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18.05.2011 Germans distrust of the census
Im Blog kritisiert Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. (the registered association Freedom Not Fear) den Census 2011.

The census established by a directive of the European Commission has started in Germany on May 9th. For the household survey, about 10% of all inhabitants will be selected at random and be questioned in a personal interview. A lot of personal data is collected from other databases

Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V. (the registered association Freedom Not Fear) criticizes this procedure

Our doubts:

  • The Federal Constitutional Court has prohibited a central ruling serial number (personal identification number) in the census 1983. Unless a unique serial numme ist used in this census again
  • Unlike 1987, the 2011 census is based on a merging of data collections of different offices, i.e. of the Federal Employment Agency and the residents registration office. The combination of data collected for other purposes in contrary to the (strict) purposes of their collection is against the Federal Data Protection Act.
  • Sensitive personal data will be pooled from various sources without the permission of the owners. The data from registration offices and authorities are thus diverted.
  • This also applies to the combination of the unique serial number with data from the Housing Register.
    The survey is not anonymous because it is possible to draw conclusions on the identity of the respondents as long as these data exist. This can still be the case up to four or six years after the acquisition.
  • Seen from a technical perspective, a central database is created with personal profiles of all persons residing in Germany.
  • Religion, belief, detailed residential environment are sensitive personal data and should not be stored in central databases.
Our demands:
  • Moratorium: We demand the immediate stop of the 2011 census!
  • Data deletion: Already collected data that has been stored or processed should be deleted immediately!
  • Political discourse: We urge the federal government to waive either on the census or to pass a new law that meets the minimum requirements for data>
  • No order number, no individual assignment!
  • No collection of data that goes beyond the requirements of EU directive!
  • No collection of data on religion and belief!
  • No merging of data that was not collected for this purpose!
  • No survey of data from the individual life and living environment!
  • Immediate deletion of all data after the completion of the census and only a statistical analysis of the data!
  • Independent verification of the equipment and the organizational processes through the data protection officers!
  • Abolishing of the duty to answer the questions! There are enough volunteers.

Read more (sorry in German)

Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite:
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/2101-20110518-germans-distrust-of-the-census.html
Tags: #Zensus #census #Volkszaehlung #Datenschutz #Misstrauen #Ueberwachung
Erstellt: 2011-05-18 18:39:23
Aufrufe: 7924

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