Anyone who wants change should participate in March for Our Lives Trump No 38: Wir konnten in unserem Terminkalender nur auf einige wenige der landesweiten Demos hinweisen, die gestern in den USA Hundertausende gegen Waffengewalt auf die Straße gebracht haben. Allein in Washington zogen über 500.000 vor allem junge Menschen durch die Straßen und vor das Kongressgebäude.
Landesweit forderten die Demonstranten ein Eindämmen insbesondere der von der übermächtigen NRA verursachten Waffenschwemme. Alle wiesen die absurde Idee des Präsidenten zurück, künftig auch die Lehrer zu bewaffnen und zu trainieren.
Hier ein paar erste Simmen aus den USA:
We must reduce gun violence and end mass shootings in our communities before one more life is lost. Today - here in Georgia and across the country - teachers, students and their families took to the streets to demand that their lives and their safety become a priority.
We cannot sit idly by while schools become places of fear. We will not be silent while the NRA's voice grows louder and more influential, all at the expense of children's lives. Gun violence impacts every school and community in the country. This afternoon, I was proud to participate in the #MarchForOurLives rally in Dahlonega, Georgia.
Stacy Abrams, Dahlonega, Georgia
Today, thousands of young people are taking to the streets in a March for Our Lives. Yet, Trump and the NRA's answer to their demands for safety is to put more guns and police in schools.
Following the announcement of Trump's plan to arm teachers and school staff, bills have been popping up in state legislatures across the country. And in Florida, this dangerous plan has become law with SB7026, which allows for teachers and school staff to be armed as well as increase funding for police in schools. We need to act fast to demand that bills like this don't get passed in other states and that schools can be safe for Black children--with no guns and no police.
Just a week ago, a school officer in Virginia accidentally fired his gun in a Middle School. Fortunately, no one was hurt but this is yet another example of the dangers of having guns in schools, no matter who is holding them.
Teachers with guns?
No, that's not a horror film title--it's Trump's and the NRA's deadly answer to school shootings, and we can't let it happen. More guns in our schools won't make them safer--especially for Black children who are already criminalized and violated inside and outside of schools. At a young age, Black students are heavily policed by the presence of police officers, metal detectors in school buildings, and a system of punitive discipline that funnels them through the school-prison pipeline.
Black students already face violent discipline in schools--with Black students as young as four years old being more likely to be hit by their teachers than white students. This violence against Black children in school is normalized, we saw this in 2015 when a video went viral of a white police officer in South Carolina body slamming a 15-year old Black girl who was sitting at her desk, and dragging her across the classroom floor. Despite this violent video, captured on three cell phones, showing that the officer was clearly in the wrong the Justice Department deemed that there was not enough evidence to charge the officer with any criminal civil rights violations. We would see this type of violence happen time and time again if teachers were armed.
Teachers are some of the most hardworking people and carry a huge responsibility every day to educate our youth, often with limited funding, support, and resources. Instead of arming teachers with guns they should be armed with more resources and funding. Many teachers have already spoken out against this plan to arm them, saying that their "desires are not being reflected in the tone-deaf suggestions being made by lawmakers as a solution to America’s gun problem..asking us to now carry the burden of having the responsibility to kill is irreparably damaging, even if we never have to discharge our weapon.” Just two weeks ago at a high school in Dalton, Georgia a social studies teacher fired shots in the classroom. Fortunately, no students were injured but this just reinforces the lack of safety that happens when teachers are armed.
Scott, Rashad, Arisha, Clarise, Kristen, Anay, Marena, and the rest of the Color Of Change team
Wir wünschen den Demonstranten einen langen Atem, denn wir erwarten vom aktuellen Präsidenten keinen Sinneswandel. Das angekündigte Verbot "automatischer Zusatzgeräte zu halbautomatischen Waffen" ist weniger als der Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.
Mehr dazu bei https://marchforourlives.com/press/
und https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/03/19/march-our-lives-101-what-expect-your-first-protest/438040002/
und https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/events/2169-20180324.htm
Kommentar: RE: 20180325 March for Our Lives
Dr. Rainer,
Yesterday, Stacey Abrams stood with Georgia students and teachers to demand action on guns:
"I am the only person running for governor of Georgia who has consistently failed every NRA test, and I will continue to fail the NRA's tests. Because I know that if we want our children to learn, they can't be afraid for their lives. If we want our children to take ownership of their future, they have to know that they have a future. And if our children have to call us in on a Saturday morning to march for their lives, there's no other place I'd rather be than right here, right now, speaking up for them, knowing that this is the right thing to do."
We need bold leaders like Stacey Abrams to keep our communities safe from gun violence.
Lauren Groh-Wargo, 26.03.2018 00:45
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/2TR Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/6414-20180325-march-for-our-lives.html Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/6414-20180325-march-for-our-lives.html Tags: #SchuleohneMilitär #Waffenindustrie #Waffenlobby #NRA #Werbung #USA #Demos #Aufrüstung #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln Erstellt: 2018-03-25 10:27:09
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