14.09.2010: Iris Scanners to Track Illegal Immigrants
Last month, we reported on Global Rainmakers Inc. (GRI), a biometrics R&D firm that's bringing iris scanning technology to Leon, Mexico. GRI aims to make Leon "the most secure city in the world" by dotting the city with scanners and creating an iris database to track all residents.Today, it surfaced that the Department of Homeland Security is planning to test GRI's tech at a border patrol station in Texas, where it will be used to monitor illegal immigrants. iris scanners are becoming more viable thanks to GRI's technology, which can scan up to 50 people per minute, from several feet away, while on-the-go (even running). Before, one had to lean close to a scanner for it work, standing still until the iris was captured. Iris scanners are also far more accurate than other biometrics (fingerprints, voice, etc.).
Mehr dazu bei http://www.fastcompany.com/1688627/homeland-security-department-iris-scanners-track-illegal-immigrants
Alle Artikel zu
- Abschiebung
- Polizei und Geheimdienste
- Europol
- Fluggastdatenbank
- Frontex
- Schengen II
- Persönlichkeitsrecht
- Biometrie
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/1rM
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/1538-20100914-iris-scanner-zur-verfolgung-illegaler-immigranten.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/1538-20100914-iris-scanner-zur-verfolgung-illegaler-immigranten.htm
Tags: #Migration #Abschiebung #Polizei #Geheimdienste #Europol #Fluggastdatenbank #Frontex #Schengen #Persoenlichkeitsrecht #Biometrie
Erstellt: 2010-09-14 06:57:53 Aufrufe: 4338
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