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09.07.2009 Door-to-Door Inspections in den Niederlanden

09.07.2009: Door-to-Door Inspections in den Niederlanden

Auch im Real Life nimmt die Kontrolle des Staates zu. Die  city of The Hague untersucht Wohnungen "in a number of neighborhoods".   DieBegründung ist:  Since the 15th of April the The Hague Residence Brigade is active in three The Hague power neighborhoods: Transvaal, Stationsbuurt/Rivierenbuurt and Schilderswijk.

The The Hague Residence Brigade (the former “catch-up enforcement”) targets, among other things, over-population, mariuana plantations and social benefit fraud. By tackling these problems, the city intends to create safer and more livable neighborhoods.

The Brigade also checks whether occupants are registered with the municipality and traces social benefit fraud. For this purpose a team has been formed from many different municipal services which cooperates with the police, fire brigade, tax authorities and the local energy company. This integrated approach allows for the effective handling of a wide variety of problems. ... und zeigt, dass auch eine Reihe von Datenbanken für die Vorbereitung dieser Aktionen abgeglichen wurden.

Das Ankündigungsschreiben sieht dann so aus:

Subject: Inspection regarding occupancy relating to The Hague Residence Brigade

In The Hague, we want pleasant and safe neighborhoods. For this reason, we are inspecting all homes in your neighborhood. For each address, we will see if the rules and regulations are met.

On Thursday the 25h of June between 13:00 and 14:00 your residence will be visited again by a team of the “The Hague Residence Brigade” led by the City Planning Office. We will verify the state of the building, (fire) safety and the actual use of the residence.

All rooms of the residence are subject to this inspection. The cooperation of all residents is therefore a necessity.

We’d like to point out that this is not a voluntary inspection. You are obliged to cooperate. If you refuse to cooperate , we’d like to point out that we are legally entitled to enter the premises with a legal warrant and without the cooperation of the owner and/or occupant(s).

If an illegal situation is found during the investigation, you will receive notice about further proceedings as soon as possible.

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Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/410-20090709-door-to-door-inspections-in-den-niederlanden.html
Tags: #Door-to-DoodInspection #Niederlanden #Kontrolle #Datenabgleich
Erstellt: 2009-07-09 07:01:43
Aufrufe: 2994

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