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Gedenken an die Opfer von ITT und CIA in Chile
Wie verlogen sich die bundesdeutsche Außenpolitk zu dem Anschlag auf die Demokratie verhielt zeigt der Film bei youtube: Chile - Militärputsch 1973 und deutsche Außenpolitik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeDU5k2Pq5k Der Terror war auch kein "Übergangs-Phänomen" von einigen Monaten, während der ganzen 16 Jahre andauernden Diktatur Pinochets waren die Menschen der Willkür seiner Soldateska ausgesetzt und dies blieb auch danach ohne Aufarbeitung, ein Beispiel: On July 2, 1986, 18 year old Carmen Gloria Quintana was walking through a Santiago slum when she and photographer Rodrigo Rojas were confronted by government security forces. According to eyewitnesses, the two were set ablaze by soldiers and beaten while they burned. Their bodies were then wrapped in blankets and dumped in a ditch miles away. Witnesses who spoke out about what they saw were beaten and arrested. Such events are not unusual since "Captain General" Augusto Pinochet seized power from democratically elected President Salvador Allende in 1973, and buried Chile's 150 year old democracy. "Democracy is the breeding ground of communism," says Pinochet. The bloody coup, in which Allende was assassinated, was carefully managed by the CIA and ITT, according to the Church Committee report. Tens of thousands of Chileans have been tortured, killed, and exiled since then, according to Amnesty Intemational. A U.S. congressional delegation was told by inmates at San Miguel Prison that they had been tortured by "the application of electric shock, simultaneous blows to the ears, cigarette burns, and simulated executions by firing squads." Despite Chile's bad human rights record, the U.S. government continued to support Pinochet with international loans. Even the state-sponsored car-bomb assassination of Chile's former Ambassador to the U.S., Orlando Letelier, did not convince the U.S. to break with Pinochet. Chileans called for his removal in a 1988 election, but he clung to the presidency until 1990, and remains the commander of Chile's army. Erna on facebook Alle Artikel zu
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/2k5 Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/4513-20140911-chiles-9-11-vor-41-jahren.html Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/4513-20140911-chiles-9-11-vor-41-jahren.html Tags: #Militaer #Chile #Putsch #ITT #CIA #Folter #Drohnen #Aufruestung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln Erstellt: 2014-09-11 08:32:34 Aufrufe: 1761 Kommentar abgeben |
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