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11.10.2011 Aktion gegen Internetsperren

URGENT! Your help needed now!

In Großbritannien werden die Regeln für Internetsperren (website blocking clauses) im Digital Economy Act im Parlament noch einmal diskutiert. Es ist dringend notwendig die Abgeordenten zu einem anderen Abstimmungsverhalten zu drängen. Deshalb geben wir hier den Aufruf der Open Rights Group wieder und fordern dazu auf aktiv zu werden:

Dear Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V.,

Fantastic news: Julian Huppert MP has tabled amendments to the Freedom Bill to repeal the website blocking clauses of the Digital Economy Act.

These amendments will be debated late this afternoon, and we need as many sympathetic MPs to be there as possible!

Please phone your MP on 020 7219 3000 today, and ask for ’s office, then tell them that:

  • There is an important debate today to repeal section 17-18 of the Digital Economy Act's and its dangerous website blocking powers through the Freedom Bill. Julian Huppert has tabled these amendments.
  • The Digital Economy Act is a rushed mess. The powers are too broad and badly thought out. Even Ofcom says they aren't practical to implement.
  • Under the Act, sites would not need to infringe copyright - just be suspected that they will in the future. And even if a site removes all infringing content, then blocks may not be removed.
  • New website blocking powers are not needed, as there are already powers in the Copyright Act (section 97a) to block sites that are proven, through the courts, to be infringing copyright.
  • If you know your MP is sympathetic, and signed EDM 1913 asking for human rights to be respected on the Internet, then remind them how important this debate is.

This is a very important, simple action you can take to fight for your digital rights - please help us today!

Thank you,
Jim Killock
Executive Director, Open Rights Group

PS If you or your MP wants to know more, then read read this briefing:

PPS There have been dangerous suggestions this morning about inducing adults to live behind Internet censorware, in the guise of “child protection”. The devil is in the detail: read our blog for more details.

Kategorie[24]: Zensur & Informationsfreiheit Short-Link dieser Seite:
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/2417-20111011-aktion-gegen-internetsperren.html
Tags: #Aktivitaet #Internetsperren #Grossbritannien #OpenRightsGroup #Netzneutralitaet
Erstellt: 2011-10-11 09:35:10
Aufrufe: 6577

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