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freedomnotfear2009 - Template Letters

Template Letters


Letter to Sponsors/Supporters

Dear …,

On 12 September 2009, human and civil rights organizations from all over the world are planning protests in their capitals.

This world-wide campaign seeks to raise awareness for the need of greater freedom and democracy in Europe. We organize a protest against the security and intelligence apparatus of states, which contravene human rights by means of surveillance, data retention and biometric databases.

The retention of citizen’s electronic communication violates fundamental human rights, such as the right to privacy. It prevents confidential communication between priests and confessors, journalists and their sources, doctors and their patients, lawyers and their clients.

And it does not increase the success of criminal investigations.

Instead it can be used to reveal political, business, and private communication and thus endangers the work of political, direct aid as well as refugee support groups.

We kindly ask you to support this major European protest by sending the call for action to your members and other like-minded organizations. We are very thankful for organizational, logistic and financial support, which is still needed in many countries!

* Our common goal is to form a broad and sustainable movement for freedom and democracy across the world.*

Our vision is that hundreds of thousands of people stand up for a just society.

The International Call for Action can be found on the internet.[1] (If you would like to participate, you are kindly requested to translate into your language and release it together with a press release, describing your planned actions.)

May we kindly ask you and your national member organizations to sign and support the campaign and its Call for Action.

Please be aware that the whole campaign costs a lot of money; e.g. for Germany we estimate costs of 50.000 Euro. The organizations in the member states are kindly asked to strive for independent funding as money is desperately needed in every country.

We have set up an organizational website, where every country is listed. In some states the contact data of a main organizer are still missing, which simply means that no organization has taken the responsibility of organizing the protest yet. All of you are most welcome to do so.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me, you’ll find my contact data below.

Best regards,
- _Name of Organization_ -

Fon: …
Fax: …
Mobile: …


Feel free to edit this to meet your national requirements – replaceit with information about your organization, your campaign!

Enter some information about your organization or alike here!

[1] International Call for Action:

Please also read the following pages:

The info-page about the campaign is:

The idea and concept:

Kategorie[39]: Demo Freiheit statt Angst 2009 Short-Link dieser Seite:
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/3616-freedomnotfear2009-template-letters.html
Tags: #
Erstellt: 2010-01-01 14:16:15
Aufrufe: 1738

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