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freedomnotfear2009 - Main Page

Freedom Not Fear 2009




International Action Day


“Freedom Not Fear 2009 – Stop the surveillance-mania”


On 12. September 2009 we call for the 2nd International Action Day in as many capital cities as possible around the world to demonstrate against the total retention of telecommunication data and other instruments of surveillance. We would like to recall the remembrance of the historical achievement of civil rights and liberties as a heritage of the age of enlightenment and to support the trust in security in our free society.


The International Action Day “Freedom Not Fear 2009″ is organized by organizations in several countries.

The goal is to organize protest marches or arts actions or lectures or flashmobs… in as many countries as possible at the very same day on 12. September 2009.

Please click on the tiny flags at the top of the page to get information about the actions planned in your country. You can also find an overview about all coutries/national contacts and other data here.

Your country is not listed or the page is still empty? That means, that nobody has taken responsibility for the protest in your country, so it is an opportunity for YOU do do so!

Here is a help page for you! The concept can be found here. Or please get in contact with us, we will provide you with further informations and will help you with organizing the protest in your country! If you want to get in contact with groups in your country, please click on your country-flag to find who is organizing the International Action Day there. If you can’t find contact data the, please use this comment form. Thank you!


Temporary (in 2009) coordinating contact:


Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V.
D-12057 Berlin

Mail: contact[at]freedomnotfear2009[dot]org  (not more working)

Kategorie[39]: Demo Freiheit statt Angst 2009 Short-Link dieser Seite:
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/3613-freedomnotfear2009-main-page.html
Tags: #FreedomNotFear #2009 #InternationalActionDay #MainPage #surveillance
Erstellt: 2010-01-01 14:10:26
Aufrufe: 1836

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