gegen permanente Überwachung! Unschuldsvermutung bewahren!
against permanent surveillance! preserve presumption of innocence! (Achtung: dies ist eine Kopie der Webseite Stop Orwell 2020, die demnächst abgeschaltet wird. Wir halten hier eine Kopie der Seiten.)
Überblick über die FP7 Forschungsprogramme mit dem Schwerpunkt "Sicherheit" Die Struktur aus Sicht der EU 
Der Finanzrahmen Zusammenarbeit - Budget: 9,050 Mrd €: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
- Budget: 6,100 Mrd €: Gesundheit
- Budget: 4,160 Mrd €: Transport (inkl. Aeronautik)
- Budget: 3,475 Mrd €: Nanowissenschaften, Nanotechnologien, Materialien und neue Produktionstechniken
- Budget: 2,350 Mrd €: Energie
- Budget: 1,935 Mrd €: Nahrungsmittel-, Fischerei- und Agrar-, Biotechnologie
- Budget: 1,890 Mrd €: Umwelt (inkl. Klimawandel)
- Budget: 1,430 Mrd €: Weltraum
- Budget: 1,400 Mrd €: Sicherheit
- Budget: 0,623 Mrd €: Sozioökonomische Wissenschaften und Geisteswissenschaften (Humanities)
Das Gesamtvolumen "Zusammenarbeit" beträgt 32,413 Mrd. Euro.
Ideen - Budget: 7,510 Mrd €: Ideen
Menschen - Budget: 4,750 Mrd €: Menschen
Kapazitäten - Budget: 1,715 Mrd €: Forschungsinfrastrukturen
- Budget: 1,336 Mrd €: Forschung zugunsten KMU
- Budget: 0,126 Mrd €: Wissenschaftsorientierte Regionen
- Budget: 0,340 Mrd €: Forschungspotenzial
- Budget: 0,330 Mrd €: Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft
- Budget: 0,070 Mrd €: Kohärenzentwicklung gemeinsamer Forschungspolitik
- Budget: 0,180 Mrd €: Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Das Gesamtvolumen "Kapazitäten" beträgt 4,097 Mrd €.
Gemeinsame Forschungsstelle (JRC) - Budget: 1,751 Mrd €: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/jrc/home_en.html
Euratom - Budget: 2,571 Mrd €: Euratom
Das vollumfängliche Finanzierungsvolumen von FP7 exklusive Euroatom beträgt 50,521 Mrd €.
alle Angaben in Milliarden (US = Billion)
Die Projektphasen – "Sicherheit" Erste Projektphase Mai 2009 – die ersten Forschungen. Manche Projekte laufen bereits nach 2 Jahren aus, manche erst nach 3 Jahren, nicht alle Projekte laufen bis zum Jahr 2013.:
(a) ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/security/docs/towards-a-more-secure_en.pdf
Zweite Projektphase: September 2010 – hier sind Folgeprojekte hinzugekommen. Optisch ist die Broschüre verändert worden, und inhaltlich durch die neuen Projekte ergänzt worden.:
(b) ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/security/docs/securityresearch_catalogue2010_2_en.pdf
Dritte Projektphase In dieser Phase wurden alle abgeschlossene und noch laufenden Projekte neu geordnet, und wieder neue hinzugefügt. Die Broschüre (Katalog) ist diesmal in mehrere Themenbereiche Unterteilt.
(c) SR catalogue – Security of the citizens
(d) SR catalogue – Security of infrastructures and utilities
(e) SR catalogue – Intelligent surveillance and border security.pdf
(f) SR catalogue – Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
(g) SR catalogue – Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability.pdf
(h) SR catalogue – Security and society
(j) SR catalogue – Security Research coordination and structuring
Überblick über offizielle Projekte aus dem Bereich "Sicherheit" aus FP7 Insgesamt handelt es sich um Einhundertzweiundzwanzig Einzelprojekte, die in den o.g. offiziellen Broschüren erwähnt worden sind. Eine genauere Bewertung nach bestimmten Kriterien, aller Projekte, steht aus. In dieser Liste möchten wir lediglich die Vielzahl der unterschiedlichen Projekte darstellen.
A - (f) A4A – Alert for All [Eine Vernetzung der Alarmierung. Ein weitreichendes und angepasstes Alarmsystem und Kommunikationskonzept, das ermöglicht, Alarme weiterzuleiten und effektiver zu erfassen. -regional sowie außereuropäisch.]
- (f) ACRIMAS – Aftermath Crisis Management System-of-systems Demonstration – Phase I
- (a)-(d) ADABTS
- (h) ADDPRIV – Automatic Data relevancy Discrimination for a PRIVacy-sensitive video surveillance [Eine gezielte Steuerung der Kameraüberwachung:
"ADDPRIV aims to find a balance between security needs and citizens’ privacy through limiting the collection and storage of unnecessary data. This will pave the way towards an approach to video surveillance where the respect of human rights will be central."]
- (d)-(e) AMASS – Autonomous maritime surveillance system = Autonomes maritimes Überwachungssystem [Flüchtlingsboote und VTCS, automatische Überwachung gegen illegale Immigration]
- (f) AntiBotABE – Isolation of recombinant antibodies neutralizing botulinum toxins A,B,E
- (d) ARENA – Architecture for the recognition of threats to mobile assets using networks of multiple affordable sensors
- (e) ARGUS 3D – AiR GUidance and Surveillance 3D [Überwachung und Kontrolle 3D des Luftraums von niedrig fliegende Objekte; Datenvergleich verschiedener Sensoren, Entscheidungshilfe beim kooperative und nicht-kooperative Flugzeuge, Präsentation in der echten Umwelt und Evaluierung in einer simulierten Umwelt]
B - (a)-(h) BeSeCu – Human behaviour in crisis situations: a cross-cultural investigation in order to tailor security-related communication [Menschliches Verhalten in Krisensituationen, Steuerung von Massen, auch Demonstrationen oder ähnliches]
- (d) BASYLIS – moBile, Autonomous and affordable SYstem to increase security in Large unpredIctable environmentS
- (b)-(c) BIO-Protect – Ionisation-based detector of airborne bio-agents, viruses and toxins for fast-alert and identification
- (b)-(f) BOOSTER – Bio-dosimetric tools for triage to responders [Strahlenschutzmessung]
- (f) BRIDGE – Bridging resources and agencies in large-scale emergency management [großflächiger Notfall-Alarm und der Bewältigung dessen, Naturkatastrophen]
C - (c) CAPER – Collaborative information, Acquisition, Processing, Exploitation and Reporting for the prevention of organised crime [Arbeitet auf Basis von Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Auswertung von Infos aus Massenmedien, Internet und mehr]
- (e) CASSANDRA – Common assessment and analysis of risk in global supply chains [globale Versorgungssicherheit, baut auf Vorprojekte auf]
- (a)-(h) CAST – Comparative assessment of security-centered training curricula for first responders on disaster management in the EU [Naturkatastrophen und weiteres]
- (b)-(c) CBRNEmap – Road-mapping study of CBRNE demonstrator [ABC-Schutz bezeichnet man den Schutz vor Atomaren, Biologischen und Chemischen Gefahren bzw. ABC-Waffen, beispielsweise direkt durch ABC-Schutzmasken, Schutzräume und Bunkeranlagen, aber auch weiter gefasst durch Abspüren gefährdeter und Abgrenzen kontaminierter Bereiche.]
- (a)-(c) COCAE – Cooperation across Europe for Cd(Zn)Te based security [Systeme zur Erfassung radioaktiver Stgrahlung]
- (c) CommonSense – Development of a Common Sensor Platform for the Detection of IED “Bomb Factories” [Gebäudeschutz - Gas, Wasser]
- (h) COMPOSITE – Comparative Police Studies in the EU [EU-weite Vernetzung der Polizei]
- (c) CONPHIRMER – Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals Interception using Radiofrequency Methods in Realtime [Medikamentensicherheit, kann von Unternehmen gezielt genutzt werden
- (a)-(f) COPE – Common operational picture exploitation
- (d) COPRA – Comprehensive European Approach to the Protection of Civil Aviation [zivile Flugsicherheit]
- (a)-(h) CPSI – Changing perceptions of security and interventions
- (a)-(g) CREATIF – CBRNE related testing and certification facilities – A networking strategy to strengthen cooperation and knowledge exchange within Europe
- (a)-(j) CRESCENDO – Coordination action on risks, evolution of threats and context assessment by an enlarged network for an r&d roadmap
- (a)-(h) CrisComScore – Developing a crisis communication scorecard [Krisenkommunikations-management]
- (b)-(f) CRISIS – Critical incident management training system using an interactive simulation environment [Traininssystem für Kriseninterventionsmanagement]
- (f) CRISYS – Critical Response in Security and Safety Emergencies
- (b)-(c) CUSTOM – Drugs and precursor sensing by complementing low cost multiple techniques
D - (b)-(f) DECOTESSC1 – Demonstration of counterterrorism system- of-systems against CBRNE phase 1
- (a)-(d) DEMASST – Demo for mass transportation security: roadmapping study
- (h) DESSI – Decision Support on Security Investments [fragwürdig]
- (d) DESURBS – Designing safer urban spaces
- (a)-(h) DETECTER – Detection technologies, terrorism, ethics and human rights
- (b)-(c) DIRAC – Rapid screening and identification of illegal drugs by IR absorption spectroscopy and gas chromatography
- (b)-(g) DITSEF – Digital & innovative technologies for security & efficiency of first responder operations
E - (b)-(f) E-SPONDER – A holistic approach towards the first responder of the future
- (a)-(e) EFFISEC – Efficient integrated security checkpoints
- (b)-(d) EMILI – Emergency management in large infrastructures
- (j) ESC – European Security Challenge
- (j) ESCoRTS – European network for the security of control and real-time systems
- (b) f-ESS -Emergency support system
- (a)-(g) EULER – European software defined radio for wireless joint security operations
- (b)-(d) EURACOM – European risk assessment and contingency planning methodologies for interconnected networks
- (a)-(j) EU-SEC II – Coordinating national research programmes and policies on security at major events in Europe
- (a)-(h) EUSECON – A new agenda for european security economics [Neue Agenda für die Sicherheitsökonomie]
F - (b)-(f) FASTID – Fast and efficient international disaster victim identification
- (a)-(h) FESTOS – Foresight of evolving security threats posed by emerging technologies
- (h) FOCUS – Foresight Security Scenarios: Mapping Research to a Comprehensive Approach to Exogenous EU Roles
- (a)-(h) FORESEC – Europe’s evolving security: drivers, trends and scenario
- (a)-(f) FRESP – Advanced first response respiratory protection
G - (a)-(e) GLOBE – Global border environment
H - (c) HEMOLIA – Hybrid Enhanced Money Laundering Intelligence, Investigation, Incrimination and Alerts
- (g) HELP – Enhanced Communications in Emergencies by Creating and Exploiting Synergies in Composite Radio Systems
I - (a)-(d) iDetecT 4ALL- Novel intruder detection and authentication optical sensing technology
- (e) I2C – Integrated system for Interoperable sensors & Information sources for Common abnormal vessel behaviour detection & Collaborative identification of threat
- (f) IDIRA – Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions
- (b)-(e) IMCOSEC – Integrated approach to improve the supply chain for container transport and integrated security simultaneously
- (a)-(f) IMSK – Integrated mobile security kit
- (a)-(c) INDECT – Intelligent information system supporting observation, searching and detection for security of citizens in urban environment
- (b)-(f) INDIGO -Crisis management solutions
- (a)-(h) INEX – Converging and conflicting ethical values in the internal/ external security continuum in Europe
- (a)-(d) INFRA – Innovative & novel first responders applications
- (b)-(d) ISTIMES – Integrated system for transport infrastructure surveillance and monitoring by electromagnetic sensing
L - (b) L4S – Learning for security project
- (b)-(e) LOGSEC – Development of a strategic roadmap towards a large scale demonstration project in European logistics and supply chain security
- (a)-(c) LOTUS – Localisation of Threat Substances in Urban Society
M - (c) MiDAS – The development and validation of a rapid millifluidic DNA analysis system for forensic casework samples
- (d) MOSAIC – Multi-Modal Situation Assessment & Analytics Platform
- (b)-(f) MULTIBIODOSE – Multi-disciplinary biodosimetric tools to manage high scale radiological casualties
- (f) Multisense Chip – The lab-free CBRN detection device for the identification of biological pathogens on nucleic acid and immunological level as lab-on-a-chip system applying multisensor technologies
N - (b)-(d) NI2S3 – Net-centric information & integration services for security systems
- (a)-(j) NMFRDisaster -Identifying the needs of medical first responders in disasters
O - (a)-(c) Odyssey – Strategic pan-european ballistics intelligence platform for combating organised crime and terrorism
- (b)-(e) OPARUS – Open architecture for UAV-based surveillance system
- (a)-(j) OPERAMAR – An interoperable approach to European Union maritime security management
- (f) Opti-Alert – Enhancing the efficiency of alerting systems through personalized, culturally sensitive multi-channel communication
- (a)-(c) OPTIX – Optical technologies for identification of explosives
- (b)-(j) OSMOSIS – Overcoming security market obstacles for SMEs’ involvement in the technological supply chain
P - (b)-(f) PANDORA – Advanced training environment for crisis scenarios
- (e) PERSEUS – Protection of European seas and borders through the intelligent use of surveillance
- (f) PLANTFOODSEC – Plant and food biosecurity
- (f) PRACTICE – Preparedness and Resilience against CBRN Terrorism using Integrated Concepts and Equipment PRACTICE
- (c) PREVAIL – Precursors of explosives: Additives to inhibit their use including liquids
- (d) PROTECTRAIL – The Railway-Industry Partnership for Integrated Security of Rail Transport
R - (b)-(c) RAPTOR – Rapid deployable, gas generator assisted inflatable mobile security kits for ballistic protection of European civilians against crime and terrorist attacks
- (d) RIBS – Resilient Infrastructure And Building Security
S - (a)-(h) SAFE-COMMS – Counter-terrorism crisis communications strategies for recovery and continuity
- (b)-(h) SAFIRE – Scientific approach to finding indicators and responses to radicalisation
- (a)-(d) SAMURAI – Suspicious and abnormal behaviour monitoring using a network of cameras & sensors for situation awareness enhancement
- (c) SALIANT – Selective Antibodies Limited Immuno Assay Novel Technology
- (h) SAPIENT – Supporting fundamentAl rights, PrIvacy and Ethics in surveillaNce Technologies
- (c) SAVEMed – Microstructure secured and self-verifying medicines
- (c) SCIIMS – Strategic Crime and Immigration Information Management System
- (b)-(e) SEABILLA – Sea border surveillance
- (a)-(g) SECRICOM – Seamless communication for crisis
- (a)-(d) SECTRONIC – Security system for maritime infrastructure, ports and coastal zones
- (b)-(j) SecureCHAINS – SecureCHAINS Integration of security technology supply chains and identification of weaknesses and untapped potential
- (d) SECUR-ED – Secured urban transportation – European Demonstration
- (a)-(f) SecurEau – Security and decontamination of drinking water distribution systems following a deliberate contamination
- (a)-(f) SECURENV – Assessment of environmental accidents from a security perspective
- (a)-(j) SEREN – Security Research NCP network – Phase 1
- (j) SEREN2 – SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – Phase 2
- (b)-(d) SeRoN – Security of road transport networks
- (d) SESAME – Securing the European electricity Supply Against Malicious and accidental thrEats
- (a)-(f) SGL for USaR – Second generation locator for urban search and rescue operations
- (h) SIAM – Security Impact Assesment Measures
- (a)-(f) SICMA – Simulation of crisis management activities
- (f) SPIRIT – Safety and Protection of built Infrastructure to Resist Integral Threats
- (h) SMART – Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technologies
- (b)-(d) STAR-TRANS – Strategic risk assessment and contingency planning in interconnected transport networks
- (a)-(j) STRAW – Security technology active watch
- (a)-(d) SUBITO – surveillance of unattended baggage and the identification and tracking of the owner
- (b)-(e) SUPPORT – Security UPgrade for PORTs
T - (a)-(c) TALOS – Transportable autonomous patrol for land border surveillance system
- (b)-(d) TASS – Total airport security system
- (b)-(c) TWOBIAS – Two stage rapid biological surveillance and alarm system for airborne threats
U - (a)-(c) UNCOSS – Underwater coastal sea surveyor
V - (h) ValueSec – Mastering the Value Function of Security Measures
- (g) VIDEOSENSE – Virtual Centre of Excellence for Ethically-guided and Privacy-respecting Video Analytics in Security
- (b)-(e) VIRTUOSO – Versatile information toolkit for end-users oriented open sources exploitation
- (d) VITRUV – Vulnerability Identification Tools for Resilience Enhancements of Urban Environments
W - (a)-(e) WIMA²S – Wide maritime area airborne surveillance
Insgesamt handelt es sich um Einhundertzweiundzwanzig Einzelprojekte, die in den o.g. offiziellen Broschüren erwähnt worden sind.
Stop Orwell 2020, veröffentlicht am 12.07.2013
Flyer Unser Informationsflyer zum download als PDF. (3 MB, Stand Mai 2013)
Impressum | letzte Aktualisierung: April 2017
Aufrufe: 1027
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