- English: The idea is to organize mass protests, arts actions, flashmobs, parties or other real-life activity
- Italiano: L’idea e’ quella di organizzare proteste di massa, arts actions, flashmobs, parties or other real-life activity
- parallely on 12 September 2009 (plus one day before and after)
- in every capital city
The protest is for:
- freedom
- democracy
- free speech
- the right to private spaces
- the right to private communication
- a just society
- a free society
- mass-surveillance
- mass data storage
- mass data retention
- video-surveillance
- erosion of the privacy of communication between
- lawyers and clients
- doctors and patients
- prayers and confessors
- journalists and sources
- erosion of the fence between secret services and police
- fortress europe
- a system of mistrust
Potential allies and cooperation partners are:
- privacy activists groups
- traders/workers unions
- of lawyers
- of journalists
- human rights groups
- civil liberties groups
- churches (christian/jewish/muslim/…)
- every other political group or organization (because political participation needs trustworthy communication)
- you, your family, friends, colleagues!
The aim is to:
- raise media awareness
- raise public awareness
- raise political awareness
- make clear that we are many
- make clear we are everywhere
- change politics
- change the world
- reaching multiplyers
- fishing for more volunteers
Let’s rock! Please refer to the Howto page for more infos on how to participate!
Kategorie[39]: Demo Freiheit statt Angst 2009 Short-Link dieser Seite:
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/3615-freedomnotfear2009.htm
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Erstellt: 2010-01-01 14:13:56 Aufrufe: 1822
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