Kingdom | MANCHESTER | LIBRALATO | www.libralato.co.uk | Libralato | Libralato rotary engine; a game-change for cost competitive gasoline engines and plug-in hybrid cars. | 17.12.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
866 | United Kingdom | Guiseley | IMA | www.ima.co.uk | LineVu | A novel optical sensor platform for detection and measurement of contaminants in gas pipelines to protect critical infrastructure from disruption and damage - Linevu | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
867 | United Kingdom | Warrington | Woodrow Scientific Limited | LIRON-2020 | Disruptive Technology for the Global Laundry Equipment Market | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
868 | United Kingdom | Sedgefield | Ibex Innovations Limited | www.ibexinnovations.co.uk | MAP-Detector | Development of a novel low dose, high resolution, high contrast X-ray detector for medical applications to improve patient diagnoses and reduce the risk of X-radiation induced cancer | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
869 | United Kingdom | Southampton | Cascoda Limited | www.cascoda.com | MICROBAT | Wireless devices for smart energy management systems | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
870 | United Kingdom | Sarre | Phoenix Photonics | www.phoenixphotonics.com | ModeCore | Muli-path optical fibre modules | 24.09.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
871 | United Kingdom | London | Artaic Ltd | www.artaic.com | MOSART | Advanced Automated Process for Low Cost Efficient Custom Mosaic Manufacturing | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
872 | United Kingdom | Stockton-On-Tees | CMT LTD | www.carroll-meynell.com | MultiCharge | Feasibility Study for the Development of a PFC Harmonic FilterMissing Link for Creation of Simultaneous Multi-Point Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
873 | United Kingdom | Ely | Michell Instruments Group | www.michell.com | Mustang-Pro | A Multi-species tracking analyser for natural gas process refinement and optimisation | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
874 | United Kingdom | FOLKSTONE | 2M Engineering Limited | www.2mel.nl | NiGlucoMon | A Non-Invasive GLUCOse MONitoring device for diabetics based on Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy in a quick, cheap and painless method. | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
875 | United Kingdom | COVENTRY | ITL | www.inspectiontechnologies.co.uk | NIR-PERFECT | Non-contact Near Infra-Red insPEction and monitoRing For Evaluation of ComposiTes | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
876 | United Kingdom | Whitstable | Fruition PO | www.mansfields.net | OrchardMan | A novel vision based orchard system to maximize fruit tree yields and Class 1 quality by 20% whilereducing waste by 50% | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
877 | United Kingdom | SHEFFIELD | THE MUDLARK PRODUCTION COMPANY LIMITED | www.wearemudlark.com | OTR | Off The Rails | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
878 | United Kingdom | Crewe | Things 3D | www.things3d.com | Ownerchip | Digital Rights Management Infrastructure For 3D Printed Artifacts | 18.06.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
879 | United Kingdom | Oxford | Perspectum Diagnostics Ltd | www.perspectum-diagnostics.com | Paediatric LMS | Non-Invasive Quantitative Magnetic Resonance for Obese Children – the Paediatric LiverMultiScan Test | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
880 | United Kingdom | Sheffield | Fripp Design and Research | www.frippdesign.co.uk | PICSIMA | Next generation 3D print technology (PICSIMA), which for the first time enables the direct full colour printing of silicone to make soft tissue prostheses, orthoses and removable partial dentures. | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
881 | United Kingdom | London | Accelerated Medical Diagnostics Ltd | www.acceleratedmeddiagnostics.com | platinDx | A test for predicting the efficacy of common platinum drugs enabling personalized chemotherapy for bladder cancer patients. | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
882 | United Kingdom | London | Hammersmith Medicines Research Ltd | www.hmrlondon.com | platinDx | A test for predicting the efficacy of common platinum drugs enabling personalized chemotherapy for bladder cancer patients. | 17.12.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
883 | United Kingdom | London | Abcodia | www.abcodia.com | PRECEDE | PRECEDE: PancREatic Cancer Early DEtection | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
884 | United Kingdom | OXFORD | P1VITAL | www.p1vital.com | PReDicT | Predicting Response to Depression Treatment | 24.09.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
885 | United Kingdom | London | Nure Energie | www.nurenergie.com | RAYGEN | A unique innovative utility scale solar energy technology that utilises a field of low cost heliostat collectors to concentrate sunlight onto an ultra-efficient multi-junction photovoltaic cell array | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
886 | United Kingdom | London | Raygen Resources Ltd | www.raygen.com | RAYGEN | A unique innovative utility scale solar energy technology that utilises a field of low cost heliostat collectors to concentrate sunlight onto an ultra-efficient multi-junction photovoltaic cell array | 17.12.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
887 | United Kingdom | Sheffield | Magnetic Systems Technology Ltd | www.magtec.co.uk | REBOOT | Retrofit all-Electric Bus for reduced Operator Operating costs in urban Transport (REBOOT) | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
888 | United Kingdom | Coventry | Aer-Tech Development Limited | ReMix | Developing a novel light-weight Ready Mixed Concrete | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
889 | United Kingdom | Coventry | Expert Tooling & Automation Ltd | www.expert-amt.com | ReMix | Developing a novel light-weight Ready Mixed Concrete | 24.09.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
890 | United Kingdom | Canterbury | North Court Fruit Farm | Ripesense | An innovative fruit ripeness checker, to offer non-destructive testing in order to ensure resource efficient fruit processing - Ripesense | 24.09.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
891 | United Kingdom | London | Q-Bot | www.q-bot.co | Robotic insulation | Fast and economic insulation of buildings using robotic systems | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
892 | United Kingdom | Edinburgh | SMAR Azure Ltd | www.smar-azure.com | SeagateSail | 20% fuel saving for commercial vessels through a hybrid wind plus motor cruise mode. | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
893 | United Kingdom | Shrewsbury | The Severn Partnership Limited | www.severnpartnership.com | SEEABLE | An Innovative ICT Solution for Providing Bespoke Safety and Health Training to Workers in the Construction and Transportation Sectors. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
894 | United Kingdom | Malvern | The Smart Actuator Company | www.smartact.co.uk | SmartAct-2-3 | Scaling of a midsized patented low energy, light weight, highly efficient actuator to meet the demands of smaller and larger scale functions | 18.06.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
895 | United Kingdom | MACCLESFIELD | GMS | www.globalmaritimeservices.com | SMARTER | Surveillance of Maritime Surroundings through Laser Technology | 24.09.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
896 | United Kingdom | Cambridge | Auriplex | www.auriplex.com | Smartphone-ANCIH | Smartphone A new concept in hearing…”: an interactive real-time embedded audio solution that offers a significant/disruptive change in hearing technology and market. | 17.12.2014 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
897 | United Kingdom | DUNDEE | VFT LTD | www.vascular-flow.com | SpiraStent | DEVELOPMENT OF A SPIRAL LAMINAR FLOW INDUCING ENDOVASCULAR STENT FOR THE TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
898 | United Kingdom | London | Overview Ltd | www.overview.co.uk | Starlight | Demonstration of a High Definition Low Light Sensor (Starlight) for use in the Surveillance andProtection of Urban Soft Targets and Critical Infrastructures. | 24.09.2014 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
899 | United Kingdom | Nottingham | Critical Pharmaceuticals Ltd | www.criticalpharmaceuticals.com | STROBE | Sustained Release Ocular Bevacizumab for the treatment of wet acute macular degeneration | 17.12.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
900 | United Kingdom | BICESTER | Transense | www.transense.co.uk | TidalHealth | Health Condition Monitoring of Small Scale Tidal Generators Using Miniature Torque Sensors | 24.09.2014 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
901 | United Kingdom | Oxford | Brainomix Limited | www.brainomix.com | TISSUE | Tissue In Stroke Stratification Using e-ASPECTSTW | 18.06.2014 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
902 | United Kingdom | WELBY GRANTHAM | TRC | www.thetrc.org.uk | Ultramelt | An innovative, disruptive, advanced technology for ultrasonic flow enhancement of injection moulding that significantly reduces cooling times improves productivity | 18.06.2014 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
903 | United Kingdom | London | BlueMorph Technologies Ltd | www.bluemorphuv.com | UVT | UV cleaning for beverage tanks eliminating the need for water and chemicals | 17.12.2014 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
904 | United Kingdom | Bristol | Filton Systems Engineering Ltd | www.filtonsys.com | VSM | Validated Surge Model | 18.06.2014 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
905 | United Kingdom | chislehurst | IS-Instruments Ltd | AIRS | Advanced Intelligent Raman System for detection of explosives and harmful substances at urban soft targets | 18.03.2015 | Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures | |
906 | United Kingdom | London | Lumen Research Limited | ATOM | Attention to Marketing (ATOM): Application of eye-tracking to the online market for advertising | 18.03.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
907 | United Kingdom | LICHFIELD | Advanced Innovative Engineering (UK) Limited | CREEV | Novel Compound Rotary Engine Range Extender for Electric Vehicles | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
908 | United Kingdom | Preston | Valuechain.com Enterprises Ltd | DISCO | Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation | 18.03.2015 | Business model innovation | |
909 | United Kingdom | LONDON | G-VOLUTION PLC | E6 Evolution | Dual Fuel Euro6 Engine Conversion Feasibility Study | 18.03.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
910 | United Kingdom | Glasgow | Smarter Grid Solutions Ltd | eCAP | Easy Connections Assessment Portal | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
911 | United Kingdom | Chichester | GR8 Engineering | EcoForm | An innovative, energy-efficient two-step manufacturing process, EcoForm, to produce CPET (Crystalline Polyethylene Terephthalate) trays for use in the food packaging industry. | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
912 | United Kingdom | Aberdeen | OceanTools Aquaculture Ltd | Fishtimator | Continual Acoustic Based Multifunctional Cage Mounted Fish estimator Deigned To Reduce Feed Waste, Fish Mortality, and Predator and Fish Escape Control | 18.03.2015 | Blue growth | |
913 | United Kingdom | Bolton | KR Trauma Support Ltd | KRTS | KRTS - The Art of Losing Weight | 18.03.2015 | Business model innovation | |
914 | United Kingdom | Cambridge | C4 Carbides Ltd | LESA | Laser bonding of linear edged super-abrasive blades | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
915 | United Kingdom | Exeter | Attomarker Ltd | LIBERATE | Blood Biomarker Array Technology | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
916 | United Kingdom | MELTON MOWBRAY | Micromix Plant Health Ltd | MICROMIX-ECO-2015 | Innovative active-uptake foliar nutrition technology capable of significantly reducing pesticide rates | 18.03.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
917 | United Kingdom | Grangemouth | Impact Laboratories Ltd | mixedplasticvalue | Innovative new technology for creating value from mixed waste plastic | 18.03.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
918 | United Kingdom | London | NALIA Systems Limited | MultiDiag | Rapid, cost-effective, multiplex point of care diagnostic immunoassay system | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
919 | United Kingdom | Daresbury | Teknisolar Ltd | PVFINAL | Photo Voltaic Fully Integrated and Automated Line | 18.03.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
920 | United Kingdom | MANCHESTER | INDUSTRIAL TOMOGRAPHY SYSTEMS PLC | S3D | Feasibility study to determine the use of ITS technology to replace nuclear density meters in mining, dredging and other areas of hydraulic transport. | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
921 | United Kingdom | London | CLB EUROPE LTD | SiGrAM | Pre-Commercial Production Demonstration of Very High Capacity Silicon Anode for High Performance and Low Cost Li-Ion Batteries | 18.03.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
922 | United Kingdom | Newcastle under Lyme | Health Intelligence Limited | Spectra | Spectra- A novel diagnostic device to improve retinal imaging | 18.03.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
923 | United Kingdom | MANCHESTER | Advanced Bioprocess Development Ltd. | www.bioprocesses.co.uk | EBBR | Commercialisation of expanded bed biofilm reactor technology for the treatment of waste-, used- or contaminated-water and for improved protection of the aquatic environment and atmosphere. | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
924 | United Kingdom | NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE | ETE | www.ecosheet.com | Ecosheet-PRO | An Environmentally-Friendly Alternative to Plywood made from Co-mingled Waste Plastic | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
925 | United Kingdom | Enfield | MGSO4 Ltd | MgSpa | A highly efficient and eco-friendly electric shower offering health benefits through magnesium sulphate | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials | |
926 | United Kingdom | Southport | Virtus Projects | www.virtusprojects.com | VirtuCrete | A new integrated process to valorise hazardous leaded glass from CRTs and transform it into highperformance geopolymer blocks - VirtuCrete | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
927 | United Kingdom | OXFORD | Crapper & Sons | www.crapperandsons.co.uk | Waste to Resource | Commercialisation of WarwickFBR™ technology which can recycle Mixed Plastic Waste into a hydrocarbon product, the Plaxx™ | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
928 | United Kingdom | Swindon | Recycling Technologies | www.recyclingtechnologies.co.uk | Waste to Resource | Commercialisation of WarwickFBR™ technology which can recycle Mixed Plastic Waste into a hydrocarbon product, the Plaxx™ | 17.12.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
929 | United Kingdom | London | Visolis Technologies Ltd | visolisbio.com | Bioprene | Bio-based high-purity isoprene through high-yield technology | 24.09.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
930 | United Kingdom | Bradford | James Robinson Fibres Limited | www.jrfibres.co.uk | Insuwaste | Recycling of hard-to-treat, post-consumer textile wastes and conversion to insulation material for construction industry using a novel conversion technology. | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
931 | United Kingdom | Bromborough | Ultromex | www.ultromex.com | Ultroslag | A new integrated sustainable processing system for ‘metal from slag’ recovery with higher technical, economic, energy and environmental performance than existing recovery processes. | 18.06.2014 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
932 | United Kingdom | LONDON | Point Topic | www.point-topic.com | A-BAM | Application for Broadband Availability Mapping (A-BAM) | 17.06.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs |
933 | United Kingdom | LONDON | AVANTI COMMUNICATIONS LTD | www.avanti-communications.com | A-BAM | Application for Broadband Availability Mapping (A-BAM) | 17.06.2015 | Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs |
934 | United Kingdom | Manchester | Kanichi Research Services limited | www.mmu.ac.uk | AM-SENSE | A Rapid Point-of-Care Breath Ammonia Sensor for Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
935 | United Kingdom | London | CAGIX EU LIMITED | www.cagix.com | CAGIX | An online software platform for effectively matching investors with start-ups, focused on boosting the cleantech sector | 17.06.2015 | SME business model innovation |
936 | United Kingdom | Coventry | RTC Electronics Ltd | www.rtcelectronics.co.uk | DigiTech | Development of a novel generic digital controller for hydraulic load profiling control systems to significantly reduce costs and time in aircraft test rig development and commissioning | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
937 | United Kingdom | London | Find Invest Grow | www.fig.vc | EU ESA | Enterprising Students Accreditation Platform for Europe | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
938 | United Kingdom | SEDGEFIELD | PRAGMATIC PRINTING LIMITED | www.pragmaticprinting.com | FlexLogIC | Using existing methods to develop a modular, integrated and autonomous ‘Factory-in-a-box’ production line for manufacturing high volumes of flexible integrated logic circuits | 17.06.2015 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
939 | United Kingdom | London | Ecomfm Ltd | www.ecogreendrive.com | GreenDrive | Molecular fuel modifier for marine vessels able to reduce running costs related to fuel and maintenance for fleet operators of marine vessels. | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
940 | United Kingdom | SWINDON | THE ENVIRONMENT BANK LIMITED | environmentbank.com | HB-BROKER | An innovative business model, systems and services for market-based habitat banking in Europe | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
941 | United Kingdom | Sussex | Touriocity Limited | www.touriocity.com | IMPACT | Integrated Mobile Platform for Activity Commoditisation in the Travel market (IMPACT) | 17.06.2015 | SME business model innovation |
942 | United Kingdom | Worth | Linkko Partners Limited | www.linkko.net | JobCity | JobCity: addressing global youth unemployment by revolutionising psychometrics to enable Multiple Mass Psychometric Testing (MMPT) through online gamification | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
943 | United Kingdom | Peterborough | Solar Polar | www.solar-polar.co.uk | LCSAC | Low cost solar absorption cooling | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
944 | United Kingdom | Aberdeen | INNOVO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION LTD | www.innovoteam.com | MODULAR INNODRIVE | MODULAR INNODRIVE Powered Reel Drive in maritime environment | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
945 | United Kingdom | Welford on Avon | gasfill Limited | www.gasfill.com | NGV - PRA | Affordable Personal Refuelling Appliance (PRA) for Natural Gas Vehicles using oil-free coaxial compression | 17.06.2015 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
946 | United Kingdom | Sandycroft | Refgas Limited | www.refgas-uk.com | RENEGAS | RENewable AdvancEd GAsification FeedstockS | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
947 | United Kingdom | Cambridgeshire | Delfland Nurseries Limited | www.delfland.co.uk/ | ROBOTGRAFT | An integrated high throughput robot and a new multi-rootstock grafting technology to improve plant/crop yield | 17.06.2015 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
948 | United Kingdom | Chepstow | ZoneArt Networks Ltd. | www.zoneartnetworks.com | SWAPOUT | Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting | 17.06.2015 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
949 | United Kingdom | Bath | Stablepharma Ltd | www.stablepharma.com | StableVax | Commercialisation of a world changing invention for the stabilisation and delivery of vaccines | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
950 | United Kingdom | Harwell Campus | Adaptix | www.adaptiximaging.com | Tomo-FPS | Tomosynthesis is a low-dose alternate to has CT already transformed Breast Imaging, our vision is to reduce the costs, further enhance sensitivity and reduce dose, and transform portability. | 17.06.2015 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
951 | United Kingdom | London | NewEnergy21 | www.bluenergyusa.com/ | URBAVENTO | An innovative, small footprint, vertical axis wind turbine for decentralized energy-production designed for urban areas, which is cheap to maintain and ensures energy production even at low wind speed | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
952 | United Kingdom | Edinburgh, | Enviko | www.enviko.com/ | URBAVENTO | An innovative, small footprint, vertical axis wind turbine for decentralized energy-production designed for urban areas, which is cheap to maintain and ensures energy production even at low wind speed | 17.06.2015 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
953 | United Kingdom | Aldershot | PipeHawk PLC | www.pipehawk.com | e-Safe | Novel low-cost ground penetrating radar system for safe, simple and swift detection of all utilities piping and cabling located underground | 17.06.2015 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
ID | Country | City | Beneficiary | Website | Long name | Call Deadline Date | Topic |
1 | Austria | Graz | Cryoshelter GmbH | www.cryoshelter.com | Bringing a new LNG-tank technology to industrial readyness | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
2 | Austria | SEIBERSDORF | RHP | www.rhp-technology.com | Development of a Machine for Multi-Material Manufacturing | 2014-12 | Space |
3 | Belgium | ZAVENTEM | SPACEAPPS | www.spaceapplications.com | ICE Cubes Service - International Commercial Experiment Cubes Service | 2014-10 | Space |
4 | Denmark | CHARLOTTENLUND | DANISH POWER SYSTEM APS | www.daposy.com | High Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
5 | Denmark | Herning | H2 Logic | www.h2logic.com | HyFast - Fast hydrogen fueling and long range for fuel cell vehicles | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
6 | Denmark | Horsholm | Steeper Energy ApS | www.steeperenergy.com | Resource and Cost Effective Conversion of Biomass to HydrocarbonTM Oil | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
7 | Denmark | NAKSKOV | FPP | www.floatingpowerplant.com | Market maturation of Floating Power Plant’s Floating Wind- Wave- Energy Device | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
8 | Denmark | Skive | KM | www.kmrustfri.dk | Low-energy leak-proof double seat control valve based on a water hydraulic actuator system | 2014-10 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
9 | Denmark | Soeborg | Amminex | www.amminex.net | Clean Air - Reduce Vehicle Emissions | 2015-03 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
10 | Denmark | Tjele | Agrifarm | www.agrifarm.dk | Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. | 2014-12 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
11 | Estonia | Tallinn | Lingvist | lingvist.io | Lingvist - the next generation language-learning software | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
12 | Estonia | Tallinn | ANF Development OU | www.nafen.eu | Nano-particle based enhancement of composite and thermoplastic materials | 2015-03 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
13 | Estonia | Tallinn | Sentab Estonia OÜ | www.sentab.com | SENTAB: Combatting Senior Loneliness through Fun and Entertaining Technology | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
14 | Estonia | Tartu | BioatlasOÜ | www.bioatlas.com | Prototyping 'intime' - a NINAAT-based self testing platform to detect infectious diseases | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
15 | Finland | Espoo | Supponor Oy | www.supponor.com | Accelerating innovative augmented reality broadcast applications through new industrial camera design | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
16 | Finland | Espoo | ICEYE Oy | www.iceye.fi | Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. | 2015-03 | Space |
17 | Finland | Espoo | Kiosked Oy | www.kiosked.com | Transforming digital in-content advertising to deliver global scale | 2015-03 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
18 | Finland | Helsinki | AlphaSense Oy | www.alpha-sense.com | AlphaSense Market Penetration and European market Development | 2015-03 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
19 | Finland | Helsinki | Netcycler Oy | www.swap.com | Swap.com On-line department store for Massive Amount of Pre-owned Items | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
20 | Finland | HELSINKI | Ductor Oy | www.ductor.com | A demonstration plant of enhanced biogas production with Add-On technology | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
21 | Finland | HELSINKI | ZENROBOTICS OY | www.zenrobotics.com | Robotic Recycling Revolution | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
22 | Finland | Kaarina | MetGen | www.metgen.com | Advanced Process Economics through Oxidoreductases | 2014-10 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
23 | Finland | TURKU | GASERA | www.gasera.fi | High sensitivity multi-gas handheld gas analysis technology | 2015-03 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
24 | Finland | Vuorela | Hydroline | www.hydroline.fi | Intelligent Hydraulic Systems Enabling Service Business in Heavy Transport | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
25 | France | BIDART | ROBOSOFT Driverless Solutions | Automation and INtelligence solutions for Automated Road trAnsport systems | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
26 | France | CHANTEPIE | MENSIA | www.mensiatech.com | Personalized medical device for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD based on EEG biomarkers and Neurofeedback Training | 2015-03 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
27 | France | Conflans Sainte Honorine | Muses | www.mooville-by-muses.com | New Electric Vehicle Chassis-Cab 10-14 for urban logistic | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
28 | France | Huningue | Amoneta Diagnostics | Validation of a fast and simple peripheral blood diagnostic biomarker kit for Alzheimer’s disease | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices | |
29 | France | Malemort | PRANA | www.prana-rd.com | DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry | 2014-10 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
30 | France | MEYREUIL | First Light Imaging | http://firstlight.fr | The world’s fastest low noise infrared camera: Optic camera infrared | 2014-12 | Space |
31 | France | MUSSIDAN | INOVFRUIT | www.inovfruit.com | DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry | 2014-10 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
32 | France | Nantes | TCLAND EXPRESSION SA | www.tcland-expression.com | RABIOPRED - Clinical validation of BIOmarker assay to PREDict treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
33 | France | Nice | FREEWAY | www.freeway.fr | FREEWAY : safely and effortless commute in an urban environment | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
34 | France | Oullins | FPC INGENIERIE | www.fp-conseil.fr | CYPRES the ICS and SCADA security companion | 2015-03 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures |
35 | France | Paris | Adways | www.adways.com | Automatic creation of interactive video to double video advertising revenues whilst decreasing inconvenience for viewers | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
36 | France | Paris | Multiposting | www.multiposting-group.com | JET - Job market and Employment Transparency | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
37 | France | Paris | PayPlug | www.payplug.fr | Next generation online payments and fraud detection API for European SMEs | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
38 | France | Paris | Commerce Guys | www.commerceguys.com | Platform Universal Self Hosting, a hybrid-cloud Platform as a Service reducing web application development cost by 40% for SMEs | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
39 | France | Paris | Natural Grass | www.naturalgrass.fr | Innovative solutions to scale-up urban green surfaces across Europe | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
40 | France | Poisssy | EP Tender | www.eptender.com | An innovative range extending service for Electric Vehicles (EV), based on a modular range extender, available for on demand rental, and attached occasionally to the EV for long distance trips | 2015-03 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
41 | France | SANCHEVILLE | PHENIX | Novel Devulcanization Machine for Industrial and Tyre Rubber Recycling | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
42 | France | VEYNES | NetCeler SAS | www.netceler.com | CYPRES the ICS and SCADA security companion | 2015-03 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures |
43 | France | Villeneuve d'Ascq | MC2-Technologies | Synthetic aPerture Interferometric raDiometer for sEcurity in cRitical infraStructures | 2014-12 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” | |
44 | Germany | Beerfelden-Olfen | Industrialpartners GmbH | www.industrialpartners.de | TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
45 | Germany | Berlin | CONSULTECH | www.consultech.de | Validation of blood-brain-barrier permeability as a glioma biomarker by means of the radiotracer 99mTc-tetrofosmin and single-photon emission computer tomography | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
46 | Germany | Berlin | Arxes | www.arxes-tolina.de | Whole Life Rail Axle Assessment and Improvement Using Ultrasonic Phased array and Corrosion Inspection Systems | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
47 | Germany | Berlin | ParkTAG | www.parktag.mobi | SOUTHPARK - SOcial and Universal Technology for searcHing local PARKing space | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
48 | Germany | BERLIN | VIS | PHOtonic Transmitters for Optical Networks and Interconnects in energy-efficient datacentres, supercomputers and homes based on VCSELs | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
49 | Germany | BERLIN | EPIGENOMICS | www.epigenomics.com | Validation of a Lung Cancer Plasma Reflex Test Using Epigenetic Biomarker for Cancer Detection | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
50 | Germany | BRANDENBURG | BTD | www.diatek.de | Whole Life Rail Axle Assessment and Improvement Using Ultrasonic Phased array and Corrosion Inspection Systems | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
51 | Germany | Braunschweig | PADO Elementebau GmbH | www.pado-elementebau.de | Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
52 | Germany | Dresden | Novihum Technology GmbH | www.novihum.de | A Sustainable Soil Solution: Scaling up Novihum, an innovation to convert bad soil into better, make brown coal clean and barren land green, and profitably advance food security in Europe and beyond | 2015-03 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
53 | Germany | FREISING | PETAFUEL | www.petaFuel.de | VIMpay- an one-size-fits-all mobile based solution for cashless payment for Europe | 2015-03 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
54 | Germany | Gladbeck | Powder Light Metals GmbH | Improvements for a cost-effective volume production of advanced aluminum | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
55 | Germany | Hennigsdorf | SphingoTec | www.sphingotec.de | Bioactive AdrenoMedullin is a Novel Outstanding Marker to Predict and Prevent Septic Shock | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
56 | Germany | Leipzig | SelfD Technologie GmbH | www.facebook.com/selfdiagnostics.eu | Prototyping 'intime' - a NINAAT-based self testing platform to detect infectious diseases | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
57 | Germany | Leipzig | C-LECTA GMBH | www.c-LEcta.com | Plug and play enzymes for an accelerated uptake of Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry | 2014-12 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
58 | Germany | München | medx | medx 2020 | Visual Reasoning Support for Healthcare Professionals | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
59 | Germany | München | Siqens GmbH | www.siqens.de | High Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
60 | Germany | PEINE | FRICKE UND MALLAH MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY GMBH | www.microwaveheating.net | A highly efficient intelligent industrial microwave heating system based on high power solid state technology | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
61 | Germany | Stockstadt | apsec | www.apsec.de | Cyber-Security Visualization and CAD-Tool for the Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructures | 2014-12 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
62 | Germany | STUTTGART | BVB INNOVATE | www.bvb-innovate.de | Mobile Energy System for recharging, energy buffering and long-distance travelling | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
63 | Greece | ATHINA | PROACTINA | www.proactina.gr | Validation of blood-brain-barrier permeability as a glioma biomarker by means of the radiotracer 99mTc-tetrofosmin and single-photon emission computer tomography | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
64 | Greece | THESSALONIKI | Draxis | www.draxis.gr | Development of an Intelligent Onshore Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
65 | Hungary | Budapest | EU Edge Ltd. | www.euedge.com | Augmented reality aerial navigation for a safer and more effective aviation | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
66 | Hungary | Budapest | HUNGARO LUX LIGHT KFT | www.hungarolux.hu | Increasing the efficiency of LED street lighting by 15% via optical design | 2015-03 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
67 | Hungary | Budapest | FALCON-VISION ZRt. | www.falcon-vision.com | Quality and Production Control with Integrated Machine Vision | 2014-10 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
68 | Hungary | Budapest | BaseWalk Kft. | www.basewalk.com | Time Task management solution for SMEs to Improve Focus and Maximize Work Efficiency | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
69 | Hungary | Budapest | Zöldségcentrum Kereskedelmi, Termeltetö és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság | www.zoldsegcentrum.hu | Sustainable agricultural eco-system: business and technological solution for eco-conscious vegetable cultivation using on-site produced algae fertilizer | 2014-12 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
70 | Hungary | BUDAPEST | SLOT | www.slotconsulting.hu | Situation-Aware Mobile Platform for Airport Collaborative Decision-Making | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
71 | Hungary | BUDAPEST | QuantisLabs Kft. | Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
72 | Hungary | Szeged | Multisense Laboratory Ltd. | www.multisenselabor.com | Sustainable agricultural eco-system: business and technological solution for eco-conscious vegetable cultivation using on-site produced algae fertilizer | 2014-12 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
73 | Hungary | Szentendre | NUAGE Kft | www.nuage.hu | Time Task management solution for SMEs to Improve Focus and Maximize Work Efficiency | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
74 | Ireland | Cork | Radisens Diagnostics Limited | www.radisens.com | Moving to Efficient Diabetes care: Multimode Integrated CO-morbidity diagnostics platform | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
75 | Ireland | Dublin | Biosensia Limited | www.biosensia.com | ADvanced Validation of A Novel TB Active disease diagnostic to address Global unmet needs: a European consortium approach | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
76 | Ireland | Dublin | Reflective Measurement Systems | www.reflective-systems.com | The validation, certification and industrial testing of advanced road marking retro reflectance (RL) measuring equipment (RetroTek-M) for the global market. | 2015-03 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
77 | Ireland | Dublin | Exergyn | www.exergyn.com | THE EXERGYN DRIVE™ – AN ENGINE THAT RUNS ON HOT WATER | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
78 | Ireland | DUBLIN | SIGMOID | www.sigmoidpharma.com | Scale-up of an Advanced Manufacturing process to produce a Pharmaceutical product Application (SAMPA). | 2014-10 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
79 | Ireland | REDCROSS | INNOPHARMA | www.innopharmalabs.com | Development and Commercialisation of a Self-Guided Fluidised Bed Granulation Solution | 2014-10 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
80 | Israel | Bnei Dror | GILI OCEAN TECHNOLOGY LTD | Open Ocean Fish farms | 2015-03 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth | |
81 | Israel | Givatayim | GridON Ltd. | www.gridon.com | Upgrading a commercially-available Fault Current Limiter to a more cost-effective device for enabling additional capacity and improving energy efficiency, by limiting destructive fault currents | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
82 | Israel | Givat Shmuel | Dyadic | www.dyadicsec.com | Dyadic Secures The Breach | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
83 | Israel | Hod Hasharon | ACE Applied Cognitive Engineering Ltd. | www.intelligym.com | Brain Performance Enhancement Revolution - Advanced Cognitive Training System for Football Players | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
84 | Israel | LOD | NIC | www.nicast.com | Personalized Wound Dressings Based on Nanofiber Mats | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
85 | Israel | Tel Aviv | SelfSafe ltd | www.off-la.com | The e-wallet Fraud Detection | 2015-03 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
86 | Israel | Tel Aviv | PowerPlug | www.powerplugltd.com | Cloud Energy management solution for Office It equipment and Smart devices | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
87 | Israel | TIRAT CARMEL | MEMED | www.me-med.com | Clinical validation of host biomarker signature for distinguishing bacterial versus viral lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in adults at the point-of-need | 2015-03 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
88 | Italy | ANGRI | ATP s.r.l. | www.atp-pultrusion.com | Development of a new technology for production of Skeletons in composite materials for realization of pre-cast tunnel segments. | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
89 | Italy | BADIA A SETTIMO | CSO | www.csoitalia.it | An innovative double technologies medical device for corneal diseases. | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
90 | Italy | Brescia | Zinco | WWW.ZINCOSERVICE.IT | Intelligent Hot Dip Galvanizing furnace for better energy use, low environmental impact and extended kettle lifespan | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
91 | Italy | COMO | COELUX SRL | Industrialisation of the CoeLux(VR) product line, through upscaling of the nanodispersion production process, and optimisation of the production chain | 2014-10 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs | |
92 | Italy | Conselve (PD) | Società Agricola Serenissima | Design of an agricultural greenhouse for intensive growing of microalgae in fresh / sea water with a syngas production plant and organic farming of chickens and pigs outdoors | 2015-03 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing | |
93 | Italy | Formello | Solergy Italia Società a responsabilità limitata con unico socio | www.solergyinc.com | COGEM CPV - An innovative Ceramic Heatsprider within HCPV (High Concentration Photovoltaic) Technology | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
94 | Italy | Genova | STAM SRL | www.stamtech.com | First European System for Active Debris Removal with Nets | 2014-10 | Space |
95 | Italy | Jesi | BM | www.bimind.it | Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
96 | Italy | Jesi | DPGx | www.diatechpharmacogenetics.com | Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
97 | Italy | Lurate Caccivio | ALEPH | www.alephteam.com | Large Format Textile Printing | 2015-03 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
98 | Italy | Milano | Lualdi | www.lualdi.com | Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
99 | Italy | ONORE | ML ENGRAVING SRL | www.mlengraving.com | INnovative laser machine For INdustrial engravIng and 3d TExturing | 2015-03 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
100 | Italy | PEDRENGO | DS4 | www.ds4.it | INnovative laser machine For INdustrial engravIng and 3d TExturing | 2015-03 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
101 | Italy | Pordenone | GL | www.geneticlab.it | Lung cancEr fusiOn geNes: a new dIagnostic Device | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
102 | Italy | San Maurizio d'Opaglio | Cimberio S.p.A. | www.cimberio.it | Smart interoperable electronic active valve, control eco-system and service to achieve superior building efficiency and user awareness | 2015-03 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
103 | Italy | TREZZANO ROSA | GIMECO | www.gimeco.it | Intelligent Hot Dip Galvanizing furnace for better energy use, low environmental impact and extended kettle lifespan | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
104 | Italy | Varedo | Mobiltech | www.mobiltech.it | Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans | 2015-03 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
105 | Luxembourg | DIFFERDANGE | DRD | Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
106 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Pontis Engineering bv | www.pontis-engineering.com | Integrated Roof Wind Energy System | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
107 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Agendia NV | www.agendia.com | Improved breast cancer care by innovative diagnostic test MammaPrint | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
108 | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Self-Screen | www.self-screen.nl | Validation of PreCursor-M for enhanced Cervical (Pre)Cancer detection | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
109 | Netherlands | AMSTERDAM | BOX | www.Cargo-box.com | Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
110 | Netherlands | BILTHOVEN | XPAND BIOTECHNOLOGY BV | www.xpand-biotech.com | Growing bone fast and cost-effective | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
111 | Netherlands | DEN HAAG | AMPYX POWER BV | Commercial introduction of the first Airborne Wind Energy system: Renewable energy at costs below fully depreciated coal fired power plants | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
112 | Netherlands | Deventer | Vadac B.V. | www.vadac.com | Cost-effective Combined Heat and Power generator for camping vans | 2015-03 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
113 | Netherlands | Deventer | LEAP | www.leapdevelopment.nl | Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
114 | Netherlands | Eindhoven | Withlocals | www.withlocals.com | the European Community IN PERSON: connecting people and cultures through home dining | 2015-03 | SME business model innovation |
115 | Netherlands | Eindhoven | IBIS Power | www.ibispower.eu | Integrated Roof Wind Energy System | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
116 | Netherlands | Enschede | OPTISENSE | Protecting citizens against intentional drinking water contamination with a water quality firewall | 2014-10 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” | |
117 | Netherlands | Hattem | MilkWays Holding BV | www.milkways.com | Demonstration of an Innovative concept for high quality Transport of Perishable Agro Food Liquids inducing a Modal shift to Short Sea and River transport | 2015-03 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
118 | Netherlands | Joure | Trilobes | www.trilobes.com | Demonstration of an Innovative concept for high quality Transport of Perishable Agro Food Liquids inducing a Modal shift to Short Sea and River transport | 2015-03 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
119 | Netherlands | Maastricht | ptTheragnostic | www.pttheragnostic.com | Radiomics of lung cancer (RAIL): non-invasive stratification of tumour heterogeneity for personalised cancer therapy | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
120 | Netherlands | Maastricht | FABPulous B.V. | www.fabpulous.com | Validation of a point-of-care H-FABP test for a rapid exclusion of Acute Myocardial Infarction in patients with cardiac complaints. | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
121 | Netherlands | NOORDWIJK | METASENSING BV | www.metasensing.com | A Mile Of Runway | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
122 | Netherlands | rotterdam | solynta | www.solynta.com | HISPOB- High Speed Potato Breeding: securing healthy food for the future | 2014-10 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
123 | Netherlands | ROTTERDAM | DVLS | www.davinci-ls.com | Chemical sniffer device for multi-mode analysis of threat compounds | 2014-12 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
124 | Netherlands | Soest | SelFly | www.selfly.nl | A Mile Of Runway | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
125 | Netherlands | The Hague | eVision | www.evision-software.com | Predictive Vision _x000D_Saving lives in dangerous working environments with Predictive Risk Management software | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
126 | Norway | KRISTIANSAND | PW | www.polewall.com | Disruptive Free Space Optics solution for small cell backhaul | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
127 | Norway | Lysaker | WTS | www.wavetrain.no | Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
128 | Poland | Słupsk | OptiNav | www.optinav.pl | First European System for Active Debris Removal with Nets | 2014-10 | Space |
129 | Poland | Stargard Szczecinski | Hydroline Poland Sp. Zo. o. | Intelligent Hydraulic Systems Enabling Service Business in Heavy Transport | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport | |
130 | Poland | Warszawa | NEEL | www.neel.com.pl | Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
131 | Poland | WARSZAWA | SKA | www.ska-polska.pl | First European System for Active Debris Removal with Nets | 2014-10 | Space |
132 | Portugal | Aveiro | SWORD Health | www.swordhealth.com | Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
133 | Slovenia | AJDOVSCINA | PIPISTREL | www.pipistrel.si | WATTsUP Electric flight to future | 2015-03 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
134 | Slovenia | Ljubljana | Vending Marketing d.o.o. | www.vendingmarketing.si | Demonstration and optimisation of a highly innovative beverage cooling system that will deliver up to_x000D_90% energy savings | 2015-03 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
135 | Slovenia | Ljubljana | Silvaprodukt | www.silvaprodukt.si | WINdow based on THERmally modified wood with high performance WAX coating | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
136 | Slovenia | Luce | MELU | www.mizarstvo-selisnik.si/ | Cost competitive eco-friendly and acoustic wooden doors for indoor applications | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
137 | Slovenia | POLJANE NAD SKOFJO LOKO | POLYCOM SK | www.polycom.si | Development of Polymer Halter for Oil Filters | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
138 | Slovenia | Žiri | M SORA d.d. | www.m-sora.si | WINdow based on THERmally modified wood with high performance WAX coating | 2014-10 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
139 | Spain | ABANTO | LANCOR | www.lancor.es | Cost effective wind turbine of 40 kW of rated capacity | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
140 | Spain | AJALVIR | HORMESA | www.hormesa.com | Fluidised Bed Heat Treatment Furnace for HPDC engine blocks and other transport components offering new opportunities for lightweight, cost competitiveness and energy saving | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
141 | Spain | Alcazar de San Juan | Productos Agrovin, S.A. | www.agrovin.com | Eco-innovative maceration system based on LFHP ULTRAsound technology for WINEmaking | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
142 | Spain | Almacelles | GESCASER SA | www.gescaser.com | Multi-Parameter Monitoring and Control System for Grain Silo Plants (CTC+) | 2015-03 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
143 | Spain | Armilla-Granada | HITA TECHNOLOGY PLASTIC | www.htp-systems.com | Universal and compatible system for plumbing and heating | 2014-10 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
144 | Spain | Avila | ONYX | www.onyxsolar.com | NEW GENERATION OF BIPV-GLASS WITH ADVANCED INTEGRATION PROPERTIES | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
145 | Spain | Barcelona | M2M CLOUD FACTORY, S.L | www.m2mcloudfactory.com | Telemetry and Telecontrol for the Internet of things (IoT) | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
146 | Spain | Boecillo | SEDET | www.sedet.eu | ACES: Air Cargo Explosive Screener | 2014-12 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
147 | Spain | CASTALLA | ENAIR ENERGY | www.enair.es | Cost effective wind turbine of 40 kW of rated capacity | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
148 | Spain | Cheste | Fede | www.fedepulverizadores.com | Healthy Crop, Healthy Environment, Healthy Finances | 2014-12 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
149 | Spain | DONOSTIA SAN SEBASTIAN | NEOS | www.neosurgery.com | ANNULUS CLOSURE EXPANDABLE DEVICE BASED ON SHAPE-MEMORY MATERIALS AND MEDICAL TEXTILES: SCALE-UP TO PRODUCTION, TESTING AND DEMONSTRATION. | 2015-03 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
150 | Spain | Huesca | OXCTA | www.oxcta.com | INTEGRAL WATER SANITATION SYSTEM | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
151 | Spain | LARDERO | AGROFIELD | www.agrofield.es | Validation and market uptake of a natural disinfection whey-based formula for whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables | 2014-12 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
152 | Spain | Madrid | Bultaco | www.bultaco.es | A modular and compact controller design for light electric vehicles | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
153 | Spain | Madrid | BCB | www.bcb.es | Providing Clarity of Fetus Heartbeat Through Baby Beat Bracelet Measuring Fetal Arterial Pulse Wave | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
154 | Spain | Madrid | Proteccion On-line S.L. | www.prot-on.com | Cloud Protection: Centralized encryption technology for file sharing | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
155 | Spain | Madrid | ESTEYCO S.A.P. | www.esteyco.es | SELF-BOUYANT PRECAST CONCRETE FOUNDATION FOR THE CRANELESS INSTALLATION OF COMPLETE OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES: FULL SCALE OFFSHORE PROTOTYPE | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
156 | Spain | Madrid | GIGIGO | www.gigigo.com | A disruptive innovation in mobile marketing and business intelligence for drastically increasing SMEs competitiveness | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
157 | Spain | MADRID | BSQ SOLAR | www.bsqsolar.com | Recovering Europe´s PHotovoltaics LEadership through high Concentration Technology | 2015-03 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
158 | Spain | Pozuelo de Alarcon | PROALT | www.proteinalternatives.com | Development of a novel blood-based diagnostic test for colorectal cancer | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
159 | Spain | Roquetas de Mar | Kimitec | www.kimitec.es | Innovative biopesticides production: valorisation of endemic plants and green industrial residues | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
160 | Spain | San Sebastian | Farsens | www.farsens.com | Green battery-less Tire Pressure Monitoring System | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
161 | Spain | SAN SEBASTIAN GUIPUZCOA | Graphenea | www.graphenea.com | Graphene Oxide for advanced polymers APPlication | 2015-03 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
162 | Spain | SANT BOI DE LLOBREGAT | PROMAUT | www.promaut.com | Automatic Rail Safety Solution | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
163 | Spain | SANT CUGAT DEL VALLES | FRACTUS | www.fractus.com | Virtual AntennaTM Technology: the Next Generation Antenna for Wireless Devices | 2014-12 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
164 | Spain | Tres Cantos | KDPOF | www.kdpof.com | Rapid Data Communication Network for Connected Cars | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
165 | Spain | VALENCIA | PHOTONIC SENSORS AND ALGORITHMS | 3 Dimensional Light sEnsing for Advanced Portable Devices | 2015-03 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) | |
166 | Spain | VILAFANT | EODISS SYSTEMS SL | www.eodiss.com | DEMOnStrators of micro waves efficiency for agrifood industry | 2014-10 | Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing |
167 | Spain | Vilanova i la Geltrú | INFANTIUM | www.infantium.com | Adaptive learning platform for personalized children education crossing cognitive and biometric inputs | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
168 | Spain | ZAMUDIO | BIOLAN | www.biolanmb.com | ENZYMATIC SO2 BIOSENSOR FOR RAPID FOOD SAFETY MONITORING | 2015-03 | SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability |
169 | Spain | Zaragoza | EUROGAN, S.L. | WWW.EUROGAN.COM | Swine-farm revolution | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
170 | Spain | ZARAGOZA | ALPHASIP | www.alphasip.es | PNEUMOSIP | 2015-03 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
171 | Sweden | Gothenburg | ThunderMaps AB | www.thundermaps.com | ThunderMaps HomeHub | 2015-03 | Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs |
172 | Sweden | Kista | Mantex | www.mantex.se | Quality determination of solid biofuels in real time | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
173 | Sweden | KISTA | APP | www.appearnetworks.com | Situation-Aware Mobile Platform for Airport Collaborative Decision-Making | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
174 | Sweden | LUND | IMMUNOVIA AB | www.immunovia.se | Clinical validation of a serum protein biomarker signature for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
175 | Sweden | Malmö | Airec AB | www.airec.com | HEALEX – High Efficiency Air Liquid Heat Exchanger_x000D_An innovative, new heat exchanger that improves energy efficiency in cooling and ventilation systems | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
176 | Sweden | MOLNDAL | ARCAM AB | www.arcam.com | High-quality, high-speed EBM 3D printing by the integration of high-performance electron sources | 2014-10 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
177 | Sweden | Stockholm | Foreseeti AB | www.foreseeti.com | Cyber-Security Visualization and CAD-Tool for the Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructures | 2014-12 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
178 | Sweden | Stockholm | Doremir | www.doremir.com | Automatic music transcription of polyphonic audio | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
179 | Sweden | Stockholm | Cinnober | www.cinnober.com | TRADExpress Client Clearing | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
180 | Sweden | Stockholm | Volumental AB | www.volumental.com | Volumental - The Cloud-Delivered 3D Scanning Service Supporting A Future Of Mass Customization | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
181 | Sweden | UPPSALA | BIOVICA | biovica.com | Clinical validation of the DiviTum assay in two high profile clinical studies in Europe | 2015-03 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
182 | Turkey | DEMIRTAS BURSA | Floteks | www.floteks.com.tr | Development of a reliable quality control system using advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) technologies for the production environment of leak-free fuel tanks from plastics and composites | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
183 | Turkey | Eskisehir | HISBIM BILGI VE ILETISIM TEKNOLOJILERI | www.hisbim.com.tr | TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
184 | Turkey | MASLAK ISTANBUL | PROMATECH | www.promatech.com.tr | Cloud based Vessel Allocation Decision Support System for Vessel Chartering | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
185 | United Kingdom | ABERDEEN | CYTO | www.cytosystems.com | bLadder cAncer URine cEll aNalysis | 2014-12 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
186 | United Kingdom | Atherstone | Biotec Ltd | www.biotecltd.co.uk | iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
187 | United Kingdom | Bristol | Ultrahaptics Limited | www.ultrahaptics.com | Universal mid-air haptic feedback | 2015-03 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
188 | United Kingdom | Cambridge | ProteinLogic Limited | www.proteinlogic.com | ADvanced Validation of A Novel TB Active disease diagnostic to address Global unmet needs: a European consortium approach | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
189 | United Kingdom | CAMBRIDGE | ENSYGNIA LTD | www.ensygnia.com | Ensygnia Onescan Market Disruptive Technology | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
190 | United Kingdom | Chesterfield | Altek Europe Limited | www.altek-al.com | Efficient Aluminium Salt cake Recycling Technology | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
191 | United Kingdom | Chesterfield | Applied Inspection | www.appliedinspection.co.uk | Whole Life Rail Axle Assessment and Improvement Using Ultrasonic Phased array and Corrosion Inspection Systems | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
192 | United Kingdom | DROITWICH | IPURTECH LTD. | www.ipurtech.com | iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
193 | United Kingdom | Edinburgh | Calcivis Limited | www.calcivis.com | Validation of clinical performance and pre-commercial development of a novel diagnostic for dental caries assessment | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
194 | United Kingdom | Grange-over-Sands | EYE | www.eyedpro.com | Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers | 2014-10 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
195 | United Kingdom | HODDESDON | Speakerbus Technology Limited | www.speakerbus.com | TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
196 | United Kingdom | Hove | AMS | www.advancedmecsystems.com | Development of an Intelligent Onshore Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System | 2014-12 | Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs |
197 | United Kingdom | ILKESTON | SKYMARK PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | www.skymark.co.uk | Manufacture and commercialization of high quality recycled polyolefin films using an innovative continuous extrusion recycling process assisted by sc-CO2 for printed plastic waste | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
198 | United Kingdom | Ledbury | Phasor Solutions Limited | www.phasorsolutions.com | The World's first cost effective, electronically steerable, digital, low profile, phased array antenna to enable high speed satellite communications on the move | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
199 | United Kingdom | Liverpool | Q-Tec | www.q-technologies.co.uk/Q_Technologies/Home.html | Chemical sniffer device for multi-mode analysis of threat compounds | 2014-12 | Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures” |
200 | United Kingdom | London | Hybrid Air Vehicles Limited | www.hybridairvehicles.com | Airlander Civil Exploitation Project | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
201 | United Kingdom | London | Loritus | www.loritus.com | Up-scaling, demonstration and first market application of Loritus’ patented hydrothermal carbonisation as an eco-efficient and cost-effective organic waste processing technology | 2015-03 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
202 | United Kingdom | London | Ixaris Systems Limited | www.ixaris.com | Open Payments Eco-system | 2014-10 | Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument) |
203 | United Kingdom | MALVERN | THE SMART ACTUATOR COMPANY | www.smartact.co.uk | Scaling of midsized, patented, low energy, light weight, highly efficient actuator to meet the demands of smaller and larger scale applications | 2015-03 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
204 | United Kingdom | NORTHAMPTON | MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY LTD | www.microwavetechnology.co.uk | A highly efficient intelligent industrial microwave heating system based on high power solid state technology | 2014-10 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
205 | United Kingdom | Sevenoaks | Sime Diagnostics Limited | www.simediagnostics.co.uk | Development of a digital diagnostics rapid Lung Maturity Test (LMT) for premature infants, to assist neonatologists in the diagnosis of Respiratory Distress Syndrome at birth | 2014-10 | Clinical research for the validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices |
206 | United Kingdom | Sheffield | Cutting and Wear | www.cwuk.com | Development of a Novel, Intelligent Down the Hole Disconnect Tool | 2014-10 | Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth |
207 | United Kingdom | Sheffield | EMSc | www.ems-uk.org | Powerstar Virtual Power Station (PVPS) solution - Powerstar Virtue | 2014-12 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system |
208 | United Kingdom | SILEBY | HRS | www.intellicone.co.uk | Optimisation, demonstration and implementation of an all-encompassing smart site management system for infrastructure construction and maintenance. | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
209 | United Kingdom | SOUTHAMPTON | PERPETUUM LIMITED | www.perpetuum.com | Rail track monitoring system - Wireless Autonomous On-Board System measuring vibration with continuous reporting to reduce maintenance costs and enhance reliability and safety. | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
210 | United Kingdom | Staffordshire | Plasbrun Plastics Engineering Ltd | www.plasbrunplasticsengineering.co.uk | iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
211 | United Kingdom | Stoke-on-Trent | John Pointon & Sons Ltd | www.pointon.co.uk | iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids | 2014-12 | Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials |
212 | United Kingdom | Tonbridge, Kent | Envirocool | Demonstration and optimisation of a highly innovative beverage cooling system that will deliver up to_x000D_90% energy savings | 2015-03 | Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system | |
213 | United Kingdom | West Sussex | AVT | www.avtura.com | Situation-Aware Mobile Platform for Airport Collaborative Decision-Making | 2014-12 | Small business innovation research for Transport |
Phase 1 | | Phase 2 | | |
Country | Anzahl der Projekte | Country | Anzahl der Projekte | |
Austria | 20 | Austria | 2 | |
Belgium | 13 | Belgium | 1 | |
Bulgaria | 2 | Bulgaria | ||
Croatioa | 2 | Croatioa | ||
Cyprus | 2 | Cyprus | ||
Czech Republic | 4 | Czech Republic | ||
Denmark | 30 | Denmark | 7 | |
Estonia | 21 | Estonia | 4 | |
Finland | 29 | Finland | 10 | |
France | 47 | France | 19 | |
Germany | 67 | Germany | 19 | |
Greece | 9 | Greece | 2 | |
Hungary | 17 | Hungary | 9 | |
Iceland | 4 | Iceland | ||
Ireland | 25 | Ireland | 6 | |
Israel | 18 | Israel | 8 | |
Italy | 168 | Italy | 17 | |
Latvia | 3 | Latvia | ||
Lithuania | 6 | Lithuania | ||
Luxembourg | 2 | Luxembourg | 1 | |
Malta | 1 | Malta | ||
Netherlands | 40 | Netherlands | 20 | |
Norway | 16 | Norway | 2 | |
Poland | 16 | Poland | 4 | |
Portugal | 17 | Portugal | 1 | |
Serbia | 2 | Serbia | ||
Slovakia | 2 | Slovakia | ||
Slovenia | 16 | Slovenia | 6 | |
Spain | 190 | Spain | 31 | |
Sweden | 38 | Sweden | 11 | |
Turkey | 6 | Turkey | 3 | |
United Kingdom | 120 | United Kingdom | 29 | |
Summe Phase 1 | 953 | Summe Phase 2 | 212 |
Stop Orwell 2020, veröffentlicht am 21.09.2015
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