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26.08.2011 GTZ unterstützt seit 20 Jahren Regime in Agypten?

Folgende Stellenanzeige der bundeseigenen Entwicklungshilfegesellschaft "GTZ" ("Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit") ist uns per E-Mail zugegangen.

Gleich aus dem ersten Paragraphen geht hervor, daß das ägyptische Innenministerium seit mehr als 20 Jahren durch die GTZ unterstützt wurde - und zwar unter anderem im Telekommunikationsbereich. In Ägypten wird ausweislich der Menschenrechtsberichte von UN, Amnesty International und anderen seit mehr als 20 Jahren gespitzelt (die Geheimpolizei war mächtig) und gefoltert.

Jetzt wird wieder ein/e neue/r Expert/in gesucht für Überwachungs und Sicherheitssysteme:

Expert for Communication, Video Surveillance and Security System

Country of assignment and location

Saudi Arabien, Riyadh

Project / Field of activity

The Ministry of Interior (MOI) is one of our long standing partners in Saudi Arabia. We provide professional advisory for the ministry for more than twenty years. The focal points of our cooperation are the departments of development projects as well as telecommunications. Our experts work in close cooperation with their counterparts on the premises of the ministry. We would like to support our professional team by an advisor with a technical background as follows:


The expert will be in charge to assist in the design of complex video-IP-solutions with integration of several kinds of sensors. Furthermore he will assist in commissioning security systems and in the preparation and evaluation of risk analyses. Eligible is an expert with additional experience in blast mitigation and detecting lEDs.

Key Responsibilities:

- Has accountability in the evaluation of video solutions, security systems, detection and protection systems, as well as control rooms to specific customer requirements.

- Defines and proposes requirements and identifies the optimal value solution.

- Defines the overall solution and the performance of video elements and security systems in order to accomplish satisfaction of the technical requirements (technical compliance}.

- Identifies, quantifies, and mitigates technical risks associated with the solution and related work packages.

- Determines the Components of the technical solution and the required performance of these Components.

- Ensures the development and approval of the necessary engineering work packages, definition or agreement of the verification and validation methods to be used and identification of the necessary engineering skills required to carry out the work.

- Communication SurveilltiTice Security Expert

- Takes the commitment of related stakeholders regarding the system element design, validation, verification specifications, and qualification, acceptance, and risk plans.

- Where necessary, advises on the use of specialist consultants and modeling & simulation techniques to reduce risk & time-scales.

- Advises on products and potential subcontractors.

- Ensures alignment with the project core team and product safety organizations and respective requirements.

- Preparation of RFP's related to security, surveillance and risk analysis.


- Master in Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, or a related field.

- Strong and long-lasting (at least 5 years) experience in:

> Security systems engineering within large projects.

> Systems engineering of IP based video surveillance systems.

> System engineenng of security, inspection, detection and protection systems.

> Systems engineering methodologies.

- Experience in governmental projects; preferably in the security area.

- Expertise In large scale projects.

- Knowledge of suppliers and their technical capabilities.

- Awareness of competitors' solutions and equipment.

- Strong systems engineering skills.

- Deep knowledge regarding surveillance video surveillance systems.

- Expertise in HW and SW interfacing.

- Advanced MS Office Professional; MS Project; MS operating systems; Linux, Unix, or Ubuntu will be an asset.

- High level of self motivation and capability to solve conflicts.

- Ability to work under pressure.

- Cost sensitiveness and quality sensitiveness.

- Fluent written and spoken English skills are essential. Knowledge of Arabic is an asset, but not necessary.


12 months, with possibility to renew the contract

Application deadline

September 30th, 2011

Quelle: (anscheinend nicht mehr online verfügbar)

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Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/2340-20110826-gtz-unterstuetzt-seit-20-jahren-regime-in-agypten.html
Tags: #GTZ #Ueberwachung #Kooperation #Regime #Aegypten #Folter #Geheimpolizei
Erstellt: 2011-08-26 07:55:41
Aufrufe: 4794

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