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21.01.2010 Für Aufklärung einer Straftat pro Jahr sind 1000 Kameras notwendig

21.01.2010: Für Aufklärung einer Straftat pro Jahr sind 1000 Kameras notwendig

Für die Aufklärung einer Straftat pro Jahr sind 1000 Überwachungskameras notwendig. Das ist die "Erfolgsrate" von Videoüberwachung. Wegen dieser Investition bleiben hunderte von Stellen für Aufsichtspersonal auf Bahnhöfen und Streifenpolizisten unbesetzt.

It is for these reasons that the Metropolitan Police Force estimates that for every thousand cameras in London, one crime per year is solved - neutral, third-party, balanced information that Pauline naturally ignores.  In a mutually exclusive, finite resources environment, the presence of those thousands of cameras on our streets means the absence of hundreds of actual police officers.

The sense of security gained from CCTV is frequently entirely false.  Cameras often don’t work.   When they do work, they're often not turned on.  When they do work, and are on, they’re often pointing the wrong way during the course of whatever incident is causing concern.  When they’re working, switched on and pointing the right way, footage is often “scrubbed” before an investigator requests it, because storage is expensive.  When the camera is working, switched on, pointing the right way and the footage hasn’t been scrubbed, the quality of the imagery is often so low as to be unusable for investigations and certainly not good enough for court identification purposes.

Efficacy alone is enough to show up the faults of our CCTV network, the biggest in the world.  But there are legitimate privacy concerns.

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Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/1015-20100121-fuer-aufklaerung-einer-straftat-pro-jahr-sind-1000-kameras-notwendig.html
Tags: #Ueberwachungskamera #Videoueberwachung #Erfolg #Statistik #Verbraucherdatenschutz #cctv
Erstellt: 2010-01-21 08:35:06
Aufrufe: 4598

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